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All American
52743 Posts
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i'd agree to your general assessment, but i have to side with her on this particular one. if you don't want to give kids and/or find the idea of bursting your nether regions at the seams particularly off-putting, well...I think those are reasonable positions, biology be damned.

4/2/2014 11:40:01 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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I took it to mean the idea of what I said was appalling, not that I was personally appalling because I was allowing those things to happen. But either way, that's just, like, your opinion, man. I was very much against having children at all growing up, then I decided I wanted one, but had zero desire to ruin my body doing it so I planned to adopt. Being told I didn't ovulate and couldn't have kids was (ironically. that the correct usage?) the changing point for me. Suddenly it was all I wanted.

Side note. Fuck those doctors. I got knocked up with zero help from them. Just the old fashioned way.

Pregnancy was rough for me and I totally see why people wouldn't want it. And not to say that I don't love my son and totally stand by my choice, but damn this is hard work. And Biscuit's god parents are child free and they go on all sorts of trips, sometimes deciding last minute to just pack up and go. And they always want to head out to expensive restaurants when they visit or we visit them. I am a bit jealous.

I guess my point is either choice is fine with me. As a person who was told they couldn't get pregnant the questions about kids right after we got married were a little rough but I got over it. Not everyone knew my situation and so I just said we weren't ready yet or that we weren't sure if we were going to have kids. If they questioned that I either changed the subject or told them some things were none of their business.

4/3/2014 6:41:17 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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If you post in the childfree thread about your kid, you deserve to get booed out of here and told how gross you and your kid are.

4/3/2014 10:20:08 AM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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I posted about the bad suck at reading comprehension.

If I was posting about how you are all stupid because my kid is awesome yeah I totally agree. Instead you are attacking (lack of a better word) someone for the sole reason that she has a kid without reading her words. I was throwing out ammo for your side and all you read was "I have a baby."

4/3/2014 10:35:17 AM

All American
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Do I go in the kids thread and post about being childfree? Do you think we aren't familiar with all the problems those little shits cause?

4/3/2014 11:21:10 AM

All American
4080 Posts
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I am thrilled to hear that you aren't going to reproduce.

4/3/2014 11:36:24 AM

All American
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I am thrilled to never hear about your kids ever again.

4/3/2014 12:42:28 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
"Being told I didn't ovulate and couldn't have kids was (ironically. that the correct usage?) the changing point for me. Suddenly it was all I wanted."

BLACKJESUS CHRIST how does that line of reasoning work?

4/3/2014 1:31:36 PM

All American
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^^I'm pretty sure you've never heard me talk about my kids.

4/3/2014 1:38:19 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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2^hormones. Crazy wimmens syndrome. I don't know. It was weird.

4/3/2014 1:47:14 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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4/3/2014 2:02:38 PM


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4/4/2014 3:37:50 PM

All American
2303 Posts
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^^^^i don't have kids. But I would like to hear about yours.

Tell me a funny or sweet thing that happened recently

4/5/2014 1:34:47 AM

All American
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As requested: I have a nine month old girl. She sleeps perfectly through the night 8pm-8am. This morning she got up at 6:30. I was none to pleased, but put her in the bed with us so we could go back to sleep for a few minutes. She sits there and just talks to herself. I opened one eye to glare at her, so she crawled over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I've been trying to teach her to give kisses and this is the first time she's initiated a kiss.

As far as funny- i'm a breastfeeding Mom. She's suddenly fascinated by nipples. When she is nursing, she wants to play with the other nipple, and I have to keep swatting her away. She also tries to unbutton my shirt in public.

4/5/2014 7:05:40 AM

balls deep
89719 Posts
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^. She sounds awesome.

4/5/2014 9:15:12 AM

All American
52743 Posts
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Quote :
"She's suddenly fascinated by nipples. When she is nursing, she wants to play with the other nipple, and I have to keep swatting her away. She also tries to unbutton my shirt in public."

Sounds about right. Some of us never really outgrow that, either.

When my daughter was a baby, she'd try to latch onto my bicep when I held her, haha.

4/5/2014 10:45:38 AM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"you are such a cunt. "OMG FEMALE POWER (until the woman does something she was biologically designed to do)""

What? I'm down with any woman who wants to do anything she desires with her body. But I do find the side effects of a vaginal birth to be something I do not want (appalling!), and it's just another on the long list of reasons why I won't have kids. I never said that's the only appropriate choice for women.

and also, just because my body biologically can do something doesn't mean I want it to

Quote :
"I took it to mean the idea of what I said was appalling, not that I was personally appalling because I was allowing those things to happen."

