stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
wants me back on a consulting basis
Should I accept?
Anyone here ever been fired and rehired? How did it go? I've heard that it is not a good idea to go back.
Also I hear that saying you were "fired" is a faux pas. Fuck employment legalese. A spade is a spade.
Do share. 4/23/2015 7:08:32 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Going back is worse than turning in a 2 weeks notice and then staying because they offer you more money.
Lets say you are married, and your wife divorces you because you aren't performing. Would you remarry her? 4/23/2015 7:10:59 PM
PaulISdead All American 8838 Posts user info edit post |
Employment is not for life. Ask for more money when they seek you out. This is obviously a good thing 4/23/2015 7:13:37 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Not its not for life, but you make decisions in your life based on employment. For example I work at a layoff happy company at the moment, I choose to not buy a house until I change jobs to a company that doesn't layoff to please shareholders.
I personally wouldn't go back, but thats just me. 4/23/2015 7:14:57 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
If you need work sure but imho fuck places that treat employees like that. 4/23/2015 7:59:15 PM
EMCE balls deep 89869 Posts user info edit post |
I mean, go back if your pride will let you. But be sure to charge them some outrageous fee since quite obviously you will be contracting at will... 4/23/2015 9:54:57 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
eh it happens.
My sr. director got fired because his first hire nearly fucked up our entire org (that waste of human skin was also fired). The sr. director was a good guy, but made a bad hire even after his boss had reservations.
my former sr. director got rehired in a different part of the company, and he'll be fine.
sadly, the guy that replaced said sr. director died suddenly while on a business trip after 2 months on the job. Not relevant to any point i was trying to make, but for some reason I typed that out. 4/24/2015 9:47:57 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Were you a contractor the first time? 4/24/2015 9:58:48 PM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
My situation was a little weirder.
I came into the project kind of late and people were very skeptical.
There seems to always be this tension of "who the boss seems to like more" A/K/A "who is in the cool person club" vs. "who has the knowledge and actually generates results"
Obviously it is best to be both.
Anyway I did a whole bunch of shit and the boss ran a regression program and found out that I was the most productive performer (boss told me) and that he specifically asked for me back.
I came back today (well yesterday as this is after midnight) to a greeting of the boss telling me that I could pick my desk among two larger desks that are closer to his office. [When I say boss I should say managing partner of the firm who has been doing the job 20+ years; not like a midlevel manager who graduated college 6 years ago or something]
Anyway I was like sweet, larger desk. But it's weird because he has his personal assistant as my boss. So, like, his personal assistant gives me shit to do but I know that it is directly from him. Very weird subordination relationship. And she also kind of flirts but not really and it's really fucking awkward. Could be manipulation to create drama where none is needed.
Anyway people were shaking my hand and shit like they saw someone back from the dead.
And back to bring it back to the point above, yeah the "cool kids club" thought that I was fired because I was disliked and wasn't in the "cool kids club" and that was so important that it would determine who stays and who goes. Now they are like, oh shit the firm actually looks at tangible metrics on performance rather than who the boss likes.
Also an office manager was fired and the personal assistant is now doing the job of both office manager and personal assistant so she is like a juggernaut and I am like what the fuck is going on.
Thank you for the listen. I am sure this experience is not unique in any way.
Again Gen Y is trying to mold a Baby Boomer Corp with Gen X people who are not sure what the fuck is going on half the time while they rent their pads on Air BNB and take an Uber to work so they can browse facebook and try to figure out how to get paid without doing shit.
/thread 4/25/2015 2:02:38 AM
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like what's going on in most of corporate america
Think it's interesting now, wait til more of the Baby Boomers start retiring en masse. The skills and management vacuum it's going to create in this country will be like nothing we've seen before. 4/25/2015 8:49:42 AM
clalias All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
Like the baby boomers are a bunch a management ninjas or something. Most are incompetent. It's the dilbert principle. The managers are too dumb to do the technical work so they get promoted up as they hang around and develop networks. I for one, can't wait till the boomers are out. They really are not good managers. 4/25/2015 10:07:12 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
good and bad managers have little correlation to a given generation.
there are good and bad managers from the baby boomer era as with gen X, and millenials.
this thing people like to do where every baby boomer or millenial or whatever is part of some monolithic group of people is stupid. 4/27/2015 1:33:22 PM
skokiaan All American 26447 Posts user info edit post |
good and bad managers have little correlation to a given generation. 4/27/2015 5:33:00 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
So whats up with that contractor pay? Hope it was 20-30% more since you have no benefits and have to pay your own taxes.
Anything you remotely use for work (computers, tablets, phone, etc), business meals, any work travel, etc, can be tax deductible so keep all your receipts. 4/29/2015 11:54:09 PM
bronco All American 3942 Posts user info edit post |
Damn I thought about reading this one, but goddamn that's a big wall of words. We should have a three sentence rule. Also, if the OP themselves comes back and says "/thread" just let that shit go.
[Edited on April 30, 2015 at 12:10 AM. Reason : good lawd ] 4/30/2015 12:08:11 AM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
Boss just asked me to have a beer in the conference room with her because a project was completed and I said ok brb and left
Bad politics? 5/8/2015 7:23:29 PM
PaulISdead All American 8838 Posts user info edit post |
Seven on a Friday sounds like proposition of coitus nahmean? 5/8/2015 7:47:25 PM
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
See I would normally say so but it was more about subordination to the pussy. In a male dominated environment, imposing the appearance of familiarity with the contract employee can engender hostility like who the fuck is he
And yes it is intentional. Doubt there would be coitus. Simply a power play But thank you for that thought. I didn't know if it was facially weird at first glance but I guess it is 5/8/2015 7:59:07 PM