6/15/2012 12:47:31 PM
6/15/2012 1:10:34 PM
LOL[Edited on June 15, 2012 at 3:18 PM. Reason : I skimmed over that earlier but I guess I missed that one]
6/15/2012 3:18:12 PM
6/15/2012 3:50:30 PM
thats ridiculous, if it was hermetically sealed, the repub's wouldnt have any problem with it!
6/15/2012 8:41:33 PM
Spaghetti junctionAfter a romantic weekend at a bed and breakfast, Helen's spaghetti junction needed a break.Wut
6/16/2012 8:57:54 AM
lunak have you had a chance to put move sock pictures upthats not really what i wanted to say.put more sock pictures up
6/16/2012 10:03:49 AM