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All American
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I just got a new bottle of cold-pressed organic argan oil, and am doing a 2-week trial of using it on my face morning and night, and also my hair. I have heard and read only good things about this "miracle oil" and am excited to see what happens. I've used it for a couple days now and my face feels amazing, and a zit/scab (zit first, picked at it into a scab) has definitely been healing faster than I think it normally would.

I have used Agadir Argan oil on my hair (wet, under another product(s)) for 6 months or so, and I do like it but I've read it is not nearly as pure as this stuff and therefore isn't as effective.

do any of you guys use coconut oil (or other oils) for similar topical remedies? since I've gone somewhat paleo/primal I can't stop hearing people rave about coconut oil and the myriad uses for it, but haven't got into it yet.

5/15/2012 12:33:17 PM

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Inb4 someone offers to rub you down with coconut oil

5/15/2012 12:36:42 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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hmmm, freshmonkey just came up with a great business idea

5/15/2012 12:37:25 PM

begonias is my boo
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I used argon oil for about two weeks.
Before that I used baby oil from time to time and it worked great (in retrospect I don't know why I made the switch hehe :p)
I have normal/dry skin an it made me break out really bad:/
I've been using it on my hair and other body parts (hands and lega mostly) and ts great now!

[Edited on May 15, 2012 at 12:38 PM. Reason : ]

5/15/2012 12:37:28 PM

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I love my hair products with argan oil in it (Rusk)

I should probably try it alone too.

5/15/2012 12:38:58 PM

All American
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What I wrote in another thread about OCM.

I've never really had problems with my skin to begin with so I only do it two or three times a week at night. My sister though does it almost every night.

I use 50% castor oil, 25% EVOO, 25% jojoba. I also add a bit of lavender oil to make it smell purdy.

OCM has worked a lot better than anything else I've ever used. You just need patience because you won't see instant results, especially if you're starting out really badly to begin with. I started seeing results about a week after starting.

My sister has always had a lot of breakouts and since doing OCM is clear all the time. She also uses an apple cider vinegar toner and she only wears minimal makeup to keep from breaking out. It's also important when you first start doing OCM that you don't wear makeup, especially shit like foundation. All you're doing is reclogging the pores you worked to unclog. Instead stick to stuff you're not applying to your skin, like lipstick and eyeshadow is even okay. If you start seeing results with OCM and something like the apple cider vinegar toner, you shouldn't need foundation anyway

This is a really good writeup on how to start with OCM:

5/15/2012 12:40:59 PM

All American
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I should mention that I have been really lucky with pretty normal skin, it is only "dry" after I wash it (face and body). I rarely use lotion aside from my face or if I'm going out and want my legs to look nicer. my nose gets a bit oily, but nothing to write home about. I get a few actual zits here and there around my period, but most of my problems as of late have been small bumpies (whiteheads? but not like, the surface kind that immediately pop if you touch them) on my chin and forehead. and clogged pores (blackheads?) on my nose.

I drink a LOT of water which I think contributes to my reasonably good skin, but I've never known "great" skin and I'm curious to see if it's achievable.

unrelated dermatological issue: I went to the derm recently to get a mole check and to also address these long-standing bumps I've had on my cheeks (pretty much along my cheekbone/below my eyes) that turned out to be deeply clogged pores. they are just small (tip of a pencil-sized) flesh-colored raised bumps that don't pop, don't scrub off, and have been there for YEARS. according to her, the only way to get rid of them was to stick them with a pin and then use one of those pore-extractors to remove the sebum/tissue. she said that would get rid of them, but it really didn't. she suggested using retinol treatment for general skin health and to also help with cell turnover, but I feel like she just wanted to sell something. I'm wondering if I should get a second opinion. nobody else would ever notice these bumpies unless I pointed them out, but they bother me. especially when standing under a bright direct light. uugh.

5/15/2012 1:18:26 PM

All American
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It's always worth it to get a second opinion on treatments imo, especially if you have the feeling they're just trying to sell you stuff.

5/15/2012 1:26:12 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Argan oil Page [1]  
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