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 Message Boards » » I'm so fucking pissed off all the time now Page [1]  
114587 Posts
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I don't get it

it's summertime.. generally this is the time of year where it warms up and I'm (arguably) the happiest

I've felt like complete crap, am tired of tornados and hurricanes and shitty rainy weather

I really hate taking anti-depressants, but I tried prozac for a while, which made me even more fucking pissy and intense

I went through a long period of time where I wasn't really pissy, but jesus fuck

what the hell do I do about this

I've been exercising - doesn't seem to help much, if at all

I've had enough work to do

but I've just lost interest in any hobbies I've had lately, and it's fucking disillusioning



I don't want to take another anti-depressant.. I've never taken a high dose of it, and when I upped it even a little bit I had crappy physical side effects which suck

shit feels so dismal right now

I know this probably isn't the best place to post this, but perhaps I can get a gram of sympathy from someone, or somethin'

8/9/2014 7:23:59 PM

114587 Posts
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and before anyone says it, I haven't been spending an extremely inordinate time on the computer like I once did

I just thought some of mah brahs might have a fix

how can I fix this

8/9/2014 7:24:56 PM

All American
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Try vodka

8/9/2014 7:26:20 PM

114587 Posts
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I went through a period of 2 or 3 weeks where I'd take a few liquor shots per night

it wasn't vodka tho - I think it was some cheap rum and gin

it worked well for a while but then I'd just get angry and retarded like I normally do

alcohol has never really done me much good, and as such, I mostly avoid it

a few cold burrs every now and again will hit the spot, but mostly I just drink and don't even feel anything from it

and I'm trying to cut back/possibly quit completely smoking dope.. so I'm sure that's not helping at all

8/9/2014 7:32:13 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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classic depression, BB. you shouldn't give up on the antidepressants, you just need to find one that works. it takes a while, cause there's a shit ton of them. and don't give up the , it's a natural antidepressant. don't drink though, that really won't do any good. think about going and talking to a therapist or something, their advice is usually horseshit but it's good to be able to express how you're feeling, and they have to listen since you're paying for it.

8/9/2014 7:36:53 PM

All American
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You don't pay therapists for their advice, you pay them because they listen.

I agree, don't stop the dope, it'll help - but keep in mind that it only masks the problem. What you need is someone who will listen, though.

8/9/2014 7:46:02 PM

11149 Posts
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Have gone on any trips lately? Getting away from it all might be a nice refresher. Also, therapy is always good advice.

8/9/2014 8:20:31 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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8/9/2014 10:01:51 PM

5975 Posts
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There are a lot of antidepressants out now that are way better than prozac.

Go ask your doctor if you can try cymbalta or something like it.

8/9/2014 10:07:45 PM

148820 Posts
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Quote :

8/9/2014 10:21:46 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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I'll list these in order of importance, imo:

Exercise more
Socialize more
Smoke less
Don't drink...that shit will just amplify any existing depression. feels better for a minute, them makes shit far worse. It's similar to alcohol + pool.

8/9/2014 11:34:36 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"you shouldn't give up on the antidepressants, you just need to find one that works. it takes a while, cause there's a shit ton of them"

8/10/2014 3:00:52 AM

All American
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I have been like this for years. I keep myself busy with work, writing/recording songs and keeping my vices strictly limited to large amounts of alcohol and writing/recording songs. I have completely stopped exercising like Í used to, and I am also not sure if this is a cause or and effect to my current situation. But, I have found that I am writing and making some of the best music that I ever had before, if that says anything.

good luck bra.

[Edited on August 10, 2014 at 10:37 AM. Reason : o]

8/10/2014 10:36:36 AM

All American
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^^^ I'll echo all that, especially exercise.

It's incredible how it helps your mood, and positively affects your general outlook when you start doing some cardio or working out daily. I went through a funk too and that was one of the main reasons I was able to turn the corner and fix myself.

8/10/2014 10:59:38 AM

All American
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Nobody cares

8/10/2014 11:26:25 AM

All American
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^BB is a respected member of the community. Don't be a dick.

8/10/2014 11:50:36 AM

play so hard
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^^ most posts ITT say otherwise, douche.

8/10/2014 12:26:45 PM

All American
5695 Posts
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Quote :
"BB is a respected member of the community. Don't be a dick."

How quickly people forget how much of a douche this guy used to be. Or maybe the only people who are left around here are those who used to suck him off back in the day.

8/10/2014 12:32:24 PM

All American
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8/10/2014 1:14:33 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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yeah, actually, come to think of it, bubblbobble has been a complete jerk to me, too.

Not really sure why....but I'm not the one who hates my life, so who's the loser now.

Now that I got that out,
I hate to hear how upset you are and disgruntled. However, it's not abnormal and it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be like this forever. The fact you're bringing it up on such a forum shows you're reflective and looking to what's next.

I'd say make some lists. Get good and, you know, and make some lists. Lists of things that make you happy, angry, whatever. The introspection is huge and helps guide your reflection and self awareness. You're not a bad guy. An asshat at times, yes, but that doesn't discount your good heart that is bound to be somewhere inside your dark, hardened soul. Next time you find yourself very irritated- don't spend your energy trying to crawl out of that funk. Spend your energy asking yourself to articulate the specific frustrations. Was there a trigger? Can you collect data on how often you lose your shit each day? Each week? Set some goals for yourself. That's probably the rillest way to pull yourself out of this funk. What's your job situation? Do you like it? Men develop their identity based on their level of responsibility. Are there any triggers at work? All of these can be guiding questions to identify what is causing this frustration. You're not going to just wake up happy. I personally think antidepressants are a quick fix and often cause a dependency to cover up the problem. Perhaps you're capable of self-reflecting your way out of this funk. Because hey, we all go through ebbs and flows of happiness. And remember, you're the one who is ultimately in control of your emotions and thoughts. How about some mantras? My husband thinks that's the dumbest thing ever, but to actually say things out loud about how great you are or creative or smart you are actually does things for your physiologically. You can handle this- and this too shall pass. Hang in there. I admire your honesty.

Best of luck.

8/10/2014 1:33:45 PM

26632 Posts
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8/10/2014 1:52:15 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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^ is your google machine broken?

8/10/2014 1:58:54 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"How quickly people forget how much of a douche this guy used to be. Or maybe the only people who are left around here are those who used to suck him off back in the day."

Sure he helped pad this place into obscurity, but I'm not gonna hold a grudge against the dude, especially concerning IRL shit.

What did he do to you?

8/10/2014 2:01:17 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :

lol best advice so far.

8/10/2014 2:33:47 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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If this song best fits your current situation, then welcome aboard the party bro. I recommend giving it a listen.

8/11/2014 5:38:21 AM

All American
11454 Posts
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You're on your period. This is normal.

Try to get lots of sex while you are not on your period. That is all.

8/11/2014 7:42:42 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I'm so fucking pissed off all the time now Page [1]  
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