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 Message Boards » » RIP Macy's Department Stores Page [1]  
All American
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In about 20 years I could see very few indoor malls being left. They smell funny, are full of teenagers, and have a lot of worthless stores with little selection. It's so much easier to go to an outdoor shopping center where they have Best Buy, Petco/PetSmart, Wal-Mart/Target/grocery store, Dick's/Bass Pro/Cabellas, restaurants, Office Depot/Office Max, and a few other random things.

[Edited on January 7, 2016 at 1:57 AM. Reason : .]

1/7/2016 1:55:36 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I've never actually been inside a Hot Topic, but indoor malls are awesome when they're mostly empty, and you can walk around freely to admire stuff.

Macy's--at least the ones I've been to around Raleigh--have always been pretty disappointing. But I remember it being a big deal when they first came to the area.

Maybe they could bring back Lord & Taylor!

1/7/2016 2:08:43 AM

All American
11731 Posts
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/bye picture

I may have walked through a Macy's once, but I have not ever purchased anything from there.

1/7/2016 5:50:23 AM

no u
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And stay out of Woolworths!

1/7/2016 8:04:40 AM

All American
16807 Posts
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Quote :
"In about 20 years I could see very few indoor malls being left."

I suppose that could happen, but they sure are nice when the weather sucks ass in the winter. Hanes Mall is still fairly busy, though they have slowly been losing stores and replacing them with slightly less than stellar replacements. It pulls in people from several of the rural counties surrounding Forsyth, so that certainly helps sustain business.

1/7/2016 8:12:29 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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All shopping online

1/7/2016 8:25:47 AM

balls deep
89861 Posts
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I've found that Macy's inventory varies greatly based on the geographic location of the store. And I'm not talking about one store carrying minks while another carries sweaters. I'm talking about the stores in less affluent locations having little to no selection of anything.

1/7/2016 8:27:45 AM

35780 Posts
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^completely agree. And Belk has that issue somewhat as well (but that may be their business model in certain areas). But honestly, when Macy's was first announced to be moving into this region years ago I expected something that would truly rival some of the really higher end department stores in my area (Belk's flagship in Southpark, A really top end Dillard's, Nordstrom). I guess I blame "Friends" for that. Now all of the Macy's here in Charlotte today look more like an urban Kohl's that's perpetually about to close down. Non-existent shoe section, clothing stock that looks like it's been sitting there for years, a ghost town of a retail staff. It's awful.

1/7/2016 8:37:20 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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I was at the 8-story Macy's in NYC on Black Friday, they are surely not closing anytime soon.

1/7/2016 11:43:27 AM

All American
1356 Posts
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I bought a TWW SS present at Macy's one time.

1/7/2016 11:50:56 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^^^^Yup, pretty much.

1/7/2016 12:57:28 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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I can't remember the last time I went into a mall. Probably not once in the past decade

1/7/2016 1:01:41 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
2638 Posts
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Quote :
" In about 20 years I could see very few indoor malls being left."

Agreed. And I hope its on that time frame too. I LOVE Cary Towne Mall for the fact that its usually empty but also has some great stuff for little kids like a play space, carousel and train. I hope it survives just long enough for my kids to outgrow those things and then shutter when I no longer need to find a good free indoor escape from the weather.

With most of their big anchors gone now, I wish they would turn those spaces into something usable. We walk by the old sears pretty often and its a gigantic indoor space thats behind lock and key. I'm always tempted to break in and start up a soccer game or nerf battle.

1/7/2016 2:42:12 PM

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1/7/2016 11:26:31 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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Agreed that the selection varies greatly. The one in Crabtree was pretty decent. Of the two here in Richmond, one is pretty good on account of its being huge (it actually occupies two anchor spaces due to buyouts of Hecht's and Miller & Rhoads over the years). That one is, predictably, closing. The other one is awful and does, at least in the men's department, bear an unnerving resemblance to Kohl's. However, despite its being a terrible store, it is in the nicer mall and is being spared.

I really miss Belk, or at least the well-stocked Belk Men's Store in Crabtree.

1/9/2016 1:13:30 AM

148807 Posts
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1/9/2016 3:07:30 AM

All American
11919 Posts
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Quote :
"All shopping online"

I do love online shopping. You can find anything on the internet, if you know where to look.

1/9/2016 8:18:17 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"I LOVE Cary Towne Mall"

that place is still open? there was never ANYONE there when i went in there when i lived in raleigh (and that was ~10 years ago!)

1/10/2016 10:36:27 AM

All American
10406 Posts
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Who remembers when it was Cary Village Mall?

Cary Towne Center peaked in the late 90s and since the early 2000s has been in a decline. Sears is gone, now Macy's...

The Belks still does a good business. Every time I go in that mall, there are new stores. A lot of the mainstays are closing and smaller, independent stores open...last 6 months, and then close.

