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 Message Boards » » How many groups of friends do you have? Page [1]  
All American
4073 Posts
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Curious now because of the "what are you thinking thread"

1. Highschool/old childhood friends
2. NCSU friends
3. Raleigh friends (that I didn't meet at State)
4. Army friends
5. Methodist friends
6. Charlotte friends
7. Family friends

....I'm sure there are more, but off the top of my head this will do

(Also, every group of friends calls me a different name)

[Edited on June 1, 2013 at 8:35 PM. Reason : F]

6/1/2013 8:34:56 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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this is the internet, no one here has any friends

6/1/2013 8:37:12 PM

All American
4073 Posts
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[Edited on June 1, 2013 at 8:38 PM. Reason : caps work better]

6/1/2013 8:38:27 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I used to have like 8.

Now i only have 1, fake internet friends.

6/1/2013 8:45:14 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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I guess I divide my life in 3 parts -- family, friends, work. I generally don't mind when they mesh.

I guess that doesn't really answer your question, but I can't really come up with a list of friend groups. They intertwine so much.

[Edited on June 1, 2013 at 8:58 PM. Reason : ]

6/1/2013 8:56:47 PM

All American
3877 Posts
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I don't make an effort to keep them separate, they just seem to have defined boundaries. Active groups:

1. Childhood part 1 - go by nickname
2. Childhood part 2 (moved) - go by nickname
3. Middle/high school
4. College
5. Sports team - go by nickname
6. Old internship
7. Work - local office
8. Work - project 1 - go by nickname
9. Work - project 2
10. Work - project 3 - go by nickname
11. Old job - go by nickname
12. Work - peers from southeast starting class
13. Family friends - go by nickname
14. Friends by association through wife

[Edited on June 2, 2013 at 12:12 AM. Reason : ,]

6/2/2013 12:10:46 AM

40970 Posts
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nyc friends
charlotte friends
charlotte colleagues
erie pa friends
nc state friends
high school friends

[Edited on June 2, 2013 at 12:18 AM. Reason : and they're not called groups, they're called clusters.]

6/2/2013 12:15:55 AM

balls deep
89884 Posts
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Atlanta frands
Charlotte frands
Raleigh frands
College frands
Grad school frands
NY frands
NY colleagues
DC frands
DC colleagues
TWW frands frands

[Edited on June 2, 2013 at 12:23 AM. Reason : jj]

6/2/2013 12:20:52 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i have 3 friends i actually stay in touch with. don't know anyone where i live now except my neighbor and folks from work.

6/2/2013 12:28:01 AM

11149 Posts
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Childhood friends
NC State friends
Cheesecake factory friends
Boyfriend's friends
Brother's friends
Locust friends
And my pets are my friends.

[Edited on June 2, 2013 at 12:39 AM. Reason : forgot TWW friends]

6/2/2013 12:30:03 AM

All American
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I only have two friends in the world (both of whom I've known since middle school.) I've made other friends at various times since then, but none I cared about enough (or vv) to stay in touch with. I pretty much suck at making/having/keeping friends.

6/2/2013 12:31:50 AM

11149 Posts
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6/2/2013 12:33:09 AM

All American
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If both my friends lived within 500 miles of me, that's probably how I'd feel. Alas, neither does.

6/2/2013 12:38:34 AM

148848 Posts
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lol justin

6/2/2013 12:39:17 AM

All American
19640 Posts
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Hometown friends (this group includes classmates, parents friends, and work friends from my last couple of jobs)
Up here is more divided I guess, with the following:
Work friends
Church friends
Scout friends

A couple fall in both, like my old HS buddy who now works at the next building over from me. I don't act completely different around one group versus the other, so I don't really mind if they interact.

6/2/2013 8:15:54 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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1. TWW... you are my only friends.

