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Quote :
"A C+ is considered average on the grading scale but for one California high school student it was well below average, enough so that he filed a lawsuit against both his teacher and school district."

I wish I had thought of this when I took physics

7/27/2012 10:31:24 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28507 Posts
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Throw this kid in jail for filing frivolous lawsuits.

7/27/2012 10:43:06 AM

All American
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Not frivolous, just a bit extreme. Happens quite frequently with retiring teachers.

7/27/2012 10:45:20 AM

45912 Posts
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Meh, read the article... doesn't seem like a bad lawsuit.

Something similar happened to me in H.S. One teacher was an obvious and vocal leftist political hack, who HATED ROTC and anyone it in. So when three other students and I had an upcoming ROTC field trip, we got all of our teachers to sign-off on the absence... except him. He refused to sign it and said we'd receive 0s for all assignments that day. A quick trip to the principal and the form was signed by him and our grades were "reviewed" at the end of the year to ensure no shenanigans had taken place.

[Edited on July 27, 2012 at 10:49 AM. Reason : /]

7/27/2012 10:45:39 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I'll admit, I didn't read the article before posting. After reading it, they should have stopped after getting his grade changed to a damn b.

A c+ in sophomore chemistry isn't going to ” destroy his chances” of getting into the college of his choice, or a scholarship either. Filing all these lawsuits sure as hell will, though.

7/27/2012 10:57:41 AM

All American
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I hope he gets a big enough judgment from the school district to scare other school districts from allowing that sort of bullshit to keep hard-working students like Bowen from being arbitrarily denied consideration from colleges and scholarships that they would otherwise qualify for.

7/27/2012 10:59:30 AM

45912 Posts
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^^It could surely affect him negatively. Destroy his college dreams? Likely no, but aside from their reasoning, it's the principle of it - this kid shouldn't be punished when he informed the teacher in advance of his absence, was excused, and was given a make-up date.

7/27/2012 11:04:44 AM

114 Posts
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From what I understand, college admission is extremely competitive in California. Granted, a B probably won't tank any student's chances, but we don't know the kid's specific situation. Still, this seems more like a lawsuit based on frustration and anger. I'm sure the money spent on the lawsuit would go a long way toward paying for any potential scholarship. If anything, the kid and his parents are just pissed off, and if their story is true, I'd be pissed off.

7/27/2012 11:05:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Bethards, according to the suit, had to miss class to attend the adoption hearing for his younger sister and so informed Carlock of his absence ahead of time. The two agreed upon a make-up date but when Bethards showed up on the agreed-upon date, he says, Carlock said he could not make up the lab and was instead, "going to fail him," according to court documents.

"My son was denied his rights and they stole his grade from him," Laureen Bethards told "He had a 106 percent and he always went to class and he missed that one class and he was entitled to make up that missed lab and they didn't let him.""

Quote :
"He hopes to attend either UCLA or UC-San Diego to study pre-med."

That's messed up. Sue away.

Quote :
"I'll admit, I didn't read the article before posting. After reading it, they should have stopped after getting his grade changed to a damn b.

A c+ in sophomore chemistry isn't going to ” destroy his chances” of getting into the college of his choice, or a scholarship either. Filing all these lawsuits sure as hell will, though."

Sure it's not going to ruin his chances of going to any college, but if he wants to get into UCLA he's going to want to maintain that ~4.0 GPA.

Quote :
"The current 2007 freshman class's GPA ranges -- on a 4.0 scale
% of applicants that were accepted to UCLA :
91% admitted had GPA of 3.75 or higher
6% admitted had GPA of 3.5 to 3.74
1% admitted had GPA of 3.25 to 3.49
1% admitted had GPA of 3.0 to 3.24
1% admitted had GPA of 2.5 to 2.99"

7/27/2012 11:15:07 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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even if he wins, it'll be a Pyrrhic victory. you know that's going to be at the top of google results on his name for years to come, and employers will perceive the event as "this guy will sue if he doesn't get his way"

7/27/2012 11:18:23 AM

13089 Posts
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He's making a sacrifice for the greater good. I cannot tell you how many students from my high school had GPA's way higher than mine because teachers loved them, or were friends with their parents.(ignore the fact that I didn't give a fuck at the time) Those same students also failed out of college so....Bowen Bethards proceed to fuck your school system.

7/27/2012 11:23:54 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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^^ which is the same thing any committee awarding scholarships will do. The kid already successfully got his grade changed to a b, which won't hurt his college chances a damn bit. Making national news out of it is only hurting himself.

He could spend this time and money volunteering and helping the poor, that would help his college/scholarship odds much, much more than getting a b changed to an a.

7/27/2012 11:37:39 AM

Thots and Prayers
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yup, sometimes in life you get wronged, and you move the fuck on rather than going through extreme lengths to "make it right."

7/27/2012 11:39:49 AM

13089 Posts
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Only pussies take it laying down.

7/27/2012 11:41:11 AM

All American
10165 Posts
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I agree with him for fighting it, but this

Quote :
"suffered severe physical and emotional suffering"


I suppose it's just standard lawsuit-talk, but still...

7/27/2012 12:30:41 PM

All American
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There's two sides plus reality. I bet the kid and teacher are both insufferable douches.

But if his grades were so important why did he have to go to his sister's adoption hearing? Won't matter now because he's probably been blacklisted by the two colleges he named. What happens when his mom isn't there to take his side? Is she going to go to UCLA with him and sue every time something insn't fair?

I've got news for this kid, high school is a bit of bullshit, university is a lot of bullshit and real life is mostly bullshit. Just wait till he has to deal with professors or a boss, he's going to have permanent panty wad syndrome.

7/27/2012 12:54:00 PM

Thots and Prayers
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and you gotta be a knuckle dragging idiot to make a categorical statement like that.

7/27/2012 12:56:12 PM

13089 Posts
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you know a pussy that takes it standing up?

7/27/2012 1:26:34 PM

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