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 Message Boards » » creating android apps Page [1]  
All American
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don't have much experience other than c++ form back in the day but i have an idea for an app wondering how hard it'd be to create or how much one would charge to create it . it would be similar in functionality to gas buddy. where should I start?

8/28/2013 5:28:35 PM

148896 Posts
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holler at zorthage

8/28/2013 5:48:44 PM

All American
3864 Posts
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It's pretty easy, java is programming with kid gloves and the layout APIs for GUIs is very intuitive.

Depending on how in depth you want to get with the animations and graphics rendering, that can get pretty complicated.

Just make sure you understand the activity lifecycle and the rest should be easy to figure out

8/28/2013 9:33:32 PM

All American
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Trying to get started with it. Stuck. ADB cannot see my Android device, so I cannot even complete the basic getting-started walkthrough and run a Hello World.

Downloaded the SDK bundle and updated the packages. Following the developer tutorials verbatim and got stuck in choosing my android device. My Spectrum II is connected, does have USB debugging mode enabled, and does have latest drivers installed in Win 7.

When attempting to run, it gets to "Android Device Chooser", but my device is not listed. ADB apparently cannot see my device.

From what I have read, this a widely known problem experienced by pretty much everybody at some point, but none of the suggestions I have seen are successful in solving the problem. Going to step away for a few minutes so that my fist doesn't end up through my monitor.

And if anyone else solved this problem, would love to know.


I solved it. You must change your USB mode to "Internet connection," not "Media sync." The documentation fails to include that little detail.

[Edited on October 7, 2013 at 7:15 PM. Reason : solved]

10/7/2013 6:50:25 PM

All American
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I would have tried BlueStacks, then again I don't have an Android device.

10/8/2013 2:47:15 AM

11687 Posts
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a friend does this

10/8/2013 10:35:39 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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what IDE are you using to develop in?

I've been wanting to give a try, i've just been lazy

10/8/2013 11:21:54 AM

All American
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Why aren't you running in an emulator?

10/8/2013 12:11:28 PM

All American
4245 Posts
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I attempted using an emulator. The performance is horrendously slow, and nowhere near representative of the real device.

More importantly, you cannot simulate touch-screen input on a computer monitor.

10/8/2013 1:06:08 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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I tried to create one maybe two years ago, having almost no programming experience outside of HTML and basic. I was able to piece together an application that looked right, but I got everything set up, and went to establish a database to store the input data, and got horrendously stuck. I'd like to pick this project back up, but I don't even know where to start on learning to program.

My app was essentially a progress tracker for a a project. Essentially, tasks will be done and graded, if sufficient results were met it satisfied a deliverable. So your input was a result, the app determined if it met the deliverable and presented the result. It would track completion toward multiple deliverables, until you reached full completion.

I worked out the algorithms, logic, etc, but I could not handle the database :-(

10/15/2013 10:01:08 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"I solved it. You must change your USB mode to "Internet connection," not "Media sync." The documentation fails to include that little detail.

It's because every device is a lil bit different. Welcome to the world of Android Fragmentation.

Should just get an iPhone and avoid those headaches.

^ excellent, fast-ish resources on learning to code:

[Edited on October 16, 2013 at 5:18 PM. Reason : ]

10/16/2013 5:17:41 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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Quote :
"I worked out the algorithms, logic, etc, but I could not handle the database :-("

I had quite a bit of difficulty figuring out how to get set up with the database stuff too.

My dabbling with android hasn't been pretty. I wasn't impressed when I saw that the sample games were like 1k+ LOC and many, many files for the simplest game you can possibly imagine. Meanwhile, people are writing stuff like this in JavaScript: a raycasting engine in 251 bytes. Not lines, BYTES.

And yea, the emulator sucked badly.

[Edited on October 16, 2013 at 8:27 PM. Reason : aasdfasdf]

10/16/2013 8:25:15 PM

All American
7336 Posts
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Verbosity is a feature:

10/16/2013 9:26:57 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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so i have an app's source code that uses bluetooth LE, which was implemented in API 18, 4.3... but my phone runs 4.2.2, and supports BLE through its own bluetooth stack. but i cant find any information (sdk?) to try and hack the app to work with my device. womp

10/16/2013 10:28:47 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Need to make one ASAP

6/4/2014 5:10:01 PM

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What timeframe do you have? And do you know anything about mobile app development?

If you don't, you can throw something cheap together with something like Conduit or Como.

6/4/2014 10:01:35 PM

All American
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I do. I made one 2. 5 yrs ago.
The functionality my app needs to implement is more complicated than como can realize I think. They need my source code.

6/4/2014 10:21:09 PM

All American
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I did that before. I just need to recall how I did it and it's a little bit difficult because it's already 2.5 yrs ago. I'm now switching from sales to tech side so it's a challenge.

[Edited on June 5, 2014 at 10:17 AM. Reason : ;]

6/5/2014 10:12:47 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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^^^Conduit: The Finest in Adware.

(idk about Como tho)

6/8/2014 1:02:47 AM

148896 Posts
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I mean, when you make a completely free mobile app on some quick simple interface, it's going to have adware.

6/8/2014 2:03:44 AM

All American
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6/8/2014 3:06:11 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Good to know

6/8/2014 4:10:30 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » creating android apps Page [1]  
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