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 Message Boards » » TWC Pricing - Reps not helpful Page [1] 2 3, Next  
All American
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Just spent an hour on the phone with TWC after spending 30 minutes chatting with a rep trying to add cable. First price I was quoted online for digital cable and my extreme internet (30/5 price went up a few months back) was ~$105 after all costs + tax. They told me to call in for better potential deals. I called in and the ABSOLUTE best they could do was $119 after everything. They kept forwarding me along to new reps and was absolutely not helpful. They said they could not honor the price I received online and then just sat in silence waiting to hear if I was willing to pay the $119. Guy was like "sorry, THANKS AGAIN FOR CHOOSING TIME WARNER CABLE."

Fuck them for wasting my time. Is there a better route I should take in order to get cable around here? I just want to be able to watch ESPN and some damn Food Network. My house cannot get UVerse or anything else it seems.

9/3/2012 11:37:07 AM

All American
17820 Posts
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~100-120 is the retail price for standard rr and digital cable which means it would be a no contract deal. You might ask what they're offering for 6/12 month contract pricing.

i cancelled my cable a while back and im gonna have to reup once hockey starts back up (assuming no lockout ) so i'd be interested to see how it turns out for you or if you find some other way to get a decent deal.

9/3/2012 12:03:35 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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i pay $90/month for all channels minus premium and 30/5 24mos no contract

[Edited on September 3, 2012 at 12:38 PM. Reason : +hd dvr. if i wanted 10/1 it's 80/month]

9/3/2012 12:37:42 PM

All American
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^got a contact or a strategy on how I can get this plan?

9/3/2012 2:26:27 PM

All American
5562 Posts
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When you encounter the abomination that is Charter Communications, you will wish for TWC

9/3/2012 3:37:26 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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i called and told them my friend had that pricing and asked for it. told them i'd stay with directv otherwise.

9/3/2012 11:44:35 PM

All American
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Ah, my problem is I'm a "current" customer and they tell me I'm not eligible for new customer pricing. I'm sure all it takes is one person to just do it, but 4 reps all sucked ass.

9/4/2012 7:10:45 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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just call to cancel

9/4/2012 9:34:36 AM

All American
16764 Posts
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^ this. then they'll try hard to keep your business.

9/4/2012 10:19:07 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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Make sure you get scheduled for a disconnect. I got called back the morning after scheduling a disconnect specifically citing price and that I was going to AT&T. They knocked $60.00 a month off and gave me a free DVR rental. All with no contract!

9/4/2012 10:36:07 AM

All American
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yep ... called in, said please cancel everything because the 140 you are charging now is outrageous.

Scheduled disconnect for 1 week out ....

and they called me the next day giving me a 78/month plan (after all taxes/fees) for turbo and digital cable with hd dvr, price locked for 2 years and no contract.

9/4/2012 12:37:29 PM

All American
12297 Posts
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Just got a $20+ bump on my latest bill, will be calling to cancel today.

[Edited on September 4, 2012 at 3:18 PM. Reason : Just called, got them to drop the 20 and an additional 10. Still might call back to "cancel" later.]

9/4/2012 2:50:07 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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I "disconnect" my internet twice a year. Thanks for making me jump through fucking hoops just to get something that isn't ridiculously overpriced.

9/4/2012 7:54:57 PM

All American
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my bill went up by $10 this month, but I was planning on cancelling anyways when I move next month.

been on hold 15+ minutes so far

holy fuck I hate when they pause the music randomly, give about 3 seconds of silence so you think you're connected to a real person, then the recording of WE VALUE YOUR CALL, RECORDED BULLSHIT

[Edited on September 4, 2012 at 8:48 PM. Reason : .]

9/4/2012 8:44:29 PM

All American
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I randomly got a call from a rep saying "we see you had a install visit cancelled..." after telling them my situation, they confirmed that there is no way to add cable without paying the $115 or downgrading my internet.

