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 Message Boards » » 52 week money challenge Page [1]  
26632 Posts
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if you can afford $52/ week then why not save $52 every week and have $2,704 instead of $1,378

(or, if you are taking savings advice from facebook/imgur, maybe you should use that money to open an IRA and make contributions)

12/30/2013 11:01:53 PM

25078 Posts
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obligatory we do that in less than 52 days

12/30/2013 11:13:14 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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Sometimes I spend more than $52/week going out to eat for lunch at break at work or dinner

12/30/2013 11:19:50 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Yeah I saw this on Facebook weeks ago.

It wasn't entertaining then either.

12/30/2013 11:23:58 PM

26632 Posts
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i'm just having trouble understanding how this makes sense to anyone

[Edited on December 30, 2013 at 11:35 PM. Reason : ^^ my coffee budget is >$200 per month #firstworldproblems]

12/30/2013 11:34:27 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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It's for people who don't make much money and are totally new to the concept of saving.

The gimmick of small increments is supposed to show them they can save and get them excited about it and stuff.

Supposedly, it works sometimes--spendthrifts start saving, making better decisions, and really get excited about money. Conservatives bubble over with joy when this happens.

I'm weirded out that you needed this explanation.

12/30/2013 11:39:31 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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IRA's are pretty fucking stupid

12/30/2013 11:46:22 PM

All American
52896 Posts
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What? How the hell do you figure that?

and I think this is for the person who doesn't think (s)he can save $52/week. it eases them into it and allows them to adjust, i guess.

12/30/2013 11:53:49 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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LOL if you can't commit to saving $1,300 over the course of an entire calendar year without this ridiculously annoying gimmick then you are an idiot. Why not just set aside $100/mth? It's about the same amount of money without all the ridiculousness.

There is no way anyone actually abides by this stupid challenge.

12/31/2013 12:08:20 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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valid monetary advice itt.

12/31/2013 12:09:46 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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get one of those credit cards that rounds your purchases up to the nearest dollar and puts the change into a savings account

hurr de durr

12/31/2013 12:16:27 AM

All American
2131 Posts
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whatever i save i'm investing in scarfs (scarves? i dunno, paging State409c for a definitive answer on neckware, specifically European). Yadig?

12/31/2013 12:18:33 AM

All American
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12/31/2013 12:19:20 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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this is for folks who think $1378 is a lot of money

12/31/2013 12:40:00 AM

All American
2131 Posts
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That's like a years worth of gas for my RV. Not counting parking.

12/31/2013 12:46:57 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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$1337 dollar bucks

12/31/2013 12:55:50 AM

All American
11805 Posts
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I can't hate on it. I know a lot of people who would be well served to do this.

12/31/2013 1:09:13 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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So this is just supposed to be money that ends up in your savings account? How hard is it to save money assuming you can afford to? I mean if you don't make a whole lot of money and have 5 kids or something I can see how saving this much money per year would be a good thing, but if that's your situation then good luck saving 50 bucks a week in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

I thought this was to be like after you save all that money you can blow it on a vacation or prostitutes or something. That would be way more cool.

12/31/2013 1:36:45 AM

All American
4673 Posts
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Quote :
"this is for folks who think $1378 is a lot of money"

That's a lot of rupees for sure. Like about 85k worth.

[Edited on December 31, 2013 at 5:04 AM. Reason : .]

12/31/2013 5:03:39 AM

All American
11456 Posts
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Meh. I just do an auto transfer of $5 per day from checking to savings. It turns into more money than this and pays for Christmas and vacations and whatever other miscellaneous spending we need to do. This challenge thing isn't a bad thing, I know some people that wouldn't save money even if it would save their life.

12/31/2013 7:20:39 AM

All American
24674 Posts
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^do you not get charged for all those transfers? I feel like my bank charges a fee when I make more than 5 transfers a month

12/31/2013 7:54:26 AM

All American
42561 Posts
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Can I do the same progression but start with 1 cent?

12/31/2013 7:57:16 AM

balls deep
89873 Posts
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Shut the fuck up.

12/31/2013 8:02:48 AM

All American
42561 Posts
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How about you go fuck yourself, you bully?

12/31/2013 8:05:41 AM

balls deep
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12/31/2013 8:06:58 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"^do you not get charged for all those transfers? I feel like my bank charges a fee when I make more than 5 transfers a month"

its limited to 6 per month from money market, savings, or IRA accounts because of Regulation D. It's not limited from checking accounts, at least not at either of the banks I use.

I don't understand why you would do one per day though and not just do it in larger chunks. I do automatic transfers to my travel/fun/whatever savings account but I have it come out the day after my paycheck deposits.

12/31/2013 9:21:36 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » 52 week money challenge Page [1]  
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