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All American
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pretty sure i just saw an suv with hazards escorting their kids from house to house to trick or treat


p.s. this thread is not about fucking kids

10/31/2012 7:00:55 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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my first group of trick or treaters was a group of 7 kids who rolled up in an SUV and parked in my fucking driveway... each of the 7 kids had 5 fucking bags.

10/31/2012 7:02:12 PM

19447 Posts
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But it's sort of cold outside. They might be slightly physically uncomfortable for a few hours. That would obviously ruin their childhood and dub their parents failures.

10/31/2012 7:02:48 PM

15294 Posts
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Maybe you should make a thread and try to get the rules changed for halloween

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

10/31/2012 7:02:57 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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This thread has nothing to do with fucking kids.

Good day, sirs.

10/31/2012 7:07:43 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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first ones that came here had brown bags that were obviously used earlier on 40s

10/31/2012 7:12:31 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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im confused as shit because every kid so far has been a ladybug

wat in the goddamn hell

10/31/2012 7:16:30 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Quote :



10/31/2012 7:28:34 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
15721 Posts
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If I ever have kids I'll NEVER let them knock on strangers' doors. Absolutely not. Freaking weirdos out there.....

10/31/2012 7:39:07 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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We've had a couple of SUV groups so far Most of the kids aren't even from this neighborhood, which I don't mind, but damn at least park at the McDonald's across the street from the neighborhood entrance and walk over here.

Lots of lame ass costumes, too. Where's the creativity and effort these days?

10/31/2012 7:40:11 PM

19447 Posts
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It died with the invention of iPads.

10/31/2012 7:45:03 PM

All American
942 Posts
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we've had british zombies, a 2yr old candy corn, and a simba

10/31/2012 7:45:41 PM

wear sumthin tight
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10/31/2012 7:47:55 PM

wear sumthin tight
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10/31/2012 8:23:25 PM

All American
52895 Posts
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My parents always drove my brother and I around from house to house when we were trick-or-treating as kids...

but if we had only gone to houses within walking distance, we would have only gotten, like, 4 pieces of candy.

10/31/2012 8:37:57 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^completely different situation than lazy suburban kids.

Apparently I bought way too much candy this year. Hope my coworkers like candy because there's going to be a big ass bowl in the kitchen tomorrow. Do kids just not trick or treat anymore or do their parents just bring them to lame ass mall trick or treating?

10/31/2012 9:06:20 PM

21958 Posts
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Quote :
"My parents always drove my brother and I around from house to house when we were trick-or-treating as kids...

but if we had only gone to houses within walking distance, we would have only gotten, like, 4 pieces of candy."

This. I grew up with maybe 2 houses within walking distance. My kids are in a slightly better situation with 3 houses in walking distance. I totally drove my kids to a neighborhood to trick or treat.

[Edited on October 31, 2012 at 9:12 PM. Reason : Last year, it rained. So we did the mall.]

10/31/2012 9:11:39 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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^I know there's certain neighborhoods known for trick or treating like some are known for Christmas lights. I remember coworkers talking about a specific neighborhood in Durham that they took their kids to and didn't even bother at home. I'm sure there's a few in every city.

We had a decent turnout, and I got rid of half the candy I bought. Could have gotten rid of more if hubby hadn't been stingy with the first few groups that came by while I was out.

[Edited on October 31, 2012 at 9:13 PM. Reason : ^]

10/31/2012 9:13:17 PM

148800 Posts
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lol Mr. Humpty

10/31/2012 9:13:45 PM

All American
52895 Posts
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I've never even heard of this mall trick-or-treating.

10/31/2012 9:14:34 PM

21958 Posts
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Basically, you fight a huge crowd of dressed up hood rats to let your kids go from store to store to get candy.

10/31/2012 9:15:37 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Mall trick or treating is the lamest shit ever. I worked at Crabtree for four years and would volunteer to do the candy passing out shift since it meant I could get off work still in time to go to parties. You'd basically have a ridiculous swarm of children for two hours, but we passed out the shittiest candy and there was never enough so you'd be giving out one piece of Bazooka gum per kid to stretch it out. Then parents would bitch and moan about the crappy candy. If you want good candy, go out into your neighborhood and get to know your neighbors

10/31/2012 9:26:34 PM

no u
103355 Posts
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it's not the kids, it's the parents

10/31/2012 9:27:05 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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The best place for kids is a healthy suburban neighborhood where you know theres no so called weirdos and they can get pillowcases full of candy

10/31/2012 9:30:32 PM

All American
3876 Posts
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^^^ Trunk or treat sounds worse. A bunch of people park in a parking lot, and the kids go car to car getting candy. Hella wack.

We had 3 groups o' kids here in Durham tonight, everyone got some king sized candy bars.

10/31/2012 9:54:25 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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my kids went trick or treating in Linville. they hit like 10 houses and racked up. king sized and full sized bars or jam packed treat bags.

10/31/2012 10:39:00 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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So I live on Athens and, uh, I don't know what I expected.

None of the kids have had parents with them, but none of them have been dressed up. At all. No costumes.

One kid had an Iron Man mask on, but regular clothes. Not even like a red shirt or something.

11/1/2012 2:45:46 AM

All American
2615 Posts
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I live in a nice neighborhood that is surrounded by ghetto. Last year kids would knock, and the parents/hood rats with them would bum rush the door and take what they could quickly.

This year I answered my door with a bowl of candy in my left hand , and my right hand on my glock in the small of my back.

Cops were out in force this year so no incidents that I heard of.

11/1/2012 8:21:37 AM

All American
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haha we have to put up a baby gate between our doors to keep the dog from running out to "greet" everyone so they'd be SOL if they wanted to bum rush me. But hell by the end of the night I was tempted to just dump the entire bowl of candy in the kids' bags so I didn't have to eat the candy

11/1/2012 8:47:09 AM

All American
3729 Posts
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the parents need to stop being lazy and walk around with the kids

11/1/2012 9:04:15 AM

All American
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^ My coworker was just saying that to me haha. Apparently there's some fat ass in their neighborhood that was driving her kids door to door and when my coworker called her out on it her response was, "But it's dark outside!" That's what flashlights are for.

11/1/2012 9:05:44 AM

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11/1/2012 9:28:25 AM

All American
27278 Posts
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I had a relatively good experience this year. It was kinda cold so lots of the kids had coats on over their costumes but I didn't see any incidences of parents driving their kids around. Most of the parents just waited in the street as their kids walked from door to door.

I did have one guy who looked to be about 25 years old wearing an Autozone shirt come knock on my door. I just told him he was too old to be trick or treating and shut the door in his face.

11/1/2012 9:36:16 AM

All American
1673 Posts
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do they even know


1/7/2017 12:17:18 AM

26632 Posts
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i assume leaving kids unattended at bus stops is not allowed these days (what?), but who don't parents coordinate and just one parent stays instead of a line of cars idling at the bus stops.

8/26/2019 8:09:26 AM

All American
12559 Posts
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was dtownral dickriding and looking through my old posts?


8/26/2019 8:10:53 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » fucking kids these days Page [1]  
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