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All American
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Quote :
"There are definitely racists out there who do not like that a mixed-race (but mostly black-looking) guy is president of THEIR country. And you know most of those people are conservatives.

to paint the "main problem" of conservatives with obama because of racism is ridiculous. in fact it is blatantly stereotyping... which is exactly what you people are charging conservatives of doing.

6/28/2014 11:41:33 PM

All American
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Republicans are definitely more racist (or at least racially insensitive) I deologically, evidenced most clearly by the fact that literally no minority groups vote for them. It's a big, and growing, problem for the party actually, one they are struggling to address.

Just because you may not realize you're be racist doesn't mean you aren't.

6/29/2014 2:06:10 AM

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August 16, 2012
Seven people with ties to the antigovernment “sovereign citizens” movement allegedly ambush and murder Louisiana sheriff’s deputies Brandon Nielsen, 34, and Jeremy Triche, 27. The attack comes in a trailer park near New Orleans, where the deputies pursued suspects following the shooting and wounding of another deputy working as an off-duty security guard at an oil refinery. Those arrested include the group’s leader, Terry Lyn Smith, 44, Smith’s wife, Chanel Skains, and his sons, Derrik Smith and Brian Smith. Others are Brittany Keith, Kyle David Joekel and Teniecha Bright. Brian Smith is charged with first-degree murder and the others with related charges. The group, which traveled the country doing construction work, possess a stockpile of weapons. Its members have outstanding warrants in Nebraska, Tennessee and Louisiana.

6/29/2014 10:48:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"by the fact that literally no minority groups vote for them"

The picture of Republicans being racist has been painted for precisely that reason - so minorities will vote for Democrats. Conservatives hating is just a false narrative.

Look at dtownral. That motherfucker has more hate for people than anybody I've seen. He hates conservatives, overweight people, Christians, and cargo shorts wearers, to name just a few.

[Edited on June 29, 2014 at 11:16 AM. Reason : aasd]

6/29/2014 11:11:28 AM

26632 Posts
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no, republicans are actually racist

that's fine though, we already know they are idiots, it becomes an issue though when they start stockpiling weapons and calling for a violent revolution

6/29/2014 12:43:16 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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Don't forget tinfoil hat types; dtownral hates them too.

...although it's pretty obvious he is one.

6/29/2014 1:21:44 PM

All American
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I think he pretty much hates anybody who doesn't follow his train of thought.

And since he's obviously autistic, that doesn't leave many people out there that can follow it.

6/29/2014 2:10:55 PM

26632 Posts
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i'm not the one without a high school middle school level understanding of history

its not a conspiracy or an accident that republicans are racist, but that's not even what this thread is about

6/29/2014 2:16:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Conservatives hating is just a false narrative."

so you truly believe that there are just as many racists on the left as there are on the right?

6/29/2014 2:53:28 PM

All American
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i would say most likely. if not more.

[Edited on June 29, 2014 at 3:04 PM. Reason : ]

6/29/2014 3:04:05 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I think it's safe to say there's more open racism in the Republican party.

What the left does is bad in its own way. Shouting down people with accusations of racism when race hasn't even entered the conversation is a form of misdirection. Guys like moron are the TWW version of Chris Matthews; any and all opposing points of view can be attributed to realized or latent racism. Manipulation is a lot easier than honest discourse.

6/29/2014 3:13:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"so you truly believe that there are just as many racists on the left as there are on the right?"

What I truly believe is that the left takes those few that are very outspoken about their racism and successfully applies that to the rest of us, making the minorities think that all we want is "to put y'all back in chains," to quote Joe Biden.

Now when it comes to gay people - I can't say anything about conservatives. Due to the large Christian majority that conservatives have, they think that lifestyle is wrong. There are a lot of us that don't think that way, but unfortunately there are a lot that do, and we'll never get away from that.

But that isn't racism.

6/29/2014 5:31:28 PM

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none of this has anything do to with this thread

6/29/2014 6:15:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"to paint the "main problem" of conservatives with obama because of racism is ridiculous."

Where the hell did I say it was the main problem? You seemed to be incredulous that there are racists out there. So I responded to that.

Quote :
"i would say most likely. if not more [racists on the left]."

Also, you're adorable.

[Edited on June 29, 2014 at 7:44 PM. Reason : ^sorry for derailing]

6/29/2014 7:39:10 PM

All American
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calling conservatives racist is such a tired and worn out cliche, and it's something that the left loves to do. "don't agree with my progressive philosophy? OMG RACIST"

6/29/2014 7:54:53 PM

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September 4, 2012
Christopher Lacy, 36, shoots California Highway Patrol officer Kenyon Youngstrom at close range after the officer stops Lacy’s vehicle, which had an obstructed license plate, on I-680 near Alamo. Lacy is fatally shot by another trooper, and Youngstrom dies the next day. An investigation into Lacy’s background reveals a large amount of antigovernment “sovereign citizens” literature on several computers at his home.

