I was wondering if anyone knew anything about the guy in the wheelchair rushing the court yesterday at the Duke game? Dick Vitale was talking about him and his name is Will Prevette, but I couldn't find anything else about him. Is he a student? That kid is the shit. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/429021_445018508884717_1957945521_n.jpg
1/13/2013 2:53:36 PM
I don't know if anyone found out yet, but there's a wheelchair kid thread halfway down the page message_topic.aspx?topic=634075CTRL + F is your friend :3
1/13/2013 2:54:50 PM
yeah, pm BlackDog for details. they're really good friends
1/13/2013 2:54:52 PM
Blackdog is making a Will Prevette highlight video, it's going to be sweet
1/13/2013 3:30:41 PM
1/13/2013 3:39:49 PM
Today we are all will prevette
1/13/2013 4:31:25 PM