So, who the hell else provides high speed internet in Cary, NC? It seems Verizon does not offer services at my address.

Checking on AT&T...though last I checked no U-Verse for me.

[Edited on September 5, 2012 at 11:27 AM. Reason : -]

9/5/2012 11:25:28 AM

All American
3021 Posts
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I'm in SE Raleigh and just switched over to AT&T DSL. Their 6MBPS service is available in my area for $25/month. I pair that with DirecTV and get a $10 monthly discount, so I essentially get internet service for $15/month. I've really enjoyed it over the past few months. I don't notice any difference b/t this and my old TWC RR service with respect to gaming, streaming, or anything like that except for upload speed when the wifey is uploading a bazillion 15MP photos to shutterfly.

9/5/2012 11:43:19 AM

All American
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^Talking with one of their reps now - the best price they could seem to find for me is $35 a month for the 6MBPS. Good times, good times.

9/5/2012 1:15:55 PM

All American
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I'm on the border of Apex/Cary and I can get ATT Uverse. I have TWC right now. I'm pretty sure most of Cary would be able to get ATT service. No Verizon though so FIOS would be out, which kinda sucks cause they are the best.

9/5/2012 2:25:01 PM

All American
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SO Uverse wasnt available at my address - but its available to my neighbors on both sides of me. Hooray for a "glitch" in the database. So they are "looking into it" and I will most likely be eligible for U-Verse within the next few days.

Heres to hoping their prices and tv dont suck.

9/5/2012 3:14:50 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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they're alright

better that twc at any rate

cept the WatchESPN app doesn't work with them

9/5/2012 3:25:58 PM

All American
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So, they found me and i will most likely order Uverse tomorrow. Goodbye TWC

9/5/2012 9:41:52 PM

All American
1838 Posts
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ever since the software update, the cable box has been so freaking slow. Exchanged the box and ended up with the same garbage. called TWC Support and they make up some excuses about the wiring in my place... about to drop them tomorrow morning.

9/10/2012 10:28:25 PM

Starting Lineup
97 Posts
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Sad that you have to threaten to leave a service before they will respect months of on-time payments in full. At least Boost mobile had a plan which honors loyalty (regardless of service quality)

I threatened to cancel after my '1 year discounted DVR' deal expired. Went from $102 to $67/mo...I didn't press it, but they could go lower.

9/11/2012 6:56:34 AM

All American
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My U-Verse install is happening in a week. Very much looking forward to this change.

9/11/2012 8:49:53 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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I heard u-verse had the worst signal.

Friend in Charlotte signed a contract and now is trying to get out of it because he said it is unreliable and a piece of crap.

^I hope it goes better for you, maybe it is better in Raleigh... let us know how it turns out.

9/11/2012 9:15:45 AM

45912 Posts
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^When I had Uverse it was hundreds of times better than TWC. No signal/connectivity issues, except resetting the RG after a few power outages. When I had TWC there we had no connectivity at night. None.

In the end, any service can have those issues; it all depends on the wiring from your outlet, through your walls, through your building, to the local node, to the distribution box, to the regional box, etc.

The line can be screwed up in a lot of places.

9/11/2012 9:30:12 AM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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picture quality is pretty garbage on uverse and twc. I miss directv

9/11/2012 9:36:50 AM

All American
11577 Posts
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I live near uptown Charlotte and currently have TWC internet. It's great but wouldn't mind other options. Uverse only offers 768k, 1.5mbps, and 3mbps close to uptown Charlotte. Is this normal?

9/11/2012 9:39:56 AM

All American
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I've had two major issues with TWC extreme since signing up for it.
1 - Wireless devices are hit or miss at connecting to the built in wifi. I know this is an easily resolved fix by using my own router, but the fact that it works 80% of the time just makes it irritating.

