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play so hard
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Post them here

Quote :
"“Yes, I am opposed to Woman Suffrage, believing as I do that it is unscriptural, injurious to women, hurtful to men, damaging to children, unfriendly to the home and harmful to the State. At best it is an unnecessary and dangerous experiment and in the South it is especially undesirable in view of the race question, which it would surely complicate further.”

- Warren A. Candler, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church South (1919)"

Quote :
""I believe that employing children in coal mines is perfectly consistent with good health. They earn good wages. Working on the night shift does no harm, the air and ventilation are the same at one period as at another. I have never heard of boys injuring themselves down pits from the nature of work, only by accidents. I do not think any change in the hours of work is necessary for children. I would not object to a law preventing children from working before ten years old but would rather leave it to the manager to accept or refuse them. Any such law would be unfair on parents with large families... I do not think that working in the pit means that boys are incapable of having lessons after a day's work. Most coal mines could not carry on without the labours of young boys."

- Henry Morton (1842)"

Quote :
"The new [Confederate] Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution"

- Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens 1861"

Quote :
"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."

- Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens 1861"

Quote :
"“There is a conspiracy afoot to destroy the South. The members of this conspiracy are of various backgrounds. Their basic aim, knowingly or unknowingly, is to destroy the social and cultural life of the South and the white race by amalgamation of the races.

Component elements of this conspiracy to destroy the South are the Communist Party, the NAACP, the United Nations, the National Council of Churches, the leadership in many denominations of the Christian Church, elements of the TV networks, elements of the movie industry, a number of leading magazines with nationwide circulation, elements in the Republican and Democratic Parties, and, to a large extent, the Press … Large foundations reportedly are putting large sums of money into the integration program all over the country.

Many others are pushing integration: The YMCA, religious liberals, various dubbed dogooders, etc., and many sincere and good ministers of the Gospel. They have succumbed to and been traduced by the integration propaganda of the Communist Party, the NAACP, and various liberal and unorthodox theologians bleating their shibboleths of ‘Justice’ and ‘Freedom.’

In the interest of their unnatural religious and social philosophy, they are working to destroy the races that God has created, crying ‘oneworld brotherhood’ and ‘racial equality,’ neither of which conceptions have any substantiation whatsoever in the Scripture or in the study of mankind anthropology, psychology, etc.

… The Supreme Court has violated, in my opinion, … the Constitution which they have sworn to uphold, and they should be impeached. Strong sentiment is arising all over our nation to restrict the Court; but when you have such a Court as the one we have now, the only practical remedy is to kick them out and put new men in … This conspiracy to effect the submersion of the white race under a Negro society must not prevail.

We are forced to take a stand.”

- Rev. James P. Dees, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Conspiracy Is Afoot to Destroy the Social and Cultural Life of the South, The Southern Conservative (Statesville, North Carolina, 1958?)"

Quote :
""If Medicare passes into law, the consequences will be dire beyond imagining," Reagan said. If opponents failed to scuttle it, he warned, "One of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children, and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.""

Quote :
""Never in the history of the world has any measure [social security] been brought here so insidiously designed as to prevent business recovery, to enslave workers and to prevent any possibility of the employers providing work for the people"

- Rep. John Taber (R-NY)."

Quote :
"Daniel Reed, a Republican representative from New York, predicted that with Social Security, Americans would come to feel “the lash of the dictator.” Senator Daniel Hastings, a Delaware Republican, declared that Social Security would “end the progress of a great country.”"

Quote :
"Rep. James W. Wadsworth (R-NY) cautioned that passage of Social Security would open the door to a government power "so vast, so powerful as to threaten the integrity of our institutions and to pull the pillars of the temple down upon the heads of our descendants.""

Quote :
"“Yes, the Bible is a discriminating Book, both as to race and creed. Beware of the cliche “no discrimination.” Unless, of course, you want to join hands with international schemers in destroying the Christian heritage which guarantees your freedom.

The race of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph now the kindred AngloSaxonCeltic Christian peoples of the United States, the British Company of Nations, and Western Europe cannot commit to other races the supreme place which God has assigned to that race alone.

The exalted position of the Bible’s Covenant Race carries with it worldwide moral and spiritual responsibilities, which no other race has the Godgiven ability to perform. This Divine commission demands of us the spirit of humility and love.”

- C.R. Dickey, The Bible and Segregation, 1958"

8/2/2016 11:43:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I would not like to be replaced by someone who immediately sets about undoing what I've tried to do for 25-26 years."

Antonin Scalia

[Edited on August 3, 2016 at 6:38 AM. Reason : Good thread btw]

8/3/2016 6:37:46 AM

All American
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8/3/2016 4:02:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"""If Medicare passes into law, the consequences will be dire beyond imagining," Reagan said. If opponents failed to scuttle it, he warned, "One of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children, and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free."""

Wait until true socialized medicine comes about (really what he is looking forward to here in this quote) and then see if this is the wrong side.

But good thread agreed.