6/2/2013 8:50:01 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28489 Posts
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Quote :
"lol justin"



6/2/2013 11:10:35 AM

15294 Posts
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Raleigh kidz
Chapel hill punx
High school friends
Durham metal kidz
Rva metal kidz

Everyone else can get fucked

Im Krallum and I approved this message

[Edited on June 2, 2013 at 11:32 AM. Reason : ,,|,,]

6/2/2013 11:29:39 AM

All American
6755 Posts
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6/2/2013 1:00:28 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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Childhood/hs friends
College friends
Raleigh friends
Parent friends
Former colleagues
TWW friends

6/2/2013 1:09:36 PM

All American
4898 Posts
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Too god damn many.

I can divide them into larger groups based on how I know them, I guess, but they each subdivide.

1. Improv friends
-people that are high most of the time
-Tron/karaoke/band group (not usually high, but sometimes)

2. People I know through this one guy that knows everyone
-design people
-his high school group
-people that went to Cary Academy (gamers)

3. Computer Science people
-they're actually all nicely into one group, usually. Even people from the quad have joined this group, so I don't have to separate them

4. People I know through the former roommate of a friend of a friend (no really)
-I could divide them but it's not worth it because I don't hang out with them separately

5. NCSSM People (Oddly, I don't hang out with people I went to high school with myself, just people's friends that went to high school with them
-some of these also are improv people

6. People I know through swing dance, but I don't really get to hang out with these people other than dancing because time

And then there are a crapton of people that are just one here, two there, that don't really (people from classes, random things, et cetera). I know I'm forgetting people.
Some of the improv people and the NCSSM people know each other already. The gamers/Tron (nickname, nothing to do with tron actually) people I've started to merge with the gamers (and some of the high school group) from group 2. Some of groups 4 and 1 know each other as well, as do groups 4 and 5, but there's not a whole lot of cross over.
Everyone knows everyone it's weird and confusing I have too many friends.

6/2/2013 2:17:55 PM

35780 Posts
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1. childhood friends - these are still my closest friends. Known each other since elementary/middle school. went to different colleges, came back to CLT after. a couple have moved since but we talk daily.

2. NCSU/Raleigh friends - a close core from my fraternity and years spent in Raleigh. I keep in touch with quite a few even though I don't make it back as much as I should.

3. Beer Friends - people i've met through the NC craft beer scene. good people, all ages and from all walks of life. have sort of slipped away from these friends lately with my cutting back on beer.

4. Softball friends - people I play with on various teams throughout the week.

5. Internet friends. you people unless you fall into a catergory above.

6/3/2013 11:15:01 AM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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I'm from Raleigh so it's pretty simple.

elementary/middle school friends
high school friends that did something worth a shit with their lives
high school friends that did not (aka north raleigh all stars)
college friends (most have moved, unfortunately)
grad school friends (most have moved, unfortunately)
bowling league friends.

I've never worked with anyone close to my age.

6/3/2013 2:46:40 PM


21814 Posts
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1. Childhood- PA friends -go by my nickname
2. High school NC friends -go by nickname
3. Peace friends -go by nickname
4. NCSU friends
5. Ren Faire friends
6. TWW friends -go by Minka lol
7. Running- friends
8. Family friends -go by nickname

6/3/2013 3:12:33 PM

35780 Posts
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what is your nickname?

i've never really had a nickname. just a shortened last name. nothing cool like Tex

6/3/2013 3:13:23 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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I have friends, acquaintances, and enemies.

6/4/2013 12:15:10 AM


21814 Posts
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6/4/2013 1:44:43 AM

All American
15540 Posts
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Quote :
"I can't really come up with a list of friend groups. They intertwine so much."

[Edited on June 4, 2013 at 1:48 AM. Reason : I always wanted a nickname, but mine is kinda lame around here]

[Edited on June 4, 2013 at 1:48 AM. Reason : got it in NY]

6/4/2013 1:47:01 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I have a few very close friends and then people I'm friendly people you could count on in a pinch but you'd feel kind of bad/weird about imposing.

I think I have just enough friends, but if one of them were to move away or die or something, I'd be so screwed for companionship.

6/4/2013 3:02:46 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » How many groups of friends do you have? Page [1]  
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