Enjoyhttp://www.peoplelikeus.org/2000/thermos_explorer.htmlA good starter album. Start with "Take a Walk". If you like it, you'll grow to love the rest of it too. Campfire Special is another great listen.
9/23/2012 9:02:41 AM
PEOPLE LIKE USWHO WILL ANSWER THE TELEPHONEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9a1JQi7G3k/John Goodman singing David Byrne
9/23/2012 12:59:16 PM
i'm listening to Take a Walk right nowthis is a troll thread]
9/23/2012 1:43:07 PM
what kind of drugs did you have be on in order to fuck your brain up so much that it thinks this is good music?
9/23/2012 2:06:37 PM