8/3/2016 7:55:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Robert Byrd, D, WV, 1945

8/3/2016 8:05:08 PM

play so hard
60922 Posts
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Good contribution, and good work on becoming the biggest hack on this board!

8/3/2016 8:08:46 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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Quote :
"Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman."

-Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2000

8/3/2016 8:15:37 PM

play so hard
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You can probably find one more recent for her that than

8/3/2016 10:08:47 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"I should have checked myself."

-Guy who wrecked himself.

8/3/2016 11:35:30 PM

All American
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Quote :

-Every white person till around the 60's

8/4/2016 12:09:03 AM

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Quote :
"In an Obama administration, we'll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year"."

-Obama 2008

8/17/2016 1:13:29 PM

All American
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You have to make sure that you are on the right side of the history before doing anything!

8/19/2016 5:32:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"“In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record, I ask the chair, do you know what this is,” Inhofe said to Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who was presiding over the Senate’s debate, as he removed the snowball from a plastic bag.

“It’s a snowball. And it’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonable.”"

8/19/2016 9:39:51 AM

All American
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This thread would have been more aptly titled "Quotes from the Wrong Side of History according to Synapse." Because you've had something kinda snarky to say about nearly every contribution.

Anyway, here's mine:

Quote :
""There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance."

- Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft (2007)"

8/19/2016 10:08:55 AM

All American
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I wonder why the CEO of Microsoft would say such a thing?

8/19/2016 12:10:03 PM

All American
11330 Posts
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This whole thing:

8/19/2016 4:10:51 PM

play so hard
60922 Posts
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Quote :
"Because you've had something kinda snarky to say about nearly every contribution"

lol I've responded exactly twice to quote contributions to this thread, and exactly one of those two had some snark.

This is why people call you dumb.

8/19/2016 4:44:31 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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Everything you find here

8/19/2016 5:19:11 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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Quote :
"All that said, given the fundamental factors in place that should support the demand for housing, we believe the effect of the troubles in the subprime sector on the broader housing market will likely be limited, and we do not expect significant spillovers from the subprime market to the rest of the economy or to the financial system."

- Ben Bernanke, May 2007

8/28/2016 7:45:37 PM

All American
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(insert any year here) is going to be a great season for NCSU Football/Basketball!

- Me every year...

[Edited on August 29, 2016 at 11:32 AM. Reason : ]

8/29/2016 11:31:46 AM

play so hard
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10/16/2016 8:05:54 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"[Obamacare] was "a very clever... basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter"

Quote :
"the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage... the stupidity of the American voter... was really, really critical for the thing to pass"

-Johnathan Gruber (ACA architect)

Quote :
"We've been content to conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry"

-Bill Ivey

10/19/2016 3:29:48 PM

play so hard
60922 Posts
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Quote :
"Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer. This is not to say that smoking is good for you.... news flash: smoking is not good for you. If you are reading this article through the blue haze of cigarette smoke you should quit. The relevant question is, what is more harmful to the nation, second hand smoke or back handed big government disguised in do-gooder healthcare rhetoric. "

Mike Pence - 2001

[Edited on October 24, 2016 at 11:11 AM. Reason : V]

10/24/2016 10:57:36 AM

50084 Posts
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Surely that was from 1971 and not 2001.

10/24/2016 11:01:47 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
"The stakes are enormous—if we don't get this done, your premiums are guaranteed to go up."

PBO, on ACA in 2009

10/25/2016 11:41:42 AM

50084 Posts
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Well i mean he was right. Premiums were going up. He just didn't say they'd go up by more with the ACA.

10/25/2016 11:54:15 AM

All American
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They didn't go up more. Gotta love the completely brain dead victory lap Obamacare opponents are doing this morning. Guess what, premiums are exactly where the CBO predicted they'd be 6 years ago. The only difference is instead of going up by roughly the same amount each year, they went up slower than expected for the last 3 years and then are correcting to the expected level in one big jump this year. Also, this only applies to exchange plans, where most people are getting subsidies and will continue paying premiums under $100/mo. For most Americans, including people getting insurance through their employers, premiums are still growing at historically low levels. Continue ignoring facts though, it got you Donald Trump.

10/25/2016 12:02:27 PM

All American
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Let me add Shrike to this thread.

Quote :
"You offered long outdated CBO projections and out-of-context misquotes to support disproven talking points."

Are these the same CBO estimates you were disregarding in the PBO credibility thread? So only the CBO estimates that can somehow be distorted to fit your narrative that ACA is thriving can be believed?

10/25/2016 12:08:38 PM

All American
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The CBO projection you posted was related to employer sponsored coverage, and how it was supposed to drop significantly. That did not happen, at all. Do you have some masochistic fetish about being wrong all the time?

10/25/2016 12:13:59 PM

5608 Posts
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Lol @ Hack triggered ITT

Quote :
"the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage... the stupidity of the American voter... was really, really critical for the thing to pass"

Gruber is talking about people like you.

10/26/2016 12:15:15 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Did you post this on your geocities site?

I'd like to read more.

10/26/2016 1:16:13 PM

All American
22955 Posts
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Are you doubting that Gruber said that ^^? Because he had to apologize for it.

