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 Message Boards » » HOLY MOTHER OF FALSE FIRE ALARMS Page [1]  
41759 Posts
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Fire alarm goes off at like 3:40am, stops, look around go back to sleep, fire alarm goes off again, stops, fire alarm goes off and keeps going off, check entire house including attic and basement (4am now) no fire, Google false alarms and learn they can be caused by a speck of dust in your smoke detector........ :/

It's an awkward feeling the first few seconds when you wake up from a dead sleep you think your house might be on fire.

In other news there is no way you sleep through an integrated smoke detector system, it is psycho how loud it is.

5/10/2012 12:37:04 PM

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5/10/2012 12:38:49 PM

All American
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A long time ago this happened at apartments I used to live in. Yahoo false alarms and learn that they can be caused by some punk kids from the neighboring complex pulling the alarm.

They should have set up cameras for those punks, did it all the time.

5/10/2012 1:05:48 PM

2190 Posts
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My roommate in college shot the smoke detector with a water gun. Didn't stop going off until it dried out...

5/10/2012 7:08:22 PM

37776 Posts
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When I was in basic training the fire alarm "mysteriously" went off every day at 3am for a week.

5/10/2012 7:14:26 PM

41759 Posts
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Yeah its a little easier to ignore them in a large structure or institution, the odds of it being a false alarm are way higher, and there is a better chance its far from you.

In your house its.

5/10/2012 8:46:47 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Quote :
"Yahoo false alarms"

That must have been a really long time ago.

5/10/2012 9:26:09 PM

5975 Posts
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This exact shit happened in our house. The worst part was it started happening randomly more and more.

We have one of those integrated systems too, and it made me so damn angry because the one that tripped the alarm would only indicate that for 5 or seconds, so unless you were standing under the one that went off when the false alarm happened, you had no clue which one it came from.

We ended up just replacing every single one, because after we went through this elaborate plan to find it, which we did, another one started doing it 6 months later and we said fuck it.

5/10/2012 9:39:38 PM

41759 Posts
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The one that was fucking up was in the master bedroom, it had an orange light on it non of the other ones did.

5/10/2012 10:02:56 PM

5975 Posts
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yeah, ours was stupid. It had a flashing red light on the one that threw the alarm, but it only flashed for a few seconds, even though the alarm went off for 30.

5/10/2012 10:05:13 PM

41759 Posts
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The offender is now in a box in the corner, heres to hoping I replace it before a real fire.

5/10/2012 10:06:59 PM

5975 Posts
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I was ready to smash the thing with a hammer. you know first hand there arent many ways to come down from that 3am fire alarm rush of adrenaline.

5/10/2012 10:14:22 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Had this happen when I was high on mescaline. I almost died.

5/10/2012 10:16:19 PM

All American
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5/10/2012 10:20:09 PM

Sup, B
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I was staying in an extended stay hotel one time that turned out to be way sketchier than I expected. The fire alarm goes off at 4 in the morning, and I seriously contemplated whether it would be better to hope it was a false alarm or take my chances outside.

5/10/2012 10:28:13 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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5/10/2012 10:35:10 PM

All American
6985 Posts
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^^^ That's old school right there.

5/11/2012 6:31:56 AM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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RIP Kev4Pack

5/11/2012 7:47:58 AM

595 Posts
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Had one set off by sawdust from a remodel. Integrated, called the fire department automatically which was awesome. Ended up blowing it out and rubber banding a bag over it.

5/11/2012 10:58:22 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » HOLY MOTHER OF FALSE FIRE ALARMS Page [1]  
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