seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Just when I thought I had seen it all
This is the cat she killed!1 WHAT GODDAMN FUCK 4/19/2015 8:00:05 PM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
Eric Holder should get involved. This appears to be at least partly racially motivated. 4/19/2015 8:05:52 PM
swoakley All American 1725 Posts user info edit post |
Seems responsible. I have no issues with this. 4/19/2015 8:14:33 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
4/19/2015 8:15:31 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Oh yall do know that this was someone's pet right? It was not a stray. 4/19/2015 8:16:47 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Complains about animal abuse.
Eats meat. 4/19/2015 8:18:56 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Nah, she taking pictures man and posting it to FB. Come now, we all know this is extremely tasteless for professional. 4/19/2015 8:21:11 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
I'm a dog person too 4/19/2015 8:23:50 PM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
I cannot believe she is a veteran 4/19/2015 8:38:02 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
jajajajajajaja 4/19/2015 8:39:03 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Two minutes on Wikipedia revealed that killing feral cats actually contributes to an increase in their population, as dominant cats get killed and competition declines for the others. They have a cute acronym for their Trap-Neuter-Return approach.
And how does a vet not know how to identify an actual feral cat?
We need to know where this woman went to school. It's important. 4/19/2015 8:53:06 PM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
what a cutie 4/19/2015 9:07:37 PM
JeffreyBSG All American 10165 Posts user info edit post |
killing animals is fine...I eat animals every day.
killing feral cats is pretty uncool, but I can't really complain, because, again, I eat animals every day.
however, killing other people's cats is horrible. and how could she be sure that the cat was feral? maybe he's just lost. I've known people whose cats ran away and came back after like 6 months.
and, case in point, the vet center claimed this cat had a name, "Tiger," and wasn't feral.
fuck you, bitch. damn right you should be fired from Washington Animal Clinic.
ALSO, this bitch deserves, like, the professional equivalent of a Darwin Award. I can't think of many dumber things for an aspiring veterinarian to do, in this day and age, than kill a cat with an arrow and post a pic of it on Facebook.] 4/19/2015 9:21:11 PM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
Its a fucking cat, who gives a shit
get over yourselves 4/19/2015 9:23:49 PM
JeffreyBSG All American 10165 Posts user info edit post |
^ how 'bout I shoot your pet with an arrow? would that be all right? 4/19/2015 9:25:48 PM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
If the cat hadn't attacked the point of her arrow with the side of its head, this would have never happened. 4/19/2015 9:34:16 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Lindsey, pictured with her mother Becky, said after the picture was uploaded that she didn't lose her job - claiming no one would fire her because she is 'awesome'. However she later learned she had been fired" |
hehe 4/19/2015 9:37:45 PM
Kickstand All American 11734 Posts user info edit post |
I picture her sitting in a plastic picnic chair in her backyard and shooting the cat as it climbed along her picket fence. Lazy bitch couldn't even leave her yard to hunt. 4/19/2015 9:57:29 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Wouldn't have happened if the owners took proper care of their "pet".
[Edited on April 19, 2015 at 10:23 PM. Reason : .] 4/19/2015 10:07:35 PM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
^ 4/19/2015 10:14:05 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Sometimes pets get out. Things that are conscious and have the ability to move freely tend to do so. Sometimes pets get outside by accident. Just like children get outside by accident. Only difference is they put up an Amber Alert for children. Pets get fliers. 4/19/2015 10:16:44 PM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
Yea, Im sure this cat 'accidentally' got out 4/19/2015 10:33:29 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Well, I guess we just don't know the full story.
Regardless of if they cat accidentally got out or not. What type of veterinarian doesn't know that feral cats actually help keep the cat population down. Trap, neuter, then release. They do it in Atlantic Beach, the cat population here used to be awful. I couldn't walk outside without being hit by the smell of cat spray. I've actually noticed a significant difference since they have started the program. 4/19/2015 10:36:19 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
Def a republican strategist making that post. 4/19/2015 10:47:58 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
by the looks of the youtube video, this was a farm cat, not a house cat 4/19/2015 11:05:44 PM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
On the bright side, serial killers are not necessarily known to have thrill-killed pets at points in their lives prior to going on a killing spree?
Ok she just made the deep probe list at every TSA checkpoint hopefully
At least I hope she does. Jesus. 4/20/2015 12:27:09 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Wouldn't have happened if the owners took proper care of their "pet"." |
Quote : | "Sometimes pets get out. " |
Sure, but we both know what is about 10,000x more likely here: the owners let their fucking cat roam all around everywhere, like cat owners do.
Quote : | "Just like children get outside by accident. Only difference is they put up an Amber Alert for children. Pets get fliers." |
Right, because they're pets, as opposed to children.
