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 Message Boards » » What conspiracy theories do you believe in? Page 1 [2] 3 4, Prev Next  
Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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I believe the conspiracy engaged by higher-ups at UNC to keep athletes eligible by enrolling them in false and/or no-show classes, engaging tutors to submit work on behalf of the athletes, and otherwise using academic fraud to further their athletic programs.

9/18/2012 2:59:03 PM

tommy wiseau
All American
2624 Posts
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David Stern forced Michael Jordan to take a year off to get his gambling under control

9/18/2012 3:02:47 PM

26632 Posts
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Conspiracy Theory Beliefs from	
Username Conspiracy Theory
begonias Oswald did not kill JFK
djeternal Moon Landing is Faked
GeniusXboy New World Order has script that controls politics and policy
jbrick83 Coach K faked back problems to get out of horrible season
MinkaGrl01 Oswald did not kill JFK
mrfrog AIDS possibly man-made
mrfrog Pearl Harbor had advance notice
screentest Oswald did not kill JFK
screentest James Earl Ray didn't act alone
screentest CIA sold drugs to US citizens and introduced crack into inner cities
screentest WTC 7 was controlled demolition
screentest Federal public education created intentionally to brainwash people to be subservient
screentest McVeigh didn't act alone in Oklahoma City Bombing
screentest World Bank and IMF primarily exist to entrap developing countries
screentest EVERY war fought primarily to make someone wealthy

9/18/2012 3:08:21 PM

All American
1955 Posts
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Quote :
"the US government undercutting democratic efforts in many countries, destabilizing elected governments and instilling US friendly despots is a conspiracy theory?

That's just history"

a number of the things i listed are historically verifiable. they're still examples of conspiracy, though, and sadly they aren't actions widely known and accepted by the public. and they're almost never referenced or discussed by the media.

9/18/2012 3:10:49 PM

26632 Posts
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well some of your don't meet my definition, and I make the table

9/18/2012 3:11:41 PM

16786 Posts
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9/18/2012 4:36:36 PM

All American
28092 Posts
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isn't that a river in egypt?

9/18/2012 4:38:10 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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I definitely buy into the fake moon landing theory.

9/18/2012 4:38:27 PM


15145 Posts
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NASA in the 60s:

herp derp, let's launch 260 tons into LEO on a 400 foot tall rocket. 18 times. That's right, 18 times, like a motherfucking golf game. And then we'll not go to the moon and broadcast video like we did.

9/18/2012 4:58:34 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
" That's right, 18 times, like a motherfucking golf game. "

9/18/2012 5:02:45 PM

16786 Posts
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"I'm not saying, "Hey look at me, I'm right"

I'm saying, "Hey look, here are the facts."

