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 Message Boards » » Of the married couples you know, what % are happy? Page [1]  
Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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No more than 20%

8/1/2012 5:20:02 PM

8379 Posts
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100%, but i only know two

8/1/2012 5:23:05 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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8/1/2012 5:25:01 PM

Duh, Winning
62533 Posts
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the better i know them, the less happy they are

8/1/2012 5:25:03 PM

16786 Posts
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Of the married couples you know are happy, what % will get a divorce without you seeing it coming?

[Edited on August 1, 2012 at 5:27 PM. Reason : .]

8/1/2012 5:27:15 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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i think a lot of ppl that aren't happy try to hide it

i know i would never want to admit i married the wrong person.

8/1/2012 5:28:56 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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Never marry. Fuck around. Disregard children. Die rich and happy.

8/1/2012 5:30:01 PM

All American
2991 Posts
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8/1/2012 5:38:12 PM

18598 Posts
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of ~15 young couples I know, 2 are possibly not happy

8/1/2012 5:43:28 PM

1394 Posts
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Marriage is just a financial contract and does nothing to improve a relationship.

If you have love, you don't need anything else. If it ever goes away, you don't want anything artificial keeping you together.

If you love someone and want to hold onto them, marriage isn't going to accomplish that unless the person is an unsophisticated hick.

I recommend buying matching grave sites or buying matching spots in the frozen head place. Depending on your worldview. That is a pretty romantic gesture.

8/1/2012 5:48:18 PM

15294 Posts
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Married couples 40+? >75%
Married Couples sub 40? <50%

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on August 1, 2012 at 5:58 PM. Reason : although the younger sample size is muuuuuch smaller]

8/1/2012 5:58:26 PM

All American
8847 Posts
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8/1/2012 5:59:50 PM

16786 Posts
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There might be a correlation between length of a marriage and how deeply religious a person is.

8/1/2012 6:01:58 PM

All American
19640 Posts
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Of all the friends from back home that got married anywhere remotely close to when we did (been married 9.5 years) all but two others have or are in the process of getting divorced. Of the survivors, one couple are very happy together and the other go between terrible extremes of hatred and utter devotion. They have both had affairs, the last one the wife sleeping with her husbands boss. And honestly after over a decade together, we have had a couple rough patches, but we are pretty darn happy together. The couple of married friends that we hang with regularly also seem to be pretty happy too. But most of them are not from frigging Halifax County.

8/1/2012 6:17:37 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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married couples that i personally know?

less than 25% - probably close to 0%, tbh

8/1/2012 6:37:04 PM

1183 Posts
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8/1/2012 6:38:53 PM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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^nuh uh

8/1/2012 6:49:28 PM

41759 Posts
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I think part of any long term relationship is a little bit of you dies.

8/3/2012 11:16:55 AM

35382 Posts
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Quote :
"i think a lot of ppl that aren't happy try to hide it"

or they try to be IN YO FACE about how "happy" they are and how "perfect" their relationship is. look i dont need to post on facebook how devoted and happy i am with my husband, it's already a known fact and i don't need to broadcast it. i just feel like couples who are constantly broadcasting how "perfect" their relationships are are the ones that feel like they have to because it's anything but perfect.

8/3/2012 11:20:11 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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Happy with my wife? YES

Happy with my sex life? NO

[Edited on August 3, 2012 at 11:22 AM. Reason : s]

8/3/2012 11:22:45 AM

All American
6421 Posts
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A lot of married couples aren't friends first when they get married. They're just lovers. It's easier to fall out of favor with a lover than a friend. I think you have a better shot a happiness if you marry someone who you are already good friends with first. The lust and sex part is easy(ier) to fix later on should it become an issue.

8/3/2012 11:26:11 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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i'm pretty happy

[Edited on August 3, 2012 at 11:31 AM. Reason : IBFORNOW]

8/3/2012 11:27:31 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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Quote :
""...we need to be realistic about our partners, [they] are going to be attracted to other people as we are ourselves...realistic about the fact that love means for many refraining from fucking other people it doesn't mean that you don't want to fuck other people. We idealize monogamy to this point where everyone who fails at it physically or just emotionally feels like they're not truly in love...because they want to fuck other people. We've pitted people against their own natures...""

