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68205 Posts
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that is one real dude
i would hate to have to face that man if i was lying about something

6/1/2012 9:43:14 AM

68205 Posts
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shit, after reading settledowns thread
maybe we should write in about thumper

6/1/2012 9:56:25 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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Quote :
"Do not consecutively reply to a topic - If you are within the alloted timespan for editing a message that no one has replied to and you think of something to add, EDIT the message. DO NOT REPLY AGAIN. Constant abuse of this will not be tolerated."

6/1/2012 10:03:33 AM

2953 Posts
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LOL such a clash of cultures on this episode. Dr Phil caught his 2nd L at the end of this youtube video but they cut it off. the full episode isn't online yet

i didn't like how they took this girl from her parents and sent her to foster care.

They will pretend like she won't be able to do drugs and have sex in foster care. you can't control what people do. People will do what they want to do. Its just a matter of sneaking or not and this mothers approach to rehabilitation is actually much more sophisticated than what we do in this country. This mother probably had profound things to say and probably had this girl as happy/stable as she could be.

Another example is heroin needles. Giving out free heroin needles doesn't mean you want people to use but acknowledges the fact that people who want to use are going to use and you'd rather be able to control the safety.

I can't believe Dr. Phil doesn't believe most teens are smoking weed. How naive can you be?

[Edited on December 4, 2017 at 11:41 PM. Reason : parents pretend their teens arent doing things....LOL]

12/4/2017 11:40:23 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Teen weed use has fallen some actually, while rising in other demographics.

[Edited on December 5, 2017 at 12:19 AM. Reason : ]

12/5/2017 12:19:30 AM

2953 Posts
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It says monthly and also its self reported so it indicates future plans. Almost all teens try weed at some point and the ones who don't continue, either don't continue because they don't like it, prefer another drug, or can't afford access.

some choose percocet, codeine, cocaine (rich kids), MDMA over weed. Rural kids are on meth and heroin.

Some choose alcohol instead because society makes them think its "not as bad".

Very few are just avoiding all of this. I'd estimate its about 20%.

True story some high school kids I taught told me a story about how when they were in middle school they all used to bring cough syrup in hydraflasks and sip on it all day for weeks until one kid got caught and said "but everyones doing it" and they didn't believe him even though literally half the class was doing it. They had an assembly about it so everyone just started juuling in the bathroom after that.

[Edited on December 5, 2017 at 1:12 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on December 5, 2017 at 1:12 AM. Reason : koch can't stand him]

12/5/2017 1:11:17 AM

All American
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12/5/2017 2:12:29 AM

2953 Posts
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you know who else went to turnabout ranch?

shits a joke.

[Edited on December 5, 2017 at 2:14 AM. Reason : dr phil is a straight up fraud]

12/5/2017 2:14:00 AM

All American
23067 Posts
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Is there any sort of disclaimer at the beginning or the end of his show that informs the audience that he is not a certified therapist, and that his advice is only for entertainment purposes and shouldn't be taken as clinical advice?

12/5/2017 9:14:56 AM

All American
42557 Posts
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^^ the cash me out girl? i guess that didn't turn out well? but you can't look at just one case. in general how do kids who are sent to the ranch turn out? what's the success ratio? i don't know either, but you have to look at more than one.

^ he has a phd in a clinical psychology... doesn't that mean you can practice as a psychologist?

anyway, he has terrible communication skills, which is ironic for someone with a phd in psychology.

dr oz is a joke too; a snakeoil salesman.

and so are The Doctors a joke... fucking uninformed.

12/5/2017 12:23:35 PM

All American
23067 Posts
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So I stand corrected. After reading Wikipedia, he does have a doctorate. Oh well.

Still seems like a fraud to me.

12/5/2017 1:27:14 PM

2953 Posts
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^^It is a camp in a more ancient part of the world. A camp where teens are thrown to suffer and change. But sometimes a teen rises from the darkness. Sometimes the camp sends something back.

12/6/2017 11:57:17 PM

All American
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^ What an utterly useless human. Sad, sad, very sad

Her pimp (mother) should get the Worst Mother award.

12/7/2017 1:12:19 PM

2953 Posts
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Giving her daughter the opportunity to make money and become famous out of a bad situation? But she did it by saying bad words! What a terrible mother!

12/7/2017 5:40:33 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Dr. Phil Page [1]  
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