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 Message Boards » » Airlines and parachutes Page [1]  
All American
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Why is it that airlines offer flotation devices but not parachutes. I would be inclined to fly one airline over another if there was a fucking parachute under my seat.

7/18/2012 12:26:48 PM

All American
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You have to be trained to use a parachute correctly. And it's not a simple training that you can do in the 10-second safety spiel you get before a flight.

7/18/2012 12:31:10 PM

All American
28622 Posts
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also, i think you'd need an oxgygen tank and very warm suit to survive a jump from the height that planes fly at.

7/18/2012 12:33:21 PM

All American
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Plus bailing out of a plane going 675 mph (average cruise speed of a 747) and in an environment where you need bottled oxygen is simply unfeasible.

7/18/2012 12:33:33 PM

All American
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i think that if a plane was plummeting toward the earth, I would take my chances on a parachute rather than hoping i survived. I guess what you are saying is that if they offered the parachute, they would be legally obligated to train you how to use it?

other two: I am not suggesting we jump out of a plane that is at cruising altitude. If the plane was going down though (within jumping range) and it was time to bail, that seems feasible right?

7/18/2012 12:36:38 PM

All American
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how fast would a 747 plummet to earth? what would happen if you opened the plane door while this was happening?

7/18/2012 12:44:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i think that if a plane was plummeting toward the earth, I would take my chances on a parachute rather than hoping i survived. I guess what you are saying is that if they offered the parachute, they would be legally obligated to train you how to use it?


Yes. It would be a liability to provide a customer with a parachute, suggesting that it would actually help them in the event of a crash. Most likely, you'd get choked on your parachute as you plummet through the air.

Also, parachutes are large. Adding a parachute to an airplane would drive up the cost of your plane ticket because the planes would have to be redesigned to create room for the parachutes. And parachutes aren't cheap. More $$$ for no added safety.

7/18/2012 12:49:47 PM

35780 Posts
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This sounds like the plot to Speed 3

7/18/2012 12:50:32 PM

All American
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I imagine you'd barely be able to get out of your seat if a plane was plummeting to earth, let alone put on a parachute and walk over to the exit door.

7/18/2012 12:51:15 PM

All American
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yes, the plane will take off.

7/18/2012 12:51:39 PM

All American
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^^Yes it would be very difficult, and there would not be any walking:

[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 12:57 PM. Reason : ]

7/18/2012 12:53:54 PM

All American
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so maybe plummeting was the wrong wording.

what if it was one of the small prop planes that could control fall speed better?

7/18/2012 12:57:00 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Why don't they make a parachute FOR THE PLANE

7/18/2012 12:59:06 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"This sounds like the plot to Speed 3


7/18/2012 12:59:06 PM

All American
3129 Posts
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so since the airlines won't provide one, now you need to think about how the TSA will treat you if you decide to bring one yourself

7/18/2012 1:00:56 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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Quote :
"Why don't they make a parachute FOR THE PLANE"

my mind is blown. Why don't they do this?

7/18/2012 1:01:11 PM

All American
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Why don't airlines just provide you with a box? That way if the plane is going to crash, you get into the box and jump. Right before you hit the ground, you jump out of the box.

7/18/2012 1:01:43 PM

All American
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Why don't they put swim floaties ON THE WINGS

7/18/2012 1:02:49 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Why don't they make the entire plane out of parachute?

7/18/2012 1:04:16 PM

All American
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"Plummeting" out of the sky is not something planes typically do. Planes are built to fly and that's usually what they do, even during most crashes. The vast majority of crashes are a result of a pretty complicated chain of seemingly minor human and technical errors that build and build until it's too late. Read almost any NTSB crash report and you'll get a good idea of how they typically happen. A lot of the time the crew and especially the passangers dont even know they're about to crash and die. If your plane is somehow "plummeting" out of the sky, you are proper fucked and a parachute isn't going to save you.

[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 1:15 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2012 1:08:50 PM

All American
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Why don't they turn every seat into an ejection seat

7/18/2012 1:09:57 PM

All American
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Read about DB Cooper and you'll have part of the answer.

7/18/2012 1:11:05 PM

All American
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i think cost would be the real reason. the whole "u need training to live!" thing gets you far enough to have little high priced skydiving cliques at the local airport

but as far as dropping out of the sky in a flaming tube goes i imagine an overwhelming percentage of people would take their chances with a wwII style dumb open rig and just put up with their strap on instructor telling them they have to make the right shape with their hand in order to form a correct rudder

[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 1:14 PM. Reason : sa]

7/18/2012 1:13:57 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"Why don't they make a parachute FOR THE PLANE

my mind is blown. Why don't they do this?"


[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 1:27 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2012 1:26:53 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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Quote :
"so since the airlines won't provide one, now you need to think about how the TSA will treat you if you decide to bring one yourself"

Every flight I want to take a 'chute with me. I imagine the TSA would go nuts if I did.

7/18/2012 1:29:35 PM

All American
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Just turn the floor into four breakaway panels with one giant parachute for each section. Plane starts to go down, floor drops out, and parachute opens once safely far enough from plane. Everybody high fives, the row with the drink cart has a toast, and dull people finally have something interesting to post on Facebook.

(no, I'm not dense enough to believe this would happen, but it's a novel idea I thought I'd share.)

7/18/2012 1:36:32 PM

All American
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Just travel in parachute pants

7/18/2012 1:37:16 PM

All American
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^^Structural integrity of the plane for one thing. Also the fact that fuel, electrical components, cargo, etc. is all stored under the cabin. And what about in a situation like the A380, which is a double decker? And yes, the military tested drop down ejection, and it is only currently used for two of the positions on the B-52.

Besides honestly, many crashes you would never have a chance to use anything like a parachute. Accidents too low to the ground or that happen in a split second would give you no chance to prep or put you in even more danger than staying with the plane. In many of those you are probably safer staying with the plane.

[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 1:54 PM. Reason : ]

7/18/2012 1:51:31 PM

35780 Posts
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Quote :
"Just travel in parachute pants"


7/18/2012 2:01:54 PM

All American
3051 Posts
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Quote :
"Why don't they make a parachute FOR THE PLANE"

I think Ernie wins the thread

7/18/2012 2:06:02 PM

All American
27287 Posts
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Parachutes do exist for small planes at least. Single engine Cessnas and stuff can have emergency parachutes installed.

7/18/2012 2:17:28 PM

148864 Posts
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Quote :
"Why don't they turn every seat into an ejection seat"

7/18/2012 3:04:35 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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but isn't peace of mind worth something?

7/19/2012 4:10:05 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Airlines and parachutes Page [1]  
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