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 Message Boards » » Anyone ever made homemade jam? Page [1]  
bonerjamz 04
All American
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How big of a pain is it to make?

8/17/2012 3:22:09 PM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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with boners a tremendous pain for everyone involved

8/17/2012 3:24:56 PM

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a pain in the ass for some women.

8/17/2012 3:25:36 PM

All American
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if you have clean fruit and are quick with the prep and cleanup it only takes 2-3 hours. I sterilize the jars in the dishwasher (has to have a sani setting) while I'm preparing the fruit, and cooking it usually only takes 15-20 minutes per batch. Do the gel test. then, you prepare the lids and rings in boiling water, put boiling jam in the freshly sterilized jar, attach the lid and ring, double check that the ring and lid have sealed properly, and invert the jar on the counter. you should hear the lids pop (like opening a jar for the first time, but the inverse, haha) within 10-15 minutes. turn the jars over a couple hours later and make sure the lids are all dimpled. if not, you have to process the jar the old fashioned way, but I've never had it happen with more than one, so i just use that one first.

8/17/2012 3:33:16 PM

Eaton Bush
All American
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Just pearl jam.

8/17/2012 3:33:29 PM

Double Entendre
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James Bonner IV.

Why are you trying to make serious threads?

8/17/2012 3:43:12 PM

11583 Posts
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I'm homemade jamming right now

8/17/2012 3:45:59 PM

The E Man
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jammin on the hot

8/17/2012 4:12:43 PM

40974 Posts
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I came for the boner jam

8/17/2012 5:59:08 PM

All American
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8/17/2012 6:00:13 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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I came before the boner jam.

8/17/2012 6:31:23 PM

All American
9382 Posts
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Quote :
"if you have clean fruit and are quick with the prep and cleanup it only takes 2-3 hours. I sterilize the jars in the dishwasher (has to have a sani setting) while I'm preparing the fruit, and cooking it usually only takes 15-20 minutes per batch. Do the gel test. then, you prepare the lids and rings in boiling water, put boiling jam in the freshly sterilized jar, attach the lid and ring, double check that the ring and lid have sealed properly, and invert the jar on the counter. you should hear the lids pop (like opening a jar for the first time, but the inverse, haha) within 10-15 minutes. turn the jars over a couple hours later and make sure the lids are all dimpled. if not, you have to process the jar the old fashioned way, but I've never had it happen with more than one, so i just use that one first."

Or you could just skip all the nonsense and make fresh jam. I doubt he is trying to keep jam for the next 12 years in a jar.

You cook down your fruit, either add an apple or other high-pectin fruit, or add a few spoonfuls of bought pectin. Refrigerate. It'll naturally have all the preservatives that store-bought jam has (ie will stay fine in the fridge for months) without bothering with the caning process.

don't forget to add 1 scoop of the bonerz per quart of jam

8/17/2012 6:43:11 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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My fiancee has made strawberry jam with lemongrass (for flavor, obviously removed after the cooking process). Now *that* is good stuff.

I attempted to make blueberry jam once and ended up with something closer to blueberry soup. For some reason I didn't think you had to add pectin, oops. It made a damn tasty topping for vanilla ice cream though.

8/17/2012 8:00:45 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Anyone ever made homemade jam? Page [1]  
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