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 1:22 PM. Reason : ^]

10/26/2016 1:22:40 PM

All American
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Of course it happened. It was all over the news.

JCE is acting like he unearthed the tomb of king tut.

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 1:33 PM. Reason : Also they don't really fit with the theme of the thread bc I know JCE hates the ACA. ]

10/26/2016 1:32:04 PM

5608 Posts
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Its not the fact that the architect of the ACA called the hacks of the world "stupid".

It's that the Hacks of the world still defend an unconstitutional fine that has done the opposite of its intention.

It's like trying to explain to a North Korean that dear leader isn't so great.

10/26/2016 2:17:55 PM

All American
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It didn't insure millions of Americans and remove the pre-existing condition cluster fuck?

Also premiums increased vary WIDELY from state to state. Personally I was pretty sure nothing would get cheaper.

10/26/2016 2:56:52 PM

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Quote :
"It didn't insure millions of Americans"

Leftists keep citing "more people are insured" as if the inefficient redistribution of wealth is a success story.

"Hey guys, we put a gun to people's head and forced them to buy something, and more people bought it"

Quote :
"remove the pre-existing condition cluster fuck?"

You mean the DESTROY THE POINT OF HAVING INSURANCE, and the reason costs were affordable to healthy people? I wonder if Obama could do the same thing with home insurance, that way I can just buy it after an earthquake and be covered. Makes sense

10/26/2016 3:58:14 PM

All American
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And we get to the heart of why people like ^ don't like Obamacare: redistribution of wealth from middle to upper class white folks to poor brown people. They see that the overwhelming majority of people getting the Medicaid expansion or subsidies from the exchanges are racial minorities, and proceed to seethe with rage.

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 6:19 PM. Reason : .]

10/26/2016 6:16:13 PM

5608 Posts
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Praising a failed policy is a difficult feat even for the most delusional of hacks, as we can see in this case, adequate objective criticism yields the most desperate retort of the hack: "agree with me or you're racist".

We know the ACA is a failure, he knows the ACA is a failure, but a hack's mind cannot permit a reality that clashes with partisian talking points. The mental gymnastics that result from this conflict are a sight to see..

Shrike provides us with a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a partisian hack.

10/26/2016 6:37:28 PM

All American
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Yup, a failed policy that insured 25 million people, stopped the insurance companies from engaging in anti-consumer practices, and curbed the growth of health care costs. I have to say though, it pleases me that people like you are still unwilling to admit the folly of your ways. It tells me that 4 years from now, you'll nominate another unelectable buffoon who President Hillary Clinton will easily defeat.

10/26/2016 6:50:57 PM

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Shrike, which one of these people are you?

Quote :
"stopped the insurance companies from engaging in anti-consumer practices"

You mean making money? Please tell me how a business will survive if it is anti-consumer by nature?

Quote :
"and curbed the growth of health care costs."

You mean the ones we just acknowledged as growing by double digits?

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 11:12 PM. Reason : Getting trolled by a hack]

10/26/2016 11:08:49 PM

All American
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10/27/2016 12:52:06 AM

5608 Posts
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Shrike, srsly, are you one of the people in this video? SHRIKE

10/30/2016 6:29:18 PM

All American
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I will say, this is the most appropriate thread for all your shit posting (sorry synapse).

10/30/2016 7:01:49 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Let me ruin the suspense: Hillary is going to win every Obama 2012 state + NC - IA. She might lose Ohio too, but early voting is looking better there every day. Shrike out."

Quote :
"Uh, Hillary hasn't trailed in a poll of NC since early September. It's almost as much of a lock as PA/VA at this point."

Quote :
"No we really don't. Hillary's path to 270 has never been in doubt. This only ever been a question of much she's going to run up the score. Like I've said many many many times, show me a poll where Trump has a lead in PA/NH/VA/CO and we can start talking about a close race."

Quote :
"I'm not gonna bother looking it up, but I posted back in August how this race already over because Trump had no chance at winning Florida due to the latino vote. Early vote is bearing that out."

11/9/2016 1:18:51 AM

The E Man
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I Admit i was dead wrong on this

11/9/2016 1:23:51 AM

All American
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I don't really feel bad about wrong. Like I said, I was in good company. What I feel bad about is how much damage this dude is going to do over the next 4 years.

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 1:25 AM. Reason : .]

11/9/2016 1:25:34 AM

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[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 1:35 AM. Reason : gif fuck]

11/9/2016 1:32:06 AM

All American
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I remember at least one user in one of the other threads saying it is a "mathematical impossibility" for Trump to win.

Wat happun?

11/9/2016 1:36:03 AM

The E Man
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people lied to polls.

the namecalling by liberal hacks put to muh pressure on people. people felt like they had to say they were voting for hillary or they would be cast out of society. this made people secretly want to vote for trump. when you have the failed president on tv everyday telling you everyday you have to vote one way its not a good look.

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 1:38 AM. Reason : j]

11/9/2016 1:37:17 AM

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11/9/2016 1:41:09 AM

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