Quote : | "Two minutes on Wikipedia revealed that killing feral cats actually contributes to an increase in their population, as dominant cats get killed and competition declines for the others. " |
Well now, that depends on how many of them you kill, doesn't it? ![](images/beatup.gif) 4/20/2015 1:12:26 AM
jprince11 All American 14181 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Sure, but we both know what is about 10,000x more likely here: the owners let their fucking cat roam all around everywhere, like cat owners do." |
uhh so what 4/20/2015 1:21:29 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
I just hope that heroic veterinarian would've pulled out a firearm instead of bow if a threatening golden retriever had stumbled into her yard. Their skulls are thicker than your average domesticated cat, so the arrow probably would've just wounded it. I'm sure she's all about hunting ethics. 4/20/2015 1:24:13 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
^^ 1. that's a douche move, letting your cat go piss and shit everywhere, crawl all over people's cars, etc if they leave them outside, kill their birds if they have a bird feeder, etc.
2. it's irresponsible as shit as a pet owner. outdoor cats have dramatically lower life expectancies. also, if your cat is in someone else's yard and they pop it in the head with an arrow because they don't want it there..oh well, them's the breaks. that's on you for being a shitty pet owner.
^ a broadhead-tipped arrow would make very easy work of a golden retriever, too.
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 1:29 AM. Reason : but basically no golden retriever owners let their dogs just roam anywhere they want] 4/20/2015 1:27:22 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
but if a dog DID escape from its yard, it's open season, no tag necessary, right?
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 1:30 AM. Reason : might be feral]
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 1:31 AM. Reason : maybe i just live in the city where things are different]
even back in the day in the city when it was cool to shoot squirrels with .22s, there weren't a bunch of faggot leash laws and dogs DID roam around. but hey, whatever. thanks obama.
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 1:35 AM. Reason : .] 4/20/2015 1:30:50 AM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
The only thing she did wrong, in this whole situation, was posting the picture to facebook. 4/20/2015 1:37:41 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
she also exposed herself as an AT&T subscriber, which is even worse
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 1:39 AM. Reason : i'd take my dog to her vet practice] 4/20/2015 1:38:40 AM
JeffreyBSG All American 10165 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ it sounds like you just temperamentally hate cats. I've personally never seen a cat crawling on a car, nor have I ever encountered cat shit outdoors (and my family had cats for my whole life.) cats often bury their shit, I believe.
and yeah, cats kill birds. so fucking what. birds really DO shit all over the place, and chirp outside my window when I'm trying to sleep. I'm a lot more annoyed by birds than cats.
really, this business about shooting just cold-bloodedly shooting a cat that's in your yard is ridiculous. that's at least, like, without exaggeration, 4x douchier than letting your cat roam free (which I don't think is douchey at all.)] 4/20/2015 1:39:12 AM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
i'm 100% with duke here. fuck your cat that you let roam like a stray and fuck you for letting it roam. i've found scratches and muddy paw prints on my car hood and windshield before and absolutely hate the smell of cat piss. the absolute worst are the neighborhood cats that moan and keep me awake at night. i wish this girl lived next door to me. 4/20/2015 1:57:20 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
I don't hate cats. In fact, I think they're kind of fascinating predators to watch. I don't like being indoors at someone's house who has them, because they make my nose run and make my eyes itch and water terribly, but that has nothing to do with this.
I absolutely have found paw prints and scratches on cars (I'm building a big second garage to make sure I never have to leave anything outside, at a cost of many thousands of dollars), cat shit all over the yard (EVERY time I mow the grass). I plan on solving that with a pop-up sprinkler system with motion detectors rigged up (at a cost of hundreds of dollars on top of what the sprinkler system would be alone). If I lived out in a rural area like where I grew up, I would have absolutely certainly simply shot them all by now. I thought about doing it here with a suppressed rifle, but it just wouldn't be safe. No way in hell I'd take that chance.
I don't have a bird feeder, but that's another common issue people have.
If you don't think letting your cats roam freely in a suburban neighborhood is douchey, there is something fucking wrong with you. Your rights end where other peoples' rights begin.
^^^^^ OK, someone shooting a pet for showing up in their yard one time because it escaped, yeah, there would have to be something seriously wrong with you to do that...but most of these stories of "my neighbor shot my pet!!!" are because that motherfucker was in his yard constantly because you didn't do a goddamn thing to even attempt to keep your animals to yourself.
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 2:02 AM. Reason : yes, the racket they make is also occasionally annoying...but mainly shitting and walking on cars]
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 2:05 AM. Reason : ] 4/20/2015 1:57:42 AM
TKEshultz All American 7327 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " i wish this girl lived next door to me." |
Quote : | " i wish this girl lived next door to me." |
Quote : | " i wish this girl lived next door to me." |
Quote : | " i wish this girl lived next door to me." |
Quote : | " i wish this girl lived next door to me." |
4/20/2015 2:02:24 AM
JeffreyBSG All American 10165 Posts user info edit post |
I've seriously never encountered any of that shit. no cat shit on a lawn (and I've mown many a lawn in my day), no pawprints on windshields, no meowing and waking me up (except my own cat right outside my bedroom door; and that was just during his last 3 months or something; he had cancer or something) no cat piss anywhere outside. my experience with cats varies significantly from you guys'.
if the cats in your world do all that shit, then yeah, I understand your disgruntledness. but I've personally never had any problem with other people's cats.] 4/20/2015 2:05:08 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think I've ever been awakened by them; I'm way too heavy of a sleeper for that. I have had to get up and run them off in the night if I was awake, though, because they wouldn't shut the fuck up. That's a basically negligible issue, though.