Elections are Rigged
Forced dependency on foreign oil
Propaganda instead of News
Endless Money Printing being pumped into the Economy
Bailouts for Banksters and Wall Street
Manipulated Unemployment Numbers
Endless Wars
Our Number One Export is Weapons
People are being Beat and Jailed for Protesting
Forced dependency on FIAT currency
No accountability for Too Big To Fail
No Jail for corrupt Banksters (ie Jon Corzine)
An Indoctrination System rather than an Educational System
Forced to give a substantial amount of our earnings to a Centralized Authority
Illegal Wars
Highest Military Spending (where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies)
US military admits to guarding opium trade in Afghanistan
Warrant-less searches
Indefinite Detention of American Citizens
Assassination of American Citizens
Demoralization by the TSA
Astronomical Debt
Artificially Low Interest Rates
Banks are allowed to borrow at near Zero percent
Speculating is promoted and Production is penalized
Washington has a lunatic notion that we can 'spend' our way out of debt
Unbalanced budget plan (not only by Obama but by Romney as well)
Mandated Healthcare (So good that Washington and it's pals are exempt)
Federal Reserve that creates Trillions out of thin air
War on Drugs that is a complete and utter failure
Loss of Sovereignty to the United Nations
Obama & Romney's top contributors are Goldman Sachs (despite the fact that they received BILLIONS in bail outs)
Obama appoints Monsanto's VP as Senior Adviser to FDA
Government desperately needs to raise debt ceiling (but somehow still has money to pay for swat team raids on Raw Milk)
Ever increasing Police State
A NAFTA super highway nobody is talking about
A Foreign Policy that creates more terrorists than it kills
A Monetary Policy that is based on Debt Expansion
A CIA that creates Al Qeada, then declares them an enemy, then gives them money
Borrows money from China then hands out Billions in Foreign Aid to countries that hate us
Declares to be an ally of Israel then gives up to 7X more foreign aid to its enemies
New York Times Finally Notices Obama’s Unilateral Abuse of Power 4/12
Ever increasing merger of State and Corporate Powers
Rising cost of living
Guantanamo times a Million (NDAA)
1 in 3 Pakistan Drone Strikes and 1 in 7 of all CIA Drone Strikes Kills a Child
70+% increase since 2007 for Americans on Food Stamps
A Federal Government that increasingly deprives individuals of their Constitutional Rights
Number One in Prisoners per capita
Seventh in Literacy
Ranked 27th in Math, 22nd in Science
49th in Life Expectancy
178th in Infant Mortality
4 Consecutive Years of 1 Trillion+ added to our National Debt
No more than 6 Media Giants that control over 90% of what we read, watch, and listen to
A president who wins a Nobel Peace Prize and then creates a Kill list (that includes American Citizens)
Intentionally Suppressed prices of Gold and Silver (to create the illusion of a stronger dollar)
We take from the competent and give it to incompetent
There is no policy differences between Obama and Romney
And we as a nation condone a policy of Preemptive War


9/18/2012 5:51:49 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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Conspiracy Theory Beliefs from
Username Conspiracy Theory
begonias Oswald did not kill JFK
begonias Federal public education created intentionally to brainwash people to be subservient
begonias Bilderberg Group/Illuminati/New World Order/Rothschilds
begonias DOD and mind control (specifically, HAARP)
begonias The Pentagon was not hit by an aircraft on 9/11, but a US missile.
begonias Monsanto Company is secretly maneuvering to control the world's food supply using GMOs
djeternal Moon Landing is Faked
GeniuSxBoY New World Order has script that controls politics and policy
jbrick83 Coach K faked back problems to get out of horrible season
MinkaGrl01 Oswald did not kill JFK
mrfrog AIDS possibly man-made
mrfrog Pearl Harbor had advance notice
screentest Oswald did not kill JFK
screentest James Earl Ray didn't act alone
screentest CIA sold drugs to US citizens and introduced crack into inner cities
screentest WTC 7 was controlled demolition
screentest Federal public education created intentionally to brainwash people to be subservient
screentest McVeigh didn't act alone in Oklahoma City Bombing
screentest World Bank and IMF primarily exist to entrap developing countries
screentest EVERY war fought primarily to make someone wealthy

9/18/2012 6:24:04 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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Quote :
"Monsanto Company is secretly maneuvering to control the world's food supply using GMOs "

I wasn't aware this was still considered a "conspiracy." I believe this fact as well

Quote :
"McVeigh didn't act alone in Oklahoma City Bombing"

Obviously not since the Fortiers were granted immunity for testifying & Nichols went down too

[Edited on September 18, 2012 at 6:58 PM. Reason : okc]

9/18/2012 6:56:35 PM

26632 Posts
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some of you all are dumb, very very dumb

9/18/2012 7:17:41 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"some of you all are dumb, very very dumb"

Coming from the man who is too chicken to tell his true beliefs to the public, I'm not surprised by this overconfident statement.

9/18/2012 7:29:54 PM

All American
1116 Posts
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I believe it's a conspiracy that I only ever get a bunch of vowels in words with friends.

