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 Message Boards » » OMG I HAVE SHINGLES INSIDE ME!!! Page [1]  
DJ Lauren
All American
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Why has this commercial aired every 15 minutes lately? Who gets shingles? Why are there commercials all of the sudden for it? Granted (NOT GRANITE), I haven't had cable in over 5 years, so maybe this has been airing for a long time....but the urgency in this commercial makes shingles seem like a hot-off-the-press-Fox-News Breaking news....

What-d-dill? Who's funding these commercials? I thought cancer was the hot health issue? Is cancer just played out? Is Shingles the new wave of disease? I always thought I should be concerned with getting other health issues- but now that shingles is famous....maybe I should forget about my self-diagnosed ADHD? I heard I can't even think about dancing if I have a shingles...

7/17/2012 9:14:08 PM

All American
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I've been thinking the same seems like all of a sudden there is this huge shingles scare going on....

7/17/2012 9:21:48 PM

New Recruit
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7/17/2012 9:36:13 PM

Art Vandelay
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That and flood insurance.

7/17/2012 9:45:12 PM

Sup, B
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i love the flood insurance one. THe gov't makes it illegal for anyone to sell flood insurance and now no one has flood insurance. well, there ya fucking go

7/17/2012 9:46:15 PM

All American
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I was dating a chick once that had shingles. That's my only experience with it. She hid from me for a few days.

But I found her... I always do

7/17/2012 9:48:17 PM

All American
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I first heard about shingles when I was a kid, and Mom had it

the year earlier, I had the chicken pox, so I knew what I was in for

7/17/2012 9:56:16 PM

All American
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There was a significant backlog in the amount of Zostavax (shingles vaccine) available in the US. Recently, this backlog has been eliminated and advertisements were started. It is targeted to adults aged 50 to 60.

Full disclosure, I actually work at a facility that produces this vaccine.

7/17/2012 10:28:01 PM

All American
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Why was I under the impression that if you didn't get chicken pox as a kid it makes shingles worse as an adult?

7/17/2012 10:32:07 PM

17379 Posts
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^You only get shingles by having chicken pox. It's the same virus.

@OP: it's pretty obvious who's funding the commercials. The Merck logo is right there. It's just like any other prescription drug commercial.

[Edited on July 17, 2012 at 10:38 PM. Reason : ]

7/17/2012 10:33:50 PM

All American
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That's what I why was it so important to get chicken pox at a younger age? I think I have been under the wrong impression about chicken pox and shingles almost all my life.

7/17/2012 10:34:47 PM

All American
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The varicella virus causes both chicken pox and shingles. As people age, their immune systems weaken which allows the varicella virus to basically attack your body again. Like all viruses, once you get the virus it stays in your system.

So, if a person had chicken pox as a child then their body has basically already been trained to fight the varicella virus. So generally speaking getting chicken pox as an adult is much worse than getting it as a child. And generally speaking if you did not get chicken pox as a child, your body can't handle it as well if you get shingles later in life.

7/17/2012 10:35:29 PM

All American
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7/17/2012 10:37:18 PM

All American
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i love dj lauren's posts

7/17/2012 10:42:42 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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Wow. This thread has actually served its chit chat...Thanks for the helpful information, everyone.

...and I even got a seemingly genuine compliment to boot.


I've never used the term "to boot" out loud. Putting it in writing just seemed appropriate.

7/17/2012 10:53:07 PM

All American
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can we get armabond back on KNC to school these noobs on what real electronica is?

7/18/2012 12:14:32 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » OMG I HAVE SHINGLES INSIDE ME!!! Page [1]  
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