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 Message Boards » » Online physics class @ state help Page [1]  
All American
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So my gf works for unc school systems and wants to take general physics online at state but they are balking bc of a math requirement she doesn't have. She's a chem/anthro major and already graduated. Not sure why they are sticking it to her, the prof is new and is prob just wanting to abide by the rules strictly and won't give her a break. Unc already approved her in their physics class but its not online and she works during the day so that option is out. They don't offer an online class this spring at unc or shed just take that. If its within the unc school system it's free for her, anybody know of any schools offering an online general physics class in unc school systems? She's searching right now and I'm on my phone at the airport so it's tricky to search myself. Thanks for the help.

11/28/2012 1:25:56 PM

45912 Posts
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sounds like she needs to take a math class.

11/28/2012 1:26:57 PM

All American
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It's to help her for med school btw

11/28/2012 1:27:12 PM

All American
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Ya if it comes down to it def take the math but she need sto apply to pa schools this fall, taking a math first throws it off. She actually had the pre req in high school(it's pre calculus) but for some reason nc state won't recognize it

11/28/2012 1:28:26 PM

15294 Posts
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I think 121 or 110 is the basic class.

Theres also like layman physics or something lol

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/28/2012 1:30:58 PM

All American
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I think for mcats she needs 151

11/28/2012 1:33:02 PM

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so if you know the class number whats the question? i don't understand, just tell her to search for a DE section...

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/28/2012 1:34:15 PM

All American
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I can't do a search but wondered if uncw or Ecu or some other unc school offered an online physics class she could hop into, I'm on my phone at the airport so my searching capabilities are limited

11/28/2012 2:03:55 PM

I'm Eggscellent
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Sorry we actually require math classes at State

Deal with it

11/28/2012 2:04:55 PM

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Ahh NCSU math. I never studied, copied all the webassign and maple got low Bs and didn't learn anything at all

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on November 28, 2012 at 2:07 PM. Reason : they should just teach you math as needed.]

11/28/2012 2:06:53 PM

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i remember my physics professor at state showed us some video one time of one of his former students who was currently a movie stuntman or something, and he enlisted the physics professor's help to calculate some various measurements for a stunt in a movie to make sure everything was safe and accurate...he fucked it up and the guy got injured

11/28/2012 2:07:02 PM

All American
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I'd ask the prof if there was a math he'd accept as a co-req, and take both online simultaneously

11/28/2012 2:09:56 PM

All American
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Ask the prof if there's a math he would accept as a co-req, and take them both online

Quote :
"Not sure why they are sticking it to her, the prof is new and is prob just wanting to abide by the rules strictly and won't give her a break. Unc already approved her in their physics class"

This should be pretty obvious. UNC is a liberal arts school. NCSU is an engineering school. It's plausible that the latter would be a little more strict about allowing someone to take even a basic collegiate physics course not having had any relevant collegiate math

[Edited on November 28, 2012 at 3:04 PM. Reason : sorry for dbl post, thought phone timed out...weird]

11/28/2012 3:03:28 PM

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Am i the only one who is aware of how awesome UNC's science programs are? Sure you can major in comparative literature or make up some major like womens' journalism or some shit but you are shitting yourself if you think their premed and physics programs aren't awesome.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/28/2012 3:05:44 PM

13089 Posts
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UNC is also awesome at Engineering. The world-renowned Davis school of Engineering

11/28/2012 3:10:02 PM

All American
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try fayetteville state...might get a minority scholarship

11/28/2012 10:51:03 PM

All American
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I mean I know black guys are always Carolina fans but come on

In all seriousness though I admit I'm only going off of tired stereotypes so maybe the state prof is just being by the book...I've been a victim of a new professor going by the book myself, except it ended in me having to drop out because he failed me for missing a midterm (core major class, offered once a year) when I had told him weeks before the semester started that I had to be gone for those three days. Of course the midterm would arbitrarily be assigned on one of those days and of course he wouldn't let me take it before (because I might tell others what was on it) or after (unfair advantage) and of course he couldn't be bothered to make another version for me. Life changing decision he made there for me, lemme tell ya

11/28/2012 11:45:30 PM

All American
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^ What was the reason you had to be gone for those three days?

11/29/2012 8:32:51 AM

All American
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Let's call it a "religious experience"

11/29/2012 11:42:41 AM

All American
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Strange, I would have figured that UNC would offer as many online/no show classes as they could.

11/29/2012 1:14:58 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Life changing decision he made there for me, lemme tell ya"

I'm intrigued...

Can your gf walkon for any UNC sports teams?

11/29/2012 1:36:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Let's call it a "religious experience""

So your professor wouldn't let you go to Burning Man?? Boo hoo.

11/29/2012 3:33:00 PM

All American
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No, maybe it's just no one's business?

11/29/2012 5:10:45 PM

All American
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All your gf needs for med school is an algebra-based Physics course (don't know what the course numbers are at UNC). Shouldn't be too hard to find - particularly in the summer. There are also no math requirements for med school (at least all the med schools in NC).

11/29/2012 5:19:18 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Online physics class @ state help Page [1]  
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