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 Message Boards » » Getting old Page [1]  
All American
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It's going to happen to me.
It's going to happen to you.

It's going to happen to all of us.

6/12/2013 5:16:54 PM

15294 Posts
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are those the tiki girls?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/12/2013 5:23:17 PM

All American
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6/12/2013 5:25:52 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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Dunno where to post this, mods just move it wherever you want...

"The Club Guy" (his name is Curtis) has a small shop on Penny Rd right across the street from Knightsplay (par 3 course). The man loves to help people get older, and man does it show. Handed me his card and said to spread the word... so I am...

Let me make this simple - If you need advice on anything age related, trust me, SEE THIS GUY. Went to see him three times in the past year, and each time I thanked God he did.

Here's the rundown...

First visit

- He got my swing back on track (total disaster beforehand) - he charges $1.50 per minute for impromptu lessons. IMHO he outa charge about $10-20 per minute, but for the sake of not going broke I didn't tell him that.
- He pointed how bad my clubs were for me. The grips were worn & too damn small, so I was gripping the club too hard. The clubs themselves had uber light shafts (standard for most sets you buy off the rack), which was a terrible match for me considering that I swing too hard as it is.
- Told me to ditch my sand and gap wedges for the same reason - uber light shaft. He also asked if I liked my 60 degree wedge. I said "yeah I hit it much better than my other ones, why?", and he says "I expected that, since that's the only one that has a heavy shaft."
He gave me specific instructions on what clubs to buy AND where to find good used clubs. Found a perfect used set in good condition at Golfsmith for about 1/4 the price of new ones.
- Dropped off the "new" clubs so he good re-grip them with oversize grips that fit my hands.

Second visit (next day)

- Picked up the re-gripped clubs.
- Another impromptu lesson (~10 minutes).
- Looked at his collection of used wedges, picked up a pair of used ones with the heavy shafts I needed for dirt cheap.

Third visit (next year)

- Another impromptu lesson (~15 minutes), fixed my horrendously bad alignment issues in about 5.
- He noticed my pitching wedge was bent (i.e. shaft curved inward slightly). He straightened it out as I was warming up (at the hitting station).
- That's when he noticed my bag was sagging under it's own weight (i.e. needed to be replaced BAD). Bought yet another used item - a used bag for $50 (sells new for $250), thus saving the rest of my clubs from a similar fate.
- Went to the golf range afterward and was smashing the range balls like they owed me money.


- Fixed my alignment issues (twice)
- Helped me find grips that fit my hands, a set of clubs, 2 wedges, and a bag that actually suited me at a fraction of the cost.
- Got rid of my slice for good, replacing it with a sweeping draw that most pros today use.

If you need to get older, you should see this guy. Period. You have no excuse. None.

You can thank me later.

6/12/2013 5:30:18 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Looks like my kinda crowd.

Fly fishermen.

6/12/2013 5:36:35 PM

All American
6755 Posts
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6/12/2013 5:40:43 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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That's rough

6/12/2013 7:02:46 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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getting old != getting lame

those people were also lame when they were young

6/12/2013 7:16:17 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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Being lame is where it's at

6/12/2013 7:19:07 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Nothing wrong with being lame.

I'm just saying that those people are likely very similar to the people they were before they got old.

6/12/2013 7:56:22 PM

384 Posts
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Getting old is mandatory

Growing up is optional - I prefer to act immature until I kick the bucket!!!

6/13/2013 8:51:36 AM

Agent 0
All American
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6/13/2013 8:53:14 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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I bet that blond lady could party back in the day. If they had Youtube back then there would probably be a video of her in a bikini with a bud heavy in her hand yelling "SPRING BREAK NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN BITCHESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Quote :
"Nothing wrong with being lame.
I'm just saying that those people are likely very similar to the people they were before they got old."

Yeah but if you're cool you have to worry about being washed up. That's way worse because you can see that they used to be cool in their washed up eyes. None of these folks will ever have to worry about that.

[Edited on June 13, 2013 at 10:31 AM. Reason : l]

6/13/2013 10:29:26 AM

35780 Posts
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Quote :
"I bet that blond lady could party back in the day. If they had Youtube back then there would probably be a video of her in a bikini with a bud heavy in her hand yelling "SPRING BREAK NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN BITCHESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!""

more like 1977

6/13/2013 10:38:43 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28489 Posts
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if being old means liking miller lite, fuck that shit.

6/13/2013 10:42:30 AM

11094 Posts
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I won that flashing my tetas down in PC Beach

6/13/2013 10:43:42 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Getting old Page [1]  
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