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 Message Boards » » I wish more pet owners would do this Page [1]  
wear sumthin tight
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4/24/2013 3:00:57 PM

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4/24/2013 3:02:15 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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"I ain't touchin that shit"

[Edited on April 24, 2013 at 3:09 PM. Reason : d]

4/24/2013 3:02:50 PM

11094 Posts
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That's one way to doo it

4/24/2013 3:08:06 PM

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4/24/2013 3:08:56 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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it's always the asians, man

4/24/2013 3:13:06 PM

wear sumthin tight
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4/24/2013 3:28:57 PM

soup du hier
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my dog would look at me like "What in the flying fuck are you doing?.... little privacy please?"

but then she usually craps in the middle of some brush deep in the woods.

4/24/2013 3:32:34 PM

All American
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Before I got a dog, I was all like,


Then I got a dog, and now I'm all like,


4/24/2013 3:43:34 PM

wear sumthin tight
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My neighbors just got a new puppy and I came outside with one of them taking the dog out right in front of the walkway at my place. I asked him if he was letting the dog go right there, because there's a place about 50 ft away to let the pets go, he was like, "oh, no, just taking her out for some fresh air."

I like dogs, but I don't like walking through their crap to get in and out of my place.

4/24/2013 4:03:19 PM

All American
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I'm sure most of the dog owners who walk at Lake Johnson pick up after their dog, but that place gets pretty damn gross sometimes too. Pathetic that people can't handle their responsibilities at a place that provides bags and trashcans every mile or so.

And what's with all the people that bag their shit and then leave it beside the trail for someone else to pick up? There's a couple spots on the dirt side that frequently have 5+ bags waiting to be picked up and I see it pretty frequently on the asphalt side too. Is this a normal thing in some places? In any case, I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be a normal thing here.

We should start snapping photos of people who didn't pick up after their dogs and tweeting that shit. #RaleighDogAssholes or something.

[Edited on April 24, 2013 at 4:14 PM. Reason : l]

4/24/2013 4:13:41 PM

All American
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I still hate picking up my dog's shit...but I still do it every single time. Nothing worse than stepping in dog shit while you're minding your business...or smelling it while you're just walking down the street.

Luckily my dog usually shits in the back of our yard or when we take him to the dog park. That being said...he normally gets the urge in the middle of a long run to take a dump. Always gotta have a baggie on ya!

4/24/2013 4:15:32 PM

148851 Posts
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TreeTwista10 and sector2 exposed??

4/24/2013 4:18:39 PM

15294 Posts
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Is he shoving a bag of dog shit into that dog's ass?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

4/24/2013 4:20:20 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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Quote :
"And what's with all the people that bag their shit and then leave it beside the trail for someone else to pick up?"

There's a couple of people in my neighborhood who will bag it, then when no one's looking, throw the bag into the bushes so they don't have to carry it back. I found one that had been thrown in by my mailbox once and left for days.

I have a dog, so I don't mind scooping up the occasional turd pile in my yard, or if I'm lucky it'll be a few days before I get out to the front yard and a rainstorm will take care of it for me. But to bag it and then stash it away in someone's bushes, that's just evil.

4/24/2013 4:23:21 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And what's with all the people that bag their shit and then leave it beside the trail for someone else to pick up?"

We take our dog to the beach every weekend and a lot of people (myself included a lot of times), will put the baggie next to the closest landmark so we can pick it up on the way back. If I'm close to a beach exit and can run and put it in the trash can real quick, I will...but I have no qualms about letting it sit there while I walk up and down the beach. Nothing ruins a walk/run on the beach like smelling dog shit the entire time.

4/24/2013 4:29:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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4/24/2013 6:14:29 PM

All American
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and this is why i have a fenced backyard........they can shit wherever and it's only a problem to me when i mow the lawn

but srsly...i have horrible neighbors who let their dogs shit in my front yard and it pisses me off soo much.

4/24/2013 7:34:22 PM

All American
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Hey ThePeter where is that pic you had of that sign in our apt complex about dog poop?

4/24/2013 8:14:17 PM

Duh, Winning
62531 Posts
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i heard only bald faggots wearing a scarf will do that "shit"

4/24/2013 8:17:53 PM

All American
7207 Posts
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Are those suitcases attached to the tree with "the club"?

4/24/2013 8:35:56 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I wish more pet owners would do this Page [1]  
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