9/18/2012 7:52:49 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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9/19/2012 11:35:56 AM


21814 Posts
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you can put me under this too

Monsanto Company is secretly maneuvering to control the world's food supply using GMOs

9/19/2012 12:10:26 PM

26632 Posts
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do you all mean that, as a company, they would like to control the entire world agricultural market? Or do mean that they actually want to control all of the food in the world (for some implied nefarious purpose)?

Only the second is really a conspiracy theory, so I'm only adding it if that is what you mean.

To maybe help clarify, lets put your statement in context with another industry.
Apple is secretly maneuvering to control the world's cell phone supply using their procurement advantages and favorable press coverage.

-It's not really secret that a company wants to control a market, if you are implying some nefarious purpose then yes its a conspiracy and I'll add.

[Edited on September 19, 2012 at 12:17 PM. Reason : .]

9/19/2012 12:14:36 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27457 Posts
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I'm seconding the david stern forced michael jordan to retire because of his gambling problem.

Also add in that his father was killed because of MJ's unpaid gambling debts.

[Edited on September 19, 2012 at 12:22 PM. Reason : ^ also, I pretty much agree with that. of course they want to control the market. ]

9/19/2012 12:21:13 PM


21814 Posts
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yes, add in the nefarious purpose

9/19/2012 12:25:23 PM

8379 Posts
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i don't think seal team 6 killed bin laden

9/19/2012 1:11:00 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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I believe in the advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor theory, if for no other reason than it was too convenient that all our oldest and most obsolete battleships happened to be the ones damaged/destroyed. Maybe they didn't know the exact date and time, but they knew it would happen.

Quote :
"-every war ever fought has been primarily about making someone more wealthy, not protecting the public at large"

That's not so much a conspiracy theory as a critical reading of history. It all comes down to money in the end.

9/19/2012 1:17:28 PM

26632 Posts
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What is Monsanto's nefarious purpose, what is the second half of the conspiracy?

9/19/2012 1:19:40 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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drive up global food prices and starve everyone

9/19/2012 1:28:46 PM

26632 Posts
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So Monsanto want's to control all the food in the world to starve people.

Got it

That's dumb

9/19/2012 1:33:25 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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There never were any ncsugirl nudes.

9/19/2012 1:35:07 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"Monsanto Company is secretly maneuvering to control the world's food supply using GMOs

They're pretty open about the fact they want to be the sole providers of seed in the world. I don't know if I would call it a secret.

9/19/2012 1:38:18 PM

26632 Posts
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the conspiracy as I understand it is that they secretly want people to starve

9/19/2012 1:56:18 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27457 Posts
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Yeah and you aren't going to feed the ballooning world population without GMOs

9/19/2012 3:08:17 PM

26632 Posts
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kind of a dick move to develop drought resistant corn just so you can yank it away later and watch them die

9/19/2012 3:15:09 PM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"the conspiracy as I understand it is that they secretly want people to starve"

and be addicted to their wheat

9/19/2012 3:16:37 PM

26632 Posts
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well there isn't anything nefarious about a company wanting customers to need their product, the nefarious part is that Monsanto wants them to die

9/19/2012 3:20:25 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27457 Posts
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9/19/2012 3:20:55 PM

All American
4508 Posts
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this is well documented, and it's not a conspiracy per se, but I found it crazy nonetheless:
tl;dr version: B52 crash, lost atomic bomb just north of goldsboro - never recovered.