2 - This is the worst issue. I have SEVERE packet loss throughout the day that renders my VOIP phone nearly useless. I have to constantly unplug and restart my modem to regain my signal. The phone works for 10-15 minutes at best, then becomes choppy or silent. This is my major reason for switching.

9/11/2012 9:41:28 AM

All American
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Odd. Yeah the first thing I did was bypass their DOCSIS 3 modem/router combo for my own. Haven't noticed any packet loss though. I use VOIP (just via GMAIL) all the time and it's great. I feel like issues with ISPs are so unique to certain areas that's it's almost impossible to compare one to another unless the comparison is made in the exact same area.

9/11/2012 10:09:20 AM

All American
3291 Posts
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I like my 30.5 Roadrunner. However, as stated before, the provided combo modem/router sucks at being a router. Also, I started seeing wierd off and on lag issues with youtube since converting 2 months ago, after having regular turbo for a year with no issues. Same line into the house, same equipment in the house, same 3rd parry dns servers for the computers int he house. Only you tube seems affected, and it is a hit or miss thing. Ah well, being able to run lots of downloads while video streams in 2-3 rooms makes it worth it.

9/11/2012 6:06:55 PM

All American
2331 Posts
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i HATE time warner cable. They screwed me into a renewal which is higher than what I paid before. Any suggestions on what to do with these people besides talk to retention?!

9/11/2012 6:13:21 PM

All American
1116 Posts
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Called ATT Uverse and asked to speak to retention. Just told them I was going to go to TWC if they couldn't improve my rate, and I got double my original internet speed, HD channels, and a lower rate. All things I would have gotten from Time Warner's offer, only now I don't have to have Time Warner.

9/27/2012 1:30:17 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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i don't hate TWC and, for the most part, i've been happy with their service...they can be frustrating, though

here's my story:

1.) had "standard" internet (advertised at 10Mbps) + basic digital television (higher channels and HD service with digital box) for just less than $80 after taxes/fees back in the spring

2.) promotion ended and we decided to drop TV and go OTA with a BR player that would do netflix and hulu...thought we'd be happy

3.) no matter what we tried, OTA channels had problems (mostly just reception issues) and the "basic" HD TV we were pulling on the cable line (since we still had internet) would have audio stutter problems

4.) last month we decided to go back to our old package (TV + internet) and they quoted us almost $110 after taxes/fees...i talked to retention, told them we were paying right around $80 just a couple of months ago...the woman put me on hold and when she came back, she said she "found" some promotions that would work for us and we'd pay around $82 after taxes and fees...they came out the next day with a new digital box, new modem, and i was happy

5.) over the past month, i noticed that our DL speeds were really low (topping out at 300kbps) and a speedtest said the same...called up TWC and CSR said we were on 10Mbps service and she handed me off to tech support, who then said that there was a "file" on our modem that was restricting our speed and i'd have to exchange it for a new one

6.) exchanged the modem the next day and surprise, surprise, speeds are still slow...called up tech support who said they'd have to send out a technician

7.) tech comes out, does a bunch of tests and then double-checks my account and finds out i was lowered to "basic" (3Mbps) intarweb tier...i was pretty annoyed because i was never once told that was happening (though i suspected it was the case from the very beginning and which is why i made them verify that i was on "standard" service) calls up a CSR and retention while at my house and between the two of us, we're on the phone for 40+ minutes and NOTHING is fixed (ie. i'm stuck paying $110 for standard service and TV or $80 for basic service and TV)...they had bumped me up to standard while he was there so we could verify that was the problem and i told them to drop me back down and i'd deal with it later

8.) at lunch that day, i noticed my DL speeds were high, so i did a speedtest and i was getting 25-26Mbps (which is much higher than "standard" speed)...i chat online and sure enough, they kept me on standard service at the same $110 price tag...i was pissed

9.) got back to work and called up retention to bitch at them...but the guy was extremely nice from the very beginning (after i told this whole story about the crap i'd been going through) and after 5 minutes he got my bill back down to $80 with standard service and, i kid you not, said it wouldn't expire (though we'll see about that)

10.) ...