It is becoming the next South Hills Mall. South Hills used to be decent also, but it started declining in the 80s.

Cary would benefit from completely renovating and rebuilding a mall similar to Crabtree or Triangle Towne Center....though I doubt the existing location has that much available space.

1/10/2016 10:47:35 AM

All American
11919 Posts
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Quote :
"Who remembers when it was Cary Village Mall?

Cary Towne Center peaked in the late 90s and since the early 2000s has been in a decline. Sears is gone, now Macy's...

The Belks still does a good business. Every time I go in that mall, there are new stores. A lot of the mainstays are closing and smaller, independent stores open...last 6 months, and then close.

It is becoming the next South Hills Mall. South Hills used to be decent also, but it started declining in the 80s.

Cary would benefit from completely renovating and rebuilding a mall similar to Crabtree or Triangle Towne Center....though I doubt the existing location has that much available space."

I moved to Cary in 1985 when it was still Cary Village Mall and South Hills Mall was still an indoor mall. Triangle Towne Center isn't the future. Didn't they file for bankruptcy a few years ago? The future of shopping is the North Hills model, or Brier Creek. The outdoor shopping center just works better than an indoor mall. With an indoor mall you have to park and then possibly walk a long way to get to the store you want to go to once you get inside. With outdoor shopping centers you can see what is there before you even get out of your car. Then you park in front of the store you want to go to and walk about 50 yards to the entrance. I don't even know what is in most of the indoor malls anymore. I can tell you what is at most of the outdoor shopping centers though because I can see the stores from the road even when I don't go shopping there.

[Edited on January 10, 2016 at 11:09 AM. Reason : .]

1/10/2016 11:07:54 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Brier Creek is a shopping center.

Crabtree is an indoor mall, but malls can be open air as well.

North Hills is a "lifestyle center."

(These are three different things that serve different purposes.)

For fun:

[Edited on January 10, 2016 at 3:14 PM. Reason : ]

1/10/2016 3:13:23 PM

148807 Posts
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lol at "lifestyle centers"

1/10/2016 3:19:54 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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Cary mall is dead. Everytime i visit cary for the holidays people go out of their way to hit up south point or crabtree.

1/10/2016 3:34:01 PM

All American
39462 Posts
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Quote :
"With an indoor mall you have to park and then possibly walk a long way to get to the store you want to go to once you get inside. With outdoor shopping centers you can see what is there before you even get out of your car. Then you park in front of the store you want to go to and walk about 50 yards to the entrance. I don't even know what is in most of the indoor malls anymore. I can tell you what is at most of the outdoor shopping centers though because I can see the stores from the road even when I don't go shopping there."

the best

1/10/2016 3:38:11 PM

All American
1590 Posts
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I generally prefer conventional malls, but I'll submit it depends on whether I'm going full-scale shopping or just picking one thing up.

If you're going Christmas shopping and needing to hit up several different stores, it sucks to go to one of these sprawling Crossroads/Friendly Center-type places where they've shoeboxed 150 stores into like half a mile. You find a place to park near Dick's Sporting goods, then drive over to the other end of the complex, park at Target, battle traffic again and drive over to another end to Michaels, find another parking space, etc. At a indoor mall, you park once and find everything under one roof.

Slightly related, the outlet mall in Smithfield is the worst place on earth.

1/10/2016 7:46:30 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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TTC is a really terrible mall. Bad design, awful flooring (carpet!?) and tons of empty space. It's only 14 years old and already has the vibes of the waning years of the original North Hills.

[Edited on January 10, 2016 at 9:20 PM. Reason : 3]

1/10/2016 9:20:04 PM

All American
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^Agreed! I've gone in there just to stay warm before going and playing soccer after work. There is nothing in there that I can't find at Best Buy, Dick's, Target, or Petsmart.

1/10/2016 11:43:37 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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Nobody under the age of 50 should ever step foot in a mall

1/11/2016 10:37:41 AM

All American
11919 Posts
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^No one over the age of 20 should ever set foot in a mall.

1/11/2016 7:23:19 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I suspect Big4Country is an ad for big box stores.

1/11/2016 7:33:01 PM

All American
23067 Posts
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Personally, I prefer a mall. I'm sick and tired of acres of farmland being bought up to be forever turned into a kohls/michaels/old navy/target. At least with a mall you get the appearance of space being used more efficiently.

Do we really need another Kohls?

1/11/2016 7:40:29 PM

All American
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^More like do we really need another drug store on the corner across from the other drug store?

1/11/2016 7:51:25 PM

All American
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Triangle Town Center Sold...

2/9/2016 7:17:33 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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so they only paid 3 million dollars for it?

2/9/2016 10:12:31 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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hopefully macy's down in fla don't go anywhere soon, it's the only place i ever go to buy clothes (save for the occasional sale at express).

2/10/2016 10:18:55 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » RIP Macy's Department Stores Page [1]  
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