6/29/2014 8:07:33 PM

All American
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I wonder how many anecdotal stories you can find regarding inner-city violence against the police, where if you went back to the perpetrator's residence you might find anti-police/anti-authority music and such.

6/29/2014 9:20:34 PM

26632 Posts
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are you implying that right-wing radicalism is not a problem, that it is not on the rise, that crimes are not already being committed by right-wing radicals, that it is only equally as dangerous as "inner-city" crime (just go ahead and say black people), or that "inner-city" people can't be right-wing radicals?

[Edited on June 29, 2014 at 9:33 PM. Reason : or what?]

6/29/2014 9:29:21 PM

All American
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I'm saying that you can dig up enough obscure facts anywhere to support this ridiculous thread.

And this:

Quote :
"today even popular politicians use divisive and sometimes even violent rhetoric"

Divisive rhetoric? Give me a break. I'll use my example from earlier - Joe Biden, the nation's VP, telling a bunch of people that if they vote a certain way, they'll be put back in chains. Try to argue that isn't divisive. This administration has done nothing but try to divide.

6/29/2014 9:41:14 PM

26632 Posts
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so did salon and the SLPC just make up this graph?

does a The Blaze link help?

[Edited on June 29, 2014 at 9:45 PM. Reason : .]

6/29/2014 9:42:32 PM

26632 Posts
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Regarding Oath-Keepers:
Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason
Glenn Beck loves them. Tea Partiers court them. Congressmen listen to them. Meet the fast-growing "patriot" group that's recruiting soldiers to resist the Obama administration.
By Justine Sharrock | March/April 2010 Issue

6/29/2014 9:46:35 PM

All American
34423 Posts
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Quote :
"What the left does is bad in its own way. Shouting down people with accusations of racism when race hasn't even entered the conversation is a form of misdirection. Guys like moron are the TWW version of Chris Matthews; any and all opposing points of view can be attributed to realized or latent racism. Manipulation is a lot easier than honest discourse."

It's almost always republicans that bring up race in discussions when it's not neccesary so they can play the reverse racism card.

And depending on the issue, the "honest discourse" is that systemic racism is a big problem, evidenced by the overwhelming statistics and studies demonstrating this. But understanding math and science isn't a hallmark of conservatism.

If you don't Want To admit that Obamas election inflamed latent racism, you're ignoring reality:

This FACT isn't meant to impugn or castigate white people, it's to make sure we're all on the same page about where these social problems infect politics.

[Edited on June 30, 2014 at 12:22 AM. Reason : ]

6/30/2014 12:15:30 AM

All American
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that rjrumfel was completely unaware of the SPLC until this page of this thread

because they for damn sure aren't "obscure", unless you'd never heard of them

[Edited on June 30, 2014 at 12:25 AM. Reason : .]

6/30/2014 12:23:12 AM

All American
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our first lady using a blatant racial slur:

6/30/2014 12:33:56 AM

All American
34423 Posts
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^ lol

6/30/2014 1:11:20 AM

The Stubby
7786 Posts
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Quote :
"It's almost always republicans that bring up race in discussions when it's not neccesary"

and also ^^

6/30/2014 1:40:18 AM

All American
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^^^^^That TED presentation was great. None of them will watch it.

^^^You actually think that's a valid counterpoint, don't you? Damn...

[Edited on June 30, 2014 at 1:41 AM. Reason : .]

6/30/2014 1:40:53 AM

All American
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^ random question, but had you seen it before or was this the first time?

6/30/2014 2:39:13 AM

All American
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First time.

6/30/2014 6:19:37 PM

All American
1487 Posts
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Quote :
"calling conservatives racist is such a tired and worn out cliche, and it's something that the left loves to do. "don't agree with my progressive philosophy? OMG RACIST""
So when something is repeated over and over and over and over again, because it's fucking true, the new term is now 'cliche'. Got it!

6/30/2014 6:46:40 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that rjrumfel was completely unaware of the SPLC until this page of this thread

because they for damn sure aren't "obscure", unless you'd never heard of them

It just irks me when they're cited as an authority by progressives when they're essentially just a liberal think tank.

V, not calling out anyone in this thread, just commenting on how the SPLC is often used.

[Edited on June 30, 2014 at 8:50 PM. Reason : .]