11.) profit


9/27/2012 2:01:19 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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AT&T putting in fiber optic internets or something like that over near Jones Franklin/Athens

9/27/2012 2:48:05 PM

All American
4715 Posts
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I've seen orange spray painted lines around my building on Glenwood for "AT&T F/O" but I don't know when they're actually planning to cut...

I'm currently paying around 140 for "turbo" and 2 dvrs(1 whole house)...but next month that's going to jump to god knows what. I'll probably be threatening to leave to get some deals around that time. Seems like it's either that or go the "my friend gets this price" route?

9/28/2012 10:00:02 AM

All American
1492 Posts
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Okay well TWC automatically re uped my contract while I wasn't even in town. I was paying 115 a month then they had it up to 140 a month. I called and bitched and they got me down to 121 a month but seriously, doesnt someone here know something I can do about this? Thanks!

10/2/2012 1:03:40 AM

All American
8094 Posts
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Cancel. Disconnection service. Then your phone gets blown up by retention services for a kickass deal.

10/2/2012 1:17:41 AM

All American
2331 Posts
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I tried that. It didn't work. What should I do now that they aren't calling me lol

10/2/2012 4:32:48 AM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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let it cancel and get directv

10/3/2012 8:18:11 AM

45912 Posts
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^^get directtv. use me as a referral, and we both get $100 for it and $10 off the monthly bill

10/3/2012 9:00:41 AM

All American
6839 Posts
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anyone in the Cary area getting shitty ping times?

Like shittier than usual.

10/13/2012 5:00:40 PM

All American
5160 Posts
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Got a card in the mail today stating that TWC will begin charging $3.95/month for renting a cable modem. Any suggestions on a cable modem to buy? They have an approved devices list (, but Im not sure if being on that list is required or not.

10/25/2012 5:47:17 PM

All American
4715 Posts
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I'm calling to cancel in the next few days. Fully prepared to go the Internet only route w/ AT&T.

10/25/2012 7:36:37 PM

All American
2354 Posts
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I'm back with TimeWarner since Uverse price went up again after promo period... $56/mo for 30/5 internet. I have to admit, I really dig the faster upload rate.

10/30/2012 2:51:35 PM

41759 Posts
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I have HD DVR, RR standard, and home phone unlimited for ~$100/mo.

It is promotional pricing, but there is no contract and I can probably get it back if they ever change it.

The fucked up thing is the internet and phone work PERFECT, but I have had ton of problems with the digital TV service...kind of shitty since TWC was a cable company before anything else.

10/30/2012 8:14:15 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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Just got notification that TWC wants to charge me $3.49 a month to rent their cable modem.

screw that...

So i go to their website:

I click on the purchase your own compatible modem link.

The webpage cannot be found 
HTTP 404
Most likely causes:
•There might be a typing error in the address.
•If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.


I do enjoy my 10MB/s connection though. It's really solid, as most of my gaming hovers around 33ms ping, going as low as 20ms and as high as 50ms.

I don't know how people play on ping >100ms.

And to think I only pay ~$39.00/mo for this.

[Edited on October 30, 2012 at 10:27 PM. Reason : .]

10/30/2012 10:23:34 PM

4833 Posts
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Took me over an hour on the phone with them to get it working though. Took 4 people to get it right. The third person I talked to tried to tell me that it wasn't working because the modem I bought wasn't a wireless router also...

Once I finally got to T2 support it took the guy 30 seconds to fix it.

10/30/2012 10:56:39 PM

All American
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Motorolla SB6141 it is for me!!!

10/31/2012 1:14:30 AM

All American
1492 Posts
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TIME WARNER still sucks. If I am paying 122 a month for DVR digital cable a box and 3 rooms with internet good or bad?

10/31/2012 2:48:35 AM

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