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 Message Boards » » The most honest three and a half minutes of TV Page [1]  
16786 Posts
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Beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom explaining why America's Not the Greatest Country Any Longer... But It Can Be.

7/18/2012 2:54:02 PM

114637 Posts
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7/18/2012 2:54:20 PM

tommy wiseau
All American
2624 Posts
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this show sucks

7/18/2012 3:13:36 PM

35780 Posts
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The Oldsroom

7/18/2012 3:15:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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HBO is owned by a corporation and corporations are liars.

7/18/2012 3:19:24 PM

16786 Posts
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You're saying that honest people can't tell a lie and that liars can't be honest

7/18/2012 3:25:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
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7/18/2012 3:26:06 PM

45912 Posts
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Wait, we're not #1? Really? That doesn't sound right. I just bought a new USA #1 sleeveless t-shirt and a USA #1 foam finger. I don't think they'd sell those if we weren't #1. If we're not #1, then what # are we now? #2? Better order a new shirt and finger. Dammit.

7/18/2012 3:27:43 PM

16786 Posts
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^HBO is owned by a corporation and corporations are liars.

USA is #1

7/18/2012 3:30:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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7/18/2012 3:32:22 PM


18617 Posts
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I thought this was gonna be a documentary about the wonders of Bitcoin.

7/18/2012 3:33:29 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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Quote :
"Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe have been influential[citation needed] in defining American generations in their book Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 (1991).[21][22] Their generational theory is frequently cited in books and articles on the subject. Howe and Strauss maintain that they use the term Millennials in place of Generation Y because the members of the generation themselves coined the term, not wanting to be associated with Generation X. Almost a decade later, they followed their large study of the history of American demographics with a book devoted to the new generation, titled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000).[23][24] In both books, William Strauss and Neil Howe use 1983 as the starting birth year of this generation. In later writings, they use 2004 as the last Millennial birth year.[25] They believe that the coming of age of year 2000 high school graduates sharply contrasts with those born before them and after them due to the attention they received from the media and what influenced them politically.[26][27]

According to the authors' 1997 book, The Fourth Turning, modern history repeats itself every four generations; approximately 80–100 years. The authors of the book mention that the four-cycles always come in the same order. The first one, the High cycle, occurs when a new order or human expansion is developed, replacing the older one. The next cycle is called the Awakening. More spiritual than the previous, this is a time of rebellion against the already established order. The third cycle is known as the Unraveling, when elements of individualism and fragmentation take over society, developing a troubled era which leads directly to the Fourth Turning, an era of crisis dominating society during which a redefinition of its very structure, goals, and purposes is established.

Each generation has its archetypes, the four having the following ones defined as: Prophet, Nomad, Hero, and Artist. According to the aforementioned book, Millennials belong to the Hero category, featuring a deep trust in authority and institutions; being somewhat conventional, but still powerful. They grew up during an Unraveling cycle with more protections than the previous generation (Gen X). They are heavily dependent on team work, and thus, when they come of age, turn into the heroic team-working young people of a Crisis. In their middle years, they become the energetic, decisive, and strong leaders of a High cycle; and in old age, they become the criticized powerful elders of an Awakening cycle. Another previous generation that belongs to this category is The Greatest Generation (1916–1924).[28]"

Millennials rule.

7/18/2012 3:34:53 PM

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