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 Message Boards » » Explain this REST API shit to me Page [1]  
15294 Posts
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This has been a Krallum demand

3/11/2013 12:51:48 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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it's pretty straightforward

3/11/2013 1:09:45 PM

All American
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It almost shouldn't have its own name.

CouchDB is a practical application that should give you a good grasp of what it is.

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 1:15 PM. Reason : ]

3/11/2013 1:10:50 PM

All American
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Representational State Transfer (REST)

Honestly, do yourself a favor and read this (of which, ^CouchDB is a great example):

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 3:17 PM. Reason : .]

3/11/2013 3:16:26 PM

All American
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3/11/2013 3:58:07 PM

15294 Posts
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I can hear, his voice. That is the first time that has ever happened to me

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 3:58:39 PM

15294 Posts
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Oh so this shit is ez

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 4:10:49 PM

All American
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This is the best explanation ever:

3/12/2013 1:29:15 AM

15294 Posts
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yeah learned all this shit in the networking class but they didn't call it REST because in school no one ever names anything what its called in the industry its just "Chapter 7"

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/12/2013 9:38:16 AM

All American
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It sounds like a set of principles for making protocols that work at a low level in much the same way as the Web, excerpted from the design principles of HTTP.

3/12/2013 5:22:21 PM

15294 Posts
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Its literally just HTTP, except people remembered that you can use shit other than get

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/12/2013 5:32:01 PM

All American
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actually HTTP does use methods other than GET, esp. POST (but also HEAD, and less commonly PUT and DELETE)

and REST is not quite the same thing as HTTP, it's like the protocol variant of the oft-repeated saying that you can write FORTRAN code in any language: You can use HTTP requests with any protocol that implements a RESTful API (although in practice most REST systems actually do use HTTP)

3/12/2013 9:45:09 PM

All American
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It was less common a few years back for web services and api endpoints to use PUT and DELETE, but I've not seen any in the past two years that use HTTP improperly. The converse was when SOAP was prevalent and everything was done as a POST and the HTTP action had no semantic meeting. It's really crazy that SOAP got as popular as it was considering it was a complete bastardization of HTTP. It's almost as crazy as people in interviews claiming that the difference between POST and GET is that POST is more secure because you can't see the parameters in the query string.

I heard stories, possibly nerd urban legends, of GET methods that had side effects of deleting causing Google to remove an entire database when it crawled the site.

[Edited on March 13, 2013 at 12:29 PM. Reason : a]

3/13/2013 12:25:56 PM

All American
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It is shit.

5/30/2014 2:40:28 PM

All American
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the reason soap got so popular was because of how well defined it was. It made interop crazy easy which has always been more important than adhering to some theoretical concept of how http should be used. also soap is technically independent of http. you can pass the messages around however you want cause its just xml, but http is obviously the most popular transport.

its only been very recently that decent frameworks for REST type stuff have come about, but even still theres no real standards on how it works and you can really just make up whatever you want and call it rest. Problems that were totally solved in SOAP (serialization, authentication, encryption, signing, code generation, etc...) are all spilt out into separate exercises for you to solve on your own when using REST.

plus, the serialization format that everyone likes to use with rest is a gigantic piece of unspecified shit. JSON is so bad compared to XML, but everyone wants to use javascript (which is also garbage) so we've moved backwards in computing 10 years for this shit. WebAPI is the best REST framework I've used and when Microsoft merges it with MVC in vNext/MVC6 there wont be any reason to use anything else for web site type stuff.

5/30/2014 8:25:45 PM

All American
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I work with an app that uses odata:

But it seems to have some ambiguity still. Regardless, the company really just does make something up wherever its unclear how it's "supposed" to be done.

5/31/2014 12:17:33 AM

All American
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lol @ shaggy saying xml is better than json

6/1/2014 8:57:02 PM

41010 Posts
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personally, i prefer all my REST services to use YAML

[Edited on June 1, 2014 at 10:04 PM. Reason : ]

6/1/2014 9:59:21 PM

All American
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also lol @ shaggy saying that the use of JSON implies the use of Javascript (which is not garbage but anyway)

6/8/2014 12:56:16 AM

All American
51923 Posts
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Well, it does.

6/9/2014 3:17:06 PM

15294 Posts
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Well this shit is really easy.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on June 9, 2014 at 3:38 PM. Reason : You can learn a lot when you don't spend 8 hours on this website at work :^)]

6/9/2014 3:38:03 PM

The Stubby
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Quote :
"plus, the serialization format that everyone likes to use with rest is a gigantic piece of unspecified shit. JSON is so bad compared to XML, but everyone wants to use javascript (which is also garbage) so we've moved backwards in computing 10 years for this shit."

interesting - i've had the exact opposite experience. imo, XML basically is JSON, except you get to do a LOT more typing. it's only "defined" if you define an XSD to validate the XML against, which is more work on you.

while JSON does technically imply the use of javascript (come on, the JS in "JSON"), it's a data payload format that is entirely independent of Javascript... you can use it with anything that can parse text

6/9/2014 4:26:51 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Explain this REST API shit to me Page [1]  
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