8/3/2012 11:29:15 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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Quote :
"A lot of married couples aren't friends first when they get married. They're just lovers. It's easier to fall out of favor with a lover than a friend. I think you have a better shot a happiness if you marry someone who you are already good friends with first. The lust and sex part is easy(ier) to fix later on should it become an issue."

Was friends with my girl for a good year or two before dating, and in that time we both dated other people. She still is my best friend, but what I have found is that when the friendship is fulfilling enough for the relationship then the hot sultry sexy part kind of takes a backseat.

8/3/2012 11:41:32 AM

All American
6511 Posts
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Quote :
"Happy with my wife? YES

Happy with my sex life? NO"

ME too, luckily I am not the kind of guy who thinks that is a deal breaker....... yet.

I still have a hand when necessary.

8/3/2012 11:49:22 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"We idealize monogamy to this point where everyone who fails at it physically or just emotionally feels like they're not truly in love...because they want to fuck other people. We've pitted people against their own natures..."

AMEN. I think monogamy is mainly rooted in religion and with the intent to provide stability for our offspring/family unit, etc.

Three big risks are in play with sex or cheating in general.
1) Risk of Pregnancy
2) Risk of Communicating Sexual Infection
3) Jealousy / Risk of falling away from current partner, leaving them, etc.

If you take the first two out of the equation, which can be done, the third remains.

Marriage vows address faithfulness/fidelity, but that is the only one people think about, what about the bitch that gets cold and nasty toward her husband, loses all interest in sex, etc.

Why her husband an asshole for nailing the new girl at work when his wife has broken other vows that people just do not put any emphasis on. (like promise to have & hold, etc)

8/3/2012 12:08:39 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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That quote is from Dan Savage's podcast I listened awhile back. It's basically his interpretation of this book, if anyone is interested in reading. A very honest perspective on modern sexuality and relationships.

8/3/2012 12:22:17 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"I think monogamy is mainly rooted in religion and with the intent to provide stability for our offspring/family unit, etc."

okay so it's rooted in both religion and social instinct, two totally unrelated things that together comprise the motivation for almost everything we do as people.

maybe this isn't the best point for you to make?

8/3/2012 12:29:44 PM

41759 Posts
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What about physical instinct?

Do most people have sex because they want to procreate? or because it feels good?

8/3/2012 12:41:56 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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it's the same thing.

8/3/2012 12:51:00 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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Quote :
"Louie: Sex has something behind it and it’s weird, ’cause we ignore it. Sex is reallying to get somewhere, it’s trying to have a family. You don’t really wanna know that because we’ve separated those two things, but the entire reason sex exists is to have babies. That the only reason it exists at all, but we’re such a narcissistic species that we’ve separated it…We just want to spray jizz everywhere just for no reason. It’s just a weird kind of behavior. ‘Cause that urge is the urge to procreate. A horny teenage boy is thinking, “I want a baby. Oh yeah! Oh dude! Oh, look at her tits. I want her to feed my little baby with her big tits.” That’s what that is. But we make it this separate thing. Animals must think we’re idiots. Animals that watch us have sex must be like “They don’t know what they’re…He’s coming on her tits, he’s a moron, this guy.” It just looks stupid to them."

8/3/2012 12:51:15 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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perfectly placed, thanks.

8/3/2012 12:52:27 PM

41759 Posts
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^^ i LOLd

8/3/2012 12:53:51 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Of all the married folks I know there's only one that's truly miserable. The rest I'd say are more or less happy. Then again I don't know a whole lot of married couples

8/3/2012 1:05:43 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"The absolute lack of denials in the Kristen Stewart cheating scandal continued Wednesday with "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders issuing his own apology to his wife and two young children.

"I am utterly distraught about the pain I have caused my family," Sanders, 41, said in a statement to People magazine, which also had 22-year-old Stewart's apology exclusively. "My beautiful wife and heavenly children are all I have in this world. I love them with all my heart.

"I am praying that we can get through this together.""

bet it still felt good while he was doing it

8/3/2012 1:09:43 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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lots of relationship issues lately

is it that time of year?

8/3/2012 1:10:08 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Of the married couples you know, what % are happy? Page [1]  
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