I'm glad you understood what I meant.

4/7/2014 4:56:14 PM

All American
25818 Posts
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I think the term "childfree" is a but much. Why not "non-Parents" ?

Children aren't inherently a bad thing, just like choosing not to be a parent isn't a bad thing either...

4/7/2014 6:16:35 PM

All American
12762 Posts
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Should people without kids pay higher taxes?

4/7/2014 7:13:05 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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^^choosing not to be a parent is "bad" to many people, so that doesn't quite fix it either

^We already do pay more (as a percentage) since we will never receive any child-related credits

And are penalized for being dual income couples, usually, as well, due to an outdated tax code that still favors a breadwinner/homemaker

Aside from the fact that we're already paying taxes on a few things we will use substantially less of in the future (public schools, etc)

Raising our taxes seems silly

[Edited on April 7, 2014 at 7:30 PM. Reason : .]

4/7/2014 7:28:27 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
3583 Posts
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I'm 100% for taxing those who reproduce more.....

but that also opens another topic and or can of worms.

4/7/2014 10:35:50 PM

All American
52743 Posts
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^^^ that's the dumbest fucking idea i've heard in a while.

4/7/2014 10:58:34 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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It does sound stupid. Parents already get tax credits. I don't know why but I am happy for it. Taxing child free couples may just encourage people who shouldn't breed to pop out kids. I mean, if you were on the fence and found out you were going to have to choose from paying more taxing or getting a check from the government what would you choose?

4/8/2014 6:27:59 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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^ I would probably think about it for longer than two seconds and realize that that kid is going to cost way more than whatever tax break I would get.

4/8/2014 7:03:36 AM

mainly potato
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I am not referring people. I am talking about those that probably shouldn't breed in the first place. Ones that probably wouldn't use that tax money to better their children's lives.

4/8/2014 7:37:54 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^it's obvious that's the current mentality of many, many people.

4/8/2014 10:53:03 AM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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Unfortunately you are correct.

4/8/2014 11:56:35 AM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"I think the term "childfree" is a but much. Why not "non-Parents" ?

Children aren't inherently a bad thing, just like choosing not to be a parent isn't a bad thing either..."

Usually the alternative is "childless" which I think is more offensive. I personally prefer childfree.

[Edited on April 8, 2014 at 12:52 PM. Reason : ]

4/8/2014 12:50:47 PM

35774 Posts
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hassle free

4/8/2014 1:14:27 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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I actually like the phrase "childfree." Because the term "X-free" generally means that you're avoiding some undesirable addition to life X, and thereby keeping things pure.

caffeine free, drug free, tax free, child free

I like that we can speak of children, at least implicitly, as if they're nasty little impurities that will taint and queer our lives. Whether I want to have kids or not, I find this outlook, and any term which connotes it, refreshing.

4/8/2014 2:02:45 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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In terms of parenting blogs and vernacular

Childfree implies a choice. Like smoke free. Or alcohol free. Or cat free.

Childless implies that you would like to have a child but can't or no longer have children.

4/8/2014 4:19:24 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"I like that we can speak of children, at least implicitly, as if they're nasty little impurities that will taint and queer our lives."

As a parent of two wonderful little special snowflakes...

...I'm completely OK with this.

4/8/2014 4:36:21 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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Quote :
"you suck at reading comprehension"

Quote :
"I am thrilled to hear that you aren't going to reproduce."


4/8/2014 7:50:34 PM

All American
25818 Posts
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Quote :
"In terms of parenting blogs and vernacular

Childfree implies a choice. Like smoke free. Or alcohol free. Or cat free.

Childless implies that you would like to have a child but can't or no longer have children.


right, and I get this. but this is about individuals making the deliberate/conscious choice NOT to be parents. some people actually like kids, but don't want to raise their own. i mean call it whatever you want, but i think this is more about the adults than the children...

4/9/2014 1:46:53 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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^ that was my thought too, some people do not have strong opinions about it, and for me that is a good enough reason not to put thought into kids.

funny enough I work at a daycare atm

4/9/2014 11:09:29 AM

All American
1870 Posts
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This past week I traveled to Columbus for a horse expo, and Toledo to pick up a sewing machine. I got to hang out with my folks, also horsepeople.

It was great sitting around at breakfast reading the paper and having normal adult conversation.

