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 Message Boards » » Gerber Collision vs Hendrick Chevy for Body Work Page [1]  
play so hard
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I can also choose from: Haddock at Crossroads and Thompson Cadillac.

Need a new rear bumper on the BMW, some minor body work, and potentially some exhaust work (if these places even do that).

If you like Gerber, which location should I go to? I got fucked over by True 2 Form (off Westgate) last time I needed work done, so I'm trying to do some research this time.

8/8/2013 3:32:15 PM

All American
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I wouldn't recommend anyone go to the Gerber off Tryon in Garner. Took them two tries on my car and the first round was just sad.

8/8/2013 3:39:09 PM


10410 Posts
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Haddock at crossroads has always been decent to me. Probably 4 or 5 trips there, but that was 5+ years ago. Nothing exceptional though.

8/8/2013 3:59:44 PM

All American
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Haddock is pretty good. The other shops you listed aren't very good and true2 form is just terrible.

8/8/2013 6:47:07 PM

All American
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This request sounds oddly familiar....

I've had good luck with True 2 Form (now Gerber) in Garner. Had dent in the rear quarter panel removed and a new rear bumper installed. Both times were painless and the quality was good.

8/8/2013 6:54:30 PM

All American
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I don't know that Gerber produces the same quality of work that True 2 Form had.
Different company, different priorities.

8/8/2013 9:01:57 PM

14088 Posts
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what do you mean "you can choose from"? you can choose whomever you like. don't allow your insurance company to lie to you by telling you to pick from a list of their companies. that's bullshit.

with that being said I recommend Thompson Cadillac. i know the guys there do top notch work. i also will recommed foster's on capital as i can vouch for their quality as well.

8/8/2013 10:37:22 PM

All American
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What underPSI said.

8/9/2013 8:23:22 AM

play so hard
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^^ yeah I know I can use whatever shop I want, but if I use one of theirs the work is guaranteed for life, by my insurance company, and I've had to use that warranty before for some shitty interior work done by the aforementioned True 2 Form off Westgate.

8/9/2013 12:27:38 PM

All American
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If a body shop doesn't guaranty the work for life they aren't very good. Most nowadays do

8/9/2013 11:20:04 PM

All American
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I know a lot of people that have used henrick collision, including myself.

great results, but i know the guy that was working on our cars. from what i can tell they do great work. I've also used coats, and they also did great work.

8/12/2013 1:33:57 PM

14088 Posts
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well, one of your "choices" is Thompson Cadillac which is one of my recommendations so problem solved.

8/12/2013 8:52:40 PM

play so hard
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So I guess it's down to Hendrick vs Thompson : /

8/13/2013 10:03:44 AM

41759 Posts
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There is a guy at Hendrick Collision center that is a complete moron. I told him my sunroof jammed when I got rear ended, I got knocked way up the road from a dead stop with brakes on. He did not put it on the work order that went to the insurance, he said he would have it addressed when the car was dropped off, I dropped off the car and they had it for a whole week and did fix it or even diagnose it. They told me to bring it back on the 19th and they would fix it, the problem with that is I already had a rental car for a week while they had the car and were wasting time. All of that was billed to the other guys insurance, I have a feeling that insurance company is not going to pay for another rental car because Hendrick Collision does not know whats going on.

I would not recommend them at all unless you like babysitting people charging you or an insurance company thousands of dollars.

8/15/2013 1:46:56 PM

play so hard
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^ thanks for the warning. down to Haddock vs Thompson. Leaning towards the latter due to good online reviews...

[Edited on August 15, 2013 at 1:53 PM. Reason : ]

8/15/2013 1:49:13 PM

play so hard
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So I initially drove by Thompson, didn't get out of the car though. The place looked pretty sketch.

Instead, I went with Haddock Wakefield, mostly because Leith BMW says they send a lot of their cars there. Picked it up yesterday and damn do they do nice freaking work up there. All the paint looked wonderful, the gaps (which were all screwed up after the accident) were all perfect. I spent at least 15 minutes looking over the repairs (~$5.5k) and I couldn't find a single fault. Very impressed! It's also really handy that they have an Enterprise on site.

10/16/2013 12:27:15 PM

14088 Posts
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good to know. thanks for the update.

10/17/2013 8:44:46 PM

 Message Boards » The Garage » Gerber Collision vs Hendrick Chevy for Body Work Page [1]  
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