Dude, EVERY time...E-VER-Y time I mow the grass, without fail, I have to shovel cat shit out of my yard, where it often leaves a little dead spot in my grass. The question is only how many of these little surprises there will be, and whether or not I will see them all before stepping in them or spraying them fucking everywhere with the mower.
and if I leave a car or motorcycle in the driveway overnight, I would say easily over 50% of the time, it will have paw prints all over it the next morning. I've found scratches on the roofs of cars that I'm almost certain are from cats.
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 2:13 AM. Reason : WTF, I mean, there is NO other animal that people think this is acceptable with] 4/20/2015 2:11:08 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
do yall blast your shotgun at robins when a bird shits on your car? lots of comments ITT just sound like dumb fucking rednecks who aren't used to "the big city" and "not killing animals in city limits"
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 2:12 AM. Reason : .] 4/20/2015 2:11:43 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
that's not analogous for multiple reasons 4/20/2015 2:13:40 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
we're not talking about possums and squirrels and raccoons though. people don't have those as pets. nobody is gonna bitch about that. but if there is a cat in your yard in a neighborhood, its probably a neighbors pet. i'm all about the 2nd amendment and shit, but you and shultz arent thinking very clearly. 4/20/2015 2:15:20 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
there are plenty of feral ones, too. we have those in our neighborhood, too (both contribute to the cat issue).
...but I don't give a shit if it's feral or a pet. It could have ribbons and bows and bells on it; if its owners chronically fail to keep it out of someone's yard, I have no problem with them dispatching it on their property.
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 2:23 AM. Reason : *chronically*. not talking about someone smoking every neighbor's pet that steps in the yard ] 4/20/2015 2:18:49 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148817 Posts user info edit post |
well, without researching the back story, nothing in the links that seedless posted implied a pesky cat who dared to go into the neighbors yard all the time. just seems like common decency. i mean i know it's in Texas so all bets are out the window, but in most neighborhoods people seem a little more decent.
besides, this isn't some ex-military chick. it's fucking veterinarian that killed a cat and bragged online. it's just dumb on many levels. 4/20/2015 2:30:43 AM
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, i mean, that info is pretty much absent from the story altogether. i mean, i would make somewhat of an assumption that it was roaming around all the time, because (a) I know how many cat owners are, and (b) she assumed it was feral...
but yeah, we really don't have anything to indicate much at all on that subject
and yeah, WTF on putting in on FB? I don't have any problem with it; I don't think it's wrong (unless it was a case of shooting the neighbor's cat that just happened to escape once)...but what kind of idiot doesn't foresee that some people are gonna get bent out of shape over that, and that it's doubly inopportune in her line of work? 4/20/2015 2:44:12 AM
tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
duke, Red Ryder for your cat problem
also, I'd like to know how far of a shot it was in the OP ![](images/beatup.gif) 4/20/2015 6:15:15 AM
Kickstand All American 11734 Posts user info edit post |
I, too, hate cats. But I do not condone shooting other people's pets. 4/20/2015 7:58:59 AM
Bullet All American 28553 Posts user info edit post |
i hate that people are trying to justify this terrible human being's actions. yes, i understand that it's somewhat hypocritical to eat meat and say this is terrible, but come on, cats are pets in america. where do you draw the line? it's okay to shoot an arrow through a dog's head if he comes on your property? it's okay to beat a toddler if he keeps going on his neighbor's property and walking on the grass? it's okay to kill someone if they keep parking in your parking spot? and it sounds like she "hunted" this cat, she didn't just shoot it on her property. and the cat looks like it lived on a large rural farm, not in cookie-cutter suburbia.
(yeah, she's "awesome". and possibly psychopathic)
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 9:08 AM. Reason : ] 4/20/2015 9:07:57 AM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "no meowing and waking me up" |
oh, it's not meowing. it's full on fucking moaning.
just like that. they do it on the fence right outside my bedroom window 4/20/2015 9:08:32 AM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
If she shot an arrow through a (pit bull,rottweiler,german shepard etc)'s head none of you would be complaining because they are all "aggressive". If this "pet" was so important it should have been under supervision.
Her only mistake was posting that picture to social media.
[Edited on April 20, 2015 at 9:18 AM. Reason : ,] 4/20/2015 9:18:40 AM