Kids got on my nerves in 2 ways:

1) running up and down the halls at 11 p.m. on a Saturday night when they should have been asleep; that got shut down real quick

2) When I was staying overnight in Toledo, a large family's toddlers were trying to get into the pool area during breakfast. A few thoughts:

Part of me was secretly hoping they'd fall into the pool; a larger part of me wanted to throw the parents in for ignoring their children.

I kept an eye on them anyway; because it's not the kids' fault their parents are that fucking stupid. (Yeah, I'd go after them if they were drowning. I'm trained in neonatal thru adult advanced CPR).

4/15/2014 8:59:28 PM

All American
8682 Posts
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Happy father's day

6/15/2014 6:58:42 PM

All American
22975 Posts
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Quote :
^We already do pay more (as a percentage) since we will never receive any child-related credits

And are penalized for being dual income couples, usually, as well, due to an outdated tax code that still favors a breadwinner/homemaker

Aside from the fact that we're already paying taxes on a few things we will use substantially less of in the future (public schools, etc)

Raising our taxes seems silly"

That is kind of interesting. Many people want to raise taxes on the rich. Why? Because they have more disposable income than others? They can afford it? You could potentially apply that same theory to childfree couples. They have more disposable income than those of use with kids.

I'm certainly not arguing for it - I think it is stupid. As stupid as taxing the rich as much as some want to tax them.

And don't bitch about paying taxes for schools. We all benefit from a well educated populace.

[Edited on June 17, 2014 at 11:25 AM. Reason : asdfa]

6/17/2014 11:24:49 AM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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Quote :
"That is kind of interesting. Many people want to raise taxes on the rich. Why? Because they have more disposable income than others? They can afford it? You could potentially apply that same theory to childfree couples. They have more disposable income than those of use with kids."

Or maybe people are childfree because they have no disposable income and didn't want to have children they couldn't afford.

6/17/2014 7:56:26 PM

All American
22975 Posts
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Apparently not for the people bragging in this thread about how much disposable income they have specifically b/c they don't have kids.

6/17/2014 8:02:04 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Can I bitch about public schools because they're awful in practice and only marginally less awful in theory?

Also, keep your responses brief, I don't have time to read too much between waxing my boat and polishing my gold monocle collection.

6/17/2014 11:53:28 PM

All American
22975 Posts
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I've always wanted a gold monocle collection.

6/18/2014 8:23:48 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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If you really had a gold monocle collection, you wouldn't be the one polishing it.

6/19/2014 10:13:31 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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I can't trust the help with the gold ones, you know how shiftless the poor are. I only let Margarita polish my silver, weekday monocles.

6/20/2014 1:28:54 AM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"That is kind of interesting. Many people want to raise taxes on the rich. Why? Because they have more disposable income than others? They can afford it? You could potentially apply that same theory to childfree couples. They have more disposable income than those of use with kids.

I'm certainly not arguing for it - I think it is stupid. As stupid as taxing the rich as much as some want to tax them.

And don't bitch about paying taxes for schools. We all benefit from a well educated populace"

I think you're misunderstanding people wanting to raise taxes on the rich. They can earn a lot on dividends from investments, effectively putting them in a lower tax bracket: like how Mitt Romney only paid about 14% of his income that year he released his tax records. Some of the people asking for higher taxes on the rich just want them to pay the 30% of their actual income- the way that most everyone else does (the Buffett rule).

So this isn't necessarily about who has extra cash to tax, it's about the unfairness of the tax code.

And I'm not actually complaining about taxing childfree people for schools: if nothing else, I certainly used them. I also use roads and a variety of other things we use tax money for.

[Edited on June 20, 2014 at 11:06 AM. Reason : .I just find it silly to raise my taxes when I'll never get a child tax credit]

6/20/2014 10:58:31 AM

All American
93277 Posts
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yeah... lets raise taxes on investment. that won't kill any economic progress we could make

6/21/2014 9:19:45 PM

All American
8682 Posts
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6/22/2014 2:10:45 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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I'm going to a baby shower next weekend. First one as an adult, and I don't know most of the people there (coworkers of a friend) How awkward will this be?

6/22/2014 9:40:18 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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Depends on if they serve booze and they play games or not. Ours was co-ed, they served booze, and no games. It was basically a gathering of friends and close family that just happened to be celebrating us confirming to the world we had sex and are bringing our crotch fruit in to the world.

6/22/2014 10:18:53 PM

All American
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It's at 10am so no booze and the guest list is all women. Will be interesting.

6/23/2014 2:49:04 PM

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