Quote :
"The two nuclear weapons separated from the gyrating aircraft as it broke up between 10,000 and 2,000 feet (3,000 and 610 m). Five of the six arming mechanisms on one of the bombs activated, causing it to execute many of the steps needed to arm itself, such as charging the firing capacitors and, critically, deployment of a 100-foot-diameter (30 m) retard parachute. The parachute allowed that bomb to hit the ground with little damage"

Quote :
"The second bomb plunged into a muddy field at around 700 miles per hour (310 m/s) and disintegrated.[7] The tail was discovered about 20 feet (6.1 m) below ground. Parts of the bomb were recovered, including its tritium bottle and the plutonium. However, excavation was abandoned as a result of uncontrollable ground-water flooding. Most of the thermonuclear stage, containing uranium, was left in situ. The Army Corps of Engineers purchased a 400 foot circular easement over the buried component.[8] The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill determined the buried depth of the secondary component to be 180 feet, plus or minus 10 feet"

Quote :
"The commander of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team, Lt. Jack B. ReVelle, said of the bomb, "How close was it to exploding? My opinion is damn close. You might now have a very large Bay of North Carolina if that thing had gone off." He also said the size of each bomb was 3.8 megatons, more than 250 times the destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb, and large enough to have a 100% kill zone of seventeen miles. Each bomb would exceed the yield of all munitions (outside of testing) ever detonated in the history of the world by TNT, gunpowder, conventional bombs, and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts combined"

Goldsboro and Wilson are both within the 17 mile radius.

Too bad it couldn't have gone down 24 miles east.

[Edited on September 21, 2012 at 10:35 AM. Reason : ]

9/21/2012 10:33:53 AM

All American
93277 Posts
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^ I had never heard of that incident.

holy shit.

9/21/2012 10:37:45 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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JFK stuff a little bit. There's some weird stuff going down. Maybe not multiple shooters, but somethings never been right about all the connections that exist there.

9/21/2012 10:49:08 AM

45908 Posts
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also from that wiki

Quote :

9/21/2012 10:54:43 AM

26632 Posts
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didn't something happen near fuquay-varina ~20 years ago

9/21/2012 10:59:20 AM

All American
4508 Posts
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i've been trying to find that 400-foot USACE easement on Wayne Co GIS... no luck so far.

9/21/2012 11:04:07 AM

26632 Posts
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Look near crossroads in Faro, NC

Also, Summaries of all Accidents Involving US Nuclear Records from the Congressional Record of the 102nd Congress:
Quote :
"January 24, 1961 /B-52/ Goldsboro, North Carolina:

During a B-52 airborne alert mission structural failure of the right wing resulted in two weapons separating from the aircraft during aircraft breakup at 2,000-10,000 feet altitude. One bomb parachute deployed and the weapon received little impact damage. The other bomb fell free and broke apart upon impact. No explosion occurred. Five of the eight crew members survived. A portion of one weapon, containing uranium, could not be recovered despite excavation in the water-logged farmland to a depth of 50 feet. The Air Force subsequently purchased an easement requiring permission for anyone to dig there. There is no detectable radiation and no hazard in the area. (*1; **2)"

9/21/2012 11:18:28 AM

All American
4508 Posts
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i did, but no particular parcel shapes jumped out at me... there were some smaller ones, but nothing registered to Army Corp... unless they registered that under some other name to hide this


[Edited on September 21, 2012 at 2:48 PM. Reason : ]

9/21/2012 2:47:47 PM

26632 Posts
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Amerson was getting paid to shave points

10/1/2012 3:25:30 PM

Status Name
11318 Posts
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Dave Mustaine has been slowly going more batshit insane, this only further proves the point:

10/5/2012 9:11:38 AM

All American
3494 Posts
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All of you need to google search "The Men Who Killed Kennedy."

10/5/2012 11:53:38 PM

Ohhh Farts
12464 Posts
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It was just in the last few weeks that I finally accepted that Tupac is actually dead

10/6/2012 12:33:16 AM

All American
10698 Posts
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the goal of the authors of obamacare was to make private healthcare so expensive the dumb masses will demand the govt "fix" it with a single payer system

10/6/2012 2:49:27 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Sushi bars intentionally put out pencils with no erasers.

10/6/2012 2:50:18 AM

26632 Posts
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Who is Dave Mustaine, someone here?

10/6/2012 9:21:46 AM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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whoever he is, he's not as cool as david icke

10/6/2012 1:24:12 PM

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