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balls deep
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Quote :

Any semblance of net neutrality in the United States is as good as dead. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on Tuesday struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s 2010 order that imposed network neutrality regulations on wireline broadband services. The ruling is a major victory for telecom and cable companies who have fought all net neutrality restrictions vociferously for years.

The original FCC order said that wireline ISPs ”shall not block lawful content, applications, services or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management” while also mandating that ISPs “shall not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful traffic over a consumer’s broadband Internet access service.”

In its ruling against the FCC’s rules, the court said that such restrictions are not needed in part because consumers have a choice in which ISP they use.

“Without broadband provider market power, consumers, of course, have options,” the court writes. “They can go to another broadband provider if they want to reach particular edge providers or if their connections to particular edge providers have been degraded.”

For anyone who lives in a market with limited competition for home broadband services, the court does acknowledge that you might have some “difficulty” in finding another provider but says that it’s still not reason enough to restrict what an ISP can do when it comes to managing its own traffic.

“To be sure, some difficulty switching broadband providers is certainly a factor that might contribute to a firm’s having market power, but that itself is not market power,” the court asserts. “There are many industries in which switching between competitors is not instantly achieved, but those industries may still be heavily disciplined by competitive forces because consumers will switch unless there are real barriers.”

In fact, the court actually argues that the United States is overflowing with competitive options in the home broadband market and cites Google Fiber — which is currently available in only three markets — as evidence that competition is robust.

“But there is no evidence in the record suggesting that broadband providers are carving up territory or avoiding head-to-head competition,” the court writes. “At least anecdotally, the opposite seems to be true. Google has now entered the broadband market as a direct competitor.”


Goodnight, sweet prince

[Edited on January 14, 2014 at 11:11 AM. Reason : jjj]

1/14/2014 11:00:22 AM

All American
23525 Posts
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good night, sweet prince...

1/14/2014 11:04:17 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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time to short NFLX

1/14/2014 11:05:30 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"In its ruling against the FCC’s rules, the court said that such restrictions are not needed in part because consumers have a choice in which ISP they use."

this part is bullshit

1/14/2014 11:06:04 AM

All American
23525 Posts
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no kidding, guess they haven't heard of the cable monopoly

1/14/2014 11:06:52 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Explain what this means to me as an individual.

1/14/2014 11:09:00 AM

All American
8835 Posts
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damn myspace is gonna be expensive

1/14/2014 11:12:44 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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If your ISP doesn't like TWW, they can block it for you.

1/14/2014 11:13:15 AM

no u
103355 Posts
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Quote :
"In fact, the court actually argues that the United States is overflowing with competitive options in the home broadband market and cites Google Fiber — which is currently available in only three markets — as evidence that competition is robust."


1/14/2014 11:13:18 AM

All American
10829 Posts
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hyperbole sure, but that was the infographic going around when the shit first started getting stirred. I'll link a video mellocj forwarded me a couple years ago that's amazingly interesting and touches on what it actually means in terms of ILECs and oligopolies.

[Edited on January 14, 2014 at 11:19 AM. Reason : ]

1/14/2014 11:15:19 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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I predict nationwide riots if timewarner tries to charge people an extra $20 to surf over to

1/14/2014 11:20:55 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28390 Posts
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Dude I can't even get broadband internet where I live. I don't give a shit about this.

1/14/2014 1:15:10 PM

45912 Posts
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1/14/2014 1:38:44 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Charge more for WoW internet access

1/14/2014 4:06:50 PM

All American
579 Posts
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Thanks Obama. What else is on the list for this guy to royally fuck up before he leaves office?

1/14/2014 7:26:22 PM

11583 Posts
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we're fucked

but hopefully TWW will be in the cheapest tier

1/14/2014 7:42:40 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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No way man, TWW is clearly in the realm of fringe websites

1/14/2014 8:05:57 PM

All American
10829 Posts
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Missed this AMA earlier.

1/14/2014 8:13:18 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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^^^^It's the DC Circuit, not Obama

anyway we can still hold out hope for the Supremes

1/14/2014 8:19:54 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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We were born into an era of freedom. We will die in a police state.

1/14/2014 9:19:04 PM

All American
4770 Posts
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This blows, there is literally 1 broadband ISP where I live... And that's why I pay $60/month for 6megs down, and 756k up DSL

1/14/2014 9:57:31 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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^^lol are you one of those dumb fucking cunts who actually believes that

1/14/2014 10:09:00 PM

Sup, B
53243 Posts
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^ with what part of that statement do you disagree? Is it your contention that we weren't born in a free state, or is it that we aren't headed towards a police state? Because the latter certainly is supported by government actions since, at the latest, the last 15 years.

1/14/2014 11:01:54 PM

All American
34419 Posts
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We're more free now than we've ever been, we have been getting freeer overtime.

Women can vote blacks can vote, government can't discriminate, prohibition is not a thing, the top marginal tax rate isn't 90%, etc.

The US was a shithole, before the past few recent decades. Thank God for progressivism making it a better place to live.