6/30/2014 8:24:46 PM

26632 Posts
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I'm not citing any if their opinions

6/30/2014 8:45:21 PM

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thegoldenrul is an Oath Keeper if that helps clarify things

7/3/2014 12:11:22 PM

All American
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This is new to me: Conservatives Are Purposely Making Their Cars Spew Black Smoke To Protest Obama And Environmentalists

So these people are:

1) Spending their own money to:

2) Be an asshole,

3) Potentially cause an accident, and

4) Put a little extra effort into fucking up their environment.

The GOP should be proud!

7/7/2014 6:56:21 PM

All American
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I predict vandalism claims for people who own large trucks will go up.

7/7/2014 7:15:18 PM

All American
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Extremely stupid? Yes.

Radical? Gimme a break.

7/7/2014 9:22:03 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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More like The Rise of Right-Wing Rascalism.

7/7/2014 10:46:26 PM

26632 Posts
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Texas Republican Molly White Demands Muslims Swear Allegiance Next To An Israeli Flag

1/31/2015 3:23:40 PM

All American
52895 Posts
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^jesus what a retarded bitch.

also, i don't think many people modify diesel trucks to make them blow black smoke. it's more for huge power gains. the black smoke is a side effect of the extra fuel they're pumping into the engine, and the diesel crowd does like it as a side effect. it's in vogue, i guess, but not the reason they're modifying things.

1/31/2015 6:25:32 PM

All American
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You can find one-off nutjobs everywhere, doesn't mean the entire right share these wacko views.

2/1/2015 9:30:21 AM

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2/1/2015 9:33:15 AM

All American
39461 Posts
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^^ would you consider Steve King to be a one-off nutjob?

[Edited on February 2, 2015 at 12:59 PM. Reason : .]

2/2/2015 12:58:36 PM

All American
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i think some people ITT are confusing exposure with popularity

2/2/2015 4:52:11 PM

All American
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The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Quote :
"White supremacists and other domestic extremists*maintain an active presence in U.S. police departments and other law enforcement agencies. A striking reference to*that*conclusion, notable for*its confidence*and the policy prescriptions that accompany*it, appears in*a*classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide from April 2015, obtained by The Intercept. The guide,*which details the process by which the FBI enters individuals on a terrorism watchlist, the Known or Suspected Terrorist File, notes that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers,” and explains in some detail how bureau policies have been crafted to take this infiltration into account.

Although these right-wing extremists have posed a growing threat for years, federal investigators have been reluctant to publicly address that threat or to point out the movement’s longstanding strategy of infiltrating the law enforcement community.

No centralized recruitment process or set of national standards exists for the 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States, many of which have deep historical connections to racist ideologies. As a result, state and local police as well as sheriff’s departments present ample opportunities for white supremacists and other right-wing extremists looking to expand their power base.

In a heavily redacted version of an October 2006 FBI internal intelligence assessment, the agency raised the alarm over white supremacist groups’ “historical” interest in “infiltrating law enforcement communities or recruiting law enforcement personnel.” The effort, the memo noted, “can lead to investigative breaches and can jeopardize the safety of law enforcement sources or personnel.” The memo also states that law enforcement had recently become aware of the term “ghost skins,” used among white supremacists to describe “those who avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.” In at least one case, the FBI learned of a skinhead group encouraging ghost skins to seek employment with law enforcement agencies in order to warn crews of any investigations.

That report appeared after a series of scandals involving local police and sheriff’s departments. In Los Angeles, for example, a U.S. District Court judge found in 1991 that members of a local sheriff’s department had formed a neo-Nazi gang and habitually terrorized black and Latino residents. In Chicago, Jon Burge, a police detective and rumored KKK member, was fired, and eventually prosecuted in 2008, over charges relating to the torture of at least 120 black men during his decades long career. Burge notoriously referred to an electric shock device he used during interrogations as the “nigger box.” In Cleveland, officials found that a number of police officers had scrawled “racist or Nazi graffiti” throughout their department’s locker rooms. In Texas, two police officers were fired when it was discovered they were Klansmen. One of them said he had tried to boost the organization’s membership by giving an application to a fellow officer he thought shared his “white, Christian, heterosexual values.”"

1/31/2017 2:19:48 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4965 Posts
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Without having read through the sourced document, I wonder if the FBI investigated white supremacy within its own ranks.

1/31/2017 3:04:38 PM

5608 Posts
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What about the left-wing radicalism that is rampant on college campuses.

2/2/2017 9:27:14 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Literal whataboutism

2/2/2017 10:00:07 AM

All American
28547 Posts
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Do you know who Milo Yiannopoulos is?

2/2/2017 10:03:56 AM

5608 Posts
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He is the tip of the spear

2/2/2017 10:05:47 AM

All American
2269 Posts
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I think we can add the Quebec Mosque attacker to this. He was a supporter of Trump, LaPen etc.

2/8/2017 12:10:07 PM

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