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148896 Posts
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anyone played around with a beta yet?

10/12/2012 10:23:46 PM

All American
5697 Posts
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10/12/2012 10:47:04 PM

41010 Posts
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i used it for a couple weeks a few months ago. i liked it a lot.

10/12/2012 11:38:46 PM

All American
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Generally I like it. The only things that piss me off are all due to the "Skydrive Pro (aka Groove)" SharePoint integration. It blows. But since 99% of you guys will likely never use Office 2013 in a SharePoint environment, it's not really a big deal.

I had a lot of gripes with the "Preview", but it looks like nearly every problem I had has been sorted out for the RTM. The one bug that seems to be hitting a lot of us at work still is the PowerPoint "slideshow auto second monitor" effect in Windows 8.

Basically if you're in PowerPoint 2013 in Windows 8 and you plug in any external video cable, then start a presentation slide show, PPT tries to automagically turn on the 2nd monitor, set the resolution and then start presenting to it. About 1/2 the time it results in a blinking black screen that looks like your laptop lcd has busted, and when it does work it takes 10-15 seconds of various screen flashing for the thing to pop up.

Love PPT 2013 though outside of that, love Word 2013, love Excel 2013, and I'm learning to live with Outlook 2013. Not really a fan of many of the Outlook changes, but functionally it works just about as well as 2010.

10/13/2012 12:50:09 AM

148896 Posts
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Noen what type of functionality improvements does Outlook 13 have? Cause I use Outlook 07 on most of my machines, but honestly I prefer the speed and simplicity of 03 and 2000 over it

10/13/2012 1:31:13 AM

All American
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I use it everyday. Its visuals are the hardest thing to get use to, not that it looks bad, just so different from the past. I really like it.

[Edited on October 13, 2012 at 1:40 AM. Reason : /]

10/13/2012 1:40:36 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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Does it introduce any new file-formats or drop any legacy formats?

10/13/2012 4:49:54 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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10/13/2012 4:57:53 PM

All American
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^not that I have seen. But that's not to say there arent any format changes.

Quote :
"Noen what type of functionality improvements does Outlook 13 have? "

Honestly the two biggest improvements I notice on a daily basis are the new "reply inline" default mode for email replies (when you reply to a mail, it just changes the reader pane to editable basically, a lot like how gmail works. you can manually pop it out to a separate window like previous versions of outlook) and the overall performance increase. It starts up in a couple of seconds, my mailbox size is dramatically smaller (ost files are compressed now) which means a lot smaller memory footprint.

My local store in outlook is huge, 10-20k mails with 3gb+ of data. In 2013 it's close to half the file size with the same contents, which apparently just makes everything snappier.

The other big change which I like, but honestly don't use much at work is that the "Contacts" section is now social integrated like the rest of Microsoft products. So I get my Exchange contacts + Facebook + Gmail all smartly merged into a single list.

10/13/2012 5:08:11 PM

All American
3339 Posts
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im downloading it right now (Office Professional Plus 2013). Through the HIP program I was able to get it for $9.99. Apparently the 2010 version I had was 32 bit and my computer is 64 bit, so I had to completely uninstall 2010 to install the 64 bit 2013. Kind of a pain but for 9.99 instead of 499, i'll take it.

1/25/2013 1:16:54 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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Is it safe/recommended to use the 64-bit version?

1/25/2013 1:19:18 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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when is this free preview thing I downloaded some time ago gonna stop working on my computer

1/25/2013 1:47:01 PM

26632 Posts
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It will work for at least 30 days after its available to buy. So if it gets delayed, the preview will be extended.

Only problem I have with the preview is that I can't change the printer (prints to default regardless), and you don't see calendar and tasks on the email page.

1/25/2013 2:51:02 PM

All American
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if you still have a working ncsu email address you can download it for $9.95 under the HUP program

[Edited on January 29, 2013 at 3:59 PM. Reason : ]

1/29/2013 3:58:39 PM

All American
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1/29/2013 10:05:05 PM

All American
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1/29/2013 10:22:17 PM

All American
943 Posts
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edit post then use NCSU id. I said I didn't have the code, 2 minutes later the email pops up and another link comes from it.

[Edited on January 29, 2013 at 10:33 PM. Reason : More details.]

1/29/2013 10:32:45 PM

All American
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Click on 'Dont know my program code'. Enter in email address, it sends you instructions.

Earlier I read you can install it on 2 machines, however when I had Office 2010, I had it installed on 3 no problem. Decided to upgrade to 2013 and I like it so far.

1/29/2013 10:34:53 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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it's installing now for me

$10 is a hell of a deal, I remember when a unity email still only got you office for like $50 or so

1/29/2013 11:14:45 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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well damn my IU alumni email isn't working *this* time

1/30/2013 4:43:46 AM

Garage Mod
12301 Posts
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It still uses a floppy disk as the save icon. Really...who uses floppy disks anymore. Our kids will never know what the save button means

1/30/2013 12:17:09 PM

All American
9417 Posts
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The biggest complaints I've received from people is the 3 color schemes and not being able to add new ones. They all complain that's it's "too bright white".

If that's your biggest complaint, the software's pretty good.

1/30/2013 12:26:30 PM

26632 Posts
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Anyone else have trouble printing to non-default printers?

1/30/2013 12:51:14 PM

All American
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havent had any problems printing to other printers.

Yea I really dont like the 'white', I agree its too bright. I changed it to the light grey, and even changed the theme color to red (mainly just the bar at the bottom and drop down menu), although i dont remember how i did it.

I really like how smooth it is while typing. Its seems to flow better

1/30/2013 1:54:22 PM

26632 Posts
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I'm still on the free preview

When I have to buy this, where are the best deals for a non .edu email address person?

1/30/2013 9:48:25 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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Quote :

Click on 'Dont know my program code'. Enter in email address, it sends you instructions.

Earlier I read you can install it on 2 machines, however when I had Office 2010, I had it installed on 3 no problem. Decided to upgrade to 2013 and I like it so far."

this worked for least, i got the email...i haven't purchased it, yet

can't decide if it's even worth the $10 over 2010

1/31/2013 9:31:54 AM

45912 Posts
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thanks; bought it the other day.

FYI: even after I got the email and clicked the link, it didn't work; had to wait about 10 min and it worked. Not sure why so wonky.

The white scheme was too white; light gray is ok. Haven't had time to really fool around with it.

1/31/2013 9:39:02 AM

All American
5160 Posts
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Does this still work for email addresses? Im being told they are unable to qualify me with the email domain I provided.

7/9/2014 11:33:00 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » MS Office 2013 Page [1]  
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