1/14/2014 11:10:17 PM

Sup, B
53243 Posts
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And the gov't has essentially all but repealed any real right to privacy, has said it can hold you indefinitely without a trial, can kill you without a trial by declaring you a terrorist...
And "prohibition" isn't a thing? Really?

We have minor trappings of liberty while the real important parts are being removed from us daily. Great, I can vote; so can the North Koreans.

1/14/2014 11:50:28 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i'm free because i get to choose between shit sandwich and giant douche

1/15/2014 12:04:10 AM

11583 Posts
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republicans and libertarians hate net neutrality

1/15/2014 12:18:15 AM

All American
34419 Posts
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Quote :
"And the gov't has essentially all but repealed any real right to privacy"

Lol, what do you mean? You talking about the NSA thing? You realize they've been around for decades and have always been spying on Americans? You realize they intercepted every single telegram in the country at one point? Time will tell if the recent revelations, of a long line of them, will actually mean anything.

And we put Japanese in internment camps back in the days, amidst the government nationalizing manufacturing plants to make tanks and planes and boats. I'm pretty sure things have gotten better in that respect too.

I can't believe anyone buys into republican and tea party bullshit that things were better "back in the days," let alone you burro. Things were objectively worse for women and minorities, and mostly worse for poor white people. The only group which things were objectively better for "back in the days" are the excessively wealthy.

1/15/2014 12:38:24 AM

All American
3785 Posts
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Quote :
"The only group which things were objectively better for "back in the days" are the excessively wealthy white men."

Those are the good ole days they want to return to.

1/15/2014 10:15:42 AM

26632 Posts
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This decision just strengthens my opinion that we need special court for technical issues, the judge obviously doesn't know shit about the issue.

1/15/2014 10:31:02 AM

All American
1843 Posts
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^Agree. Technologies are moving so fast legislative cannot keep up at all.

1/15/2014 10:52:27 AM

no u
103355 Posts
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my grandson told me about this "googly fibbing". have you guys heard about that? anyway, case dismissed.

1/15/2014 11:01:10 AM

All American
27278 Posts
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oh man. An extra $5 to go to What an outrage!

1/15/2014 11:13:32 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Do you know how to upload to ....facebook?

Do you know how to upload to ....facebook?

1/15/2014 11:22:25 AM

45912 Posts
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chinga la supreme court.

1/15/2014 1:14:11 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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1/15/2014 1:14:36 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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I don't feel that this is getting enough attention

1/22/2014 9:45:08 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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[Edited on January 23, 2014 at 12:30 AM. Reason : eh]

1/23/2014 12:18:47 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Doesn't look good. Looks like internet "fast lanes" might be on the way, with restriction being on ISPs not being able to block websites of competitors, and the have to provide internet service at a "reasonable commercially acceptable" speed.

4/23/2014 8:29:12 PM

45912 Posts
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It's ok. Most Americans have a plethora of ISPs to choose from for their home Internet needs, in part thanks to the FCC saying, "hey, this doesn't look like phone service at all, so lets call it more like cable and regulate it as such, because that makes sense". So most Americans can easily just change their ISP if it is not meeting their needs.

4/23/2014 9:07:13 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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From Golo:
Quote :
"net neutrality is a fancy term for allowing the federal gov't control our internet."

4/30/2014 8:01:58 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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It's going to be a hot fucking summer, G.

5/1/2014 9:34:19 AM

8379 Posts
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"A new proposal from the head of the Federal Communications Commission would allow network owners such as AT&T Inc. to levy extra charges on Netflix Inc. and other online video purveyors for speedier delivery of content.",0,7001552.story

Tom Wheeler: "we will not allow some companies to force Internet users into a slow lane so that others with special privileges can have superior service."

What's more likely here: that Wheeler is a crook or a naive moron?

5/1/2014 9:39:37 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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I think that Wheeler is eyeing his job opportunities with Comcast or Verizon, after he leaves his current job as the FCC head. And given what he is doing today by way of fucking the consumer over in favor of the telcoms, honestly, his future is looking promising.

5/1/2014 9:44:27 AM

All American
21263 Posts
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Quote :
"What's more likely here: that Wheeler is a crook or a naive moron?"

I think it's more likely that AT&T is one of the most greedy companies in the world.

5/1/2014 9:45:51 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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5/1/2014 9:46:25 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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As soon as net neutrality was struck down everyone had to know this was coming. It won't be long before they start charging you extra to use the popular services. All the mergers and acquisitions have been to corner the market so as to eliminate competition so you have no choice as well once it starts. Bad road we are headed down if they start letting shit like this slide.

5/1/2014 9:59:55 AM

All American
21263 Posts
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the internet will become a channel lineup

5/1/2014 10:01:36 AM

45912 Posts
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Would you like to access Google services today for only $19.95 $15.95 until 11:59 PM on 05/01/14! That's a savings of 20%!

5/1/2014 10:07:25 AM

8379 Posts
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what are the odds that some company will offer an open internet service at a reasonable cost? google?

5/1/2014 10:08:42 AM

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