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 Message Boards » » time dilation and black holes Page [1]  
The E Man
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as i fall into the black hole time slows down for me. you guys could watch me disapear into the black hole and billions of years later i am still experiencing that single moment when i fell into the black hole.

so is everything that went into every black hole still falling into that blackhole according to its time?

does this explain why its a singularity? all the matter is in the certain point for infinite time because time elapsed is reallly 0 so it doesn't know its there yet.

11/1/2013 1:33:59 AM

All American
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You're a experiencing a bit of a ClassicMixup here. If you fall into a black hole, you get sucked into the singularity in finite time (by your own clock). In five minutes, or an hour, or a day or whatever, you'll hit the singularity and your atoms will be chewed up and eaten and incorporated into whatever the fuck a singularity is.

The only time-dilation in the process is experienced by observers outside the black hole. To them, you appear to take forever to cross the event horizon. But from your own perspective, there's nothing special about entering the black hole, and it eats you up in finite time.

Probably there'd be some relativistic effects as you approached the center, but I'm still pretty sure you'd still hit in in finite time. But I'm not a physicist, I confess, and I'm getting most of this from Wikipedia. I think qntmfred studied physics for a while; maybe he could elaborate on this useless, amateurish diatribe o' mine.

11/1/2013 1:44:20 AM

All American
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11/1/2013 7:29:36 AM

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time as you perceive it != time as it actually exists

11/1/2013 8:10:04 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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^what is time other than what you percieve it as. Everything is relative.

11/1/2013 9:11:57 PM

All American
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you are not the center of the universe

11/1/2013 9:21:16 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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the predominate theory right now is that in order to obey conservation of matter/information, as you approach the event horizon, you 'reduce' into an infinite number of 2d projections at the universe's edges. your perception of time would be normal while everyone else's perception of you comes to a stop. in addition to accelerate to the speed of light as the center of the blackhole has "infinite" gravity, the kinetic energy required to sustain this acceleration approaches infinity at the same rate. lot's incomplete math around black holes.. nevermind the potential whitehole on the other side

11/1/2013 9:31:37 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » time dilation and black holes Page [1]  
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