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All American
34423 Posts
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In case you can't see it, the UAB put up satirical signs from the movie "dear white people" and some students not in on the joke are getting bent out of shape about it.

It's like reverse political correctness?

3/23/2017 11:42:52 PM

All American
10767 Posts
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people of all races whine about shit on social media

[Edited on March 24, 2017 at 6:27 AM. Reason : k]

3/24/2017 6:26:55 AM

All American
5503 Posts
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I don't think there's anything to be "in" on. First reports are saying the movie is so gay it'll give you super AIDS and you'll be dead in a week, like the Ring. Plus if the movie was called "Dear Black/Hispanic/Muslim People" there would be riots...literally riots, which they would call protests.

3/24/2017 8:56:50 AM

All American
23067 Posts
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No dear Mr. Laser, due to white privilege, we should all already be "in" on the joke, whether or not we've seen the movie or trailers for the movie.

3/24/2017 9:05:33 AM

5975 Posts
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I can't see it, any pics of the signs?

3/24/2017 9:32:32 AM

All American
11449 Posts
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which snowflakes are snowflaking this time?

3/24/2017 12:48:04 PM

5608 Posts
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Reminded me of this lol

3/24/2017 3:33:14 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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Quote :
"No dear Mr. Laser, due to white privilege"

I keep forgetting about my privilege, thanks hoss.

3/24/2017 5:28:58 PM

114577 Posts
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white privilege is such a bullshit term

you can try to argue against that, but none of your arguments are ultimately going to make sense

(hopes f-killer will take the bait, teehee)

3/24/2017 6:58:16 PM

114577 Posts
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it just means you're admitting (whether or not you realize it) that white people have an advantage/are superior

it's really not a safe term to use at all

3/24/2017 6:58:47 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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can someone give me the TLDR as to why this is a big deal?

3/24/2017 9:31:21 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I love it when people picture minorities rioting at every imagined slight.

"If someone created White Entertainment Television black people would be rioting in the streets! Believe me!"

3/24/2017 10:09:17 PM

148805 Posts
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I thought this thread was about tonight's "keep the money away from non-white's" weekly meeting

3/25/2017 2:00:10 AM

All American
8837 Posts
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I thought this was going to be about wakeboarding at your parents lake house

3/25/2017 7:46:43 AM

All American
5503 Posts
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Quote :
"white privilege is such a bullshit term"

That's just it, you think it's BS because you don't know you have it. It's like invisible, like uh God or something. You just have to believe...

Seriously though, I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone mention it that I thought they were serious. It probably started as a joke but the autistic crowd didn't get it. In any case it's an easy way to tell someone it genuinely retarded. It's a mental retardation test that is 100% accurate.

3/25/2017 5:12:53 PM

5608 Posts
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Victimhood is a religion to these people... it's essentially a cult. There are actually quite a few devout followers of the church of social justice, right here on TWW.

3/25/2017 5:29:14 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Are we talking about rust belt voters?

3/25/2017 11:10:39 PM

5608 Posts
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Telling people they are victims based on declining industrialization in an area


Telling racial groups they are victims based on *narrative*

3/27/2017 12:10:25 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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Declining economic prospects in the rust belt and rural areas leads to victims suffering from the breakdowns in family structure, alcohol and drug abuse, and higher mortality rates.

The inner city, which has never had great economic prospects, also suffers from these problems, except their problems are due to "culture," laziness, and dependency.

[Edited on March 27, 2017 at 12:34 PM. Reason : Hmmmm, what could possibly factor into differentiating between these groups??????]

3/27/2017 12:33:43 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"The inner city, which has never had great economic prospects"

never any great economic prospects in an inner city? Then what the hell brought all those people together in the first place?

3/27/2017 1:51:35 PM

All American
39460 Posts
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racist housing policy?

3/27/2017 2:09:11 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18975 Posts
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3/27/2017 2:40:42 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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Fleeing Jim Crow rural areas?? (Only to find that the city wasn't that great either).

3/27/2017 2:43:32 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Hmmmm, what could possibly factor into differentiating between these groups"

That is quite a false equivalency you have constructed there... and there is plenty of overlap between both groups.

The point I'm making is appealing to "victims" that are members of an industry makes sense, whereas appealing to "victims" that are members of a race is some backwards, collectivist, regressive left-type thinking.

3/27/2017 2:58:58 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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It's not false equivalency, both groups are currently struggling due to their economic circumstances. One group got there because politicians sold them down the river to appease their corporate overlords, the other group suffered under a system that discriminated against them in the recent past. You recognize one but not the other?

[Edited on March 27, 2017 at 3:08 PM. Reason : Oh right, I forgot you live in a post-racism world]

3/27/2017 3:03:18 PM

5608 Posts
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I wasn’t aware that rust belt workers have a single motherhood rate of 70%+. Now that I know that is the case, I guess that is a good equivalency.

3/27/2017 3:12:47 PM

50085 Posts
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They might actually reach that if all the opioid addicts are jailed like they were for the crack epidemic.

3/27/2017 3:15:48 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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White working class folks aren't there yet, but they do have the largest increases in single parenthood rates over the past few years (also the only group with a life expectancy going down, largest increases in drug abuse, increases in domestic violence, etc). Basically what I'm trying to say is they are well on their way to the stats we see in communities of color, they just need to be "victims" for another 50 years or so.

3/27/2017 3:29:17 PM

5608 Posts
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^^Because nothing says "father figure" like a crack head.

If only people weren't "Oppressed" by their decision to do illegal drugs...

[Edited on March 27, 2017 at 3:32 PM. Reason : .]

3/27/2017 3:32:16 PM

50085 Posts
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Addiction is a bitch I'm sure.

It's not a bad thing thing for society that it is starting to affect affluent whites now so people might actually want to try and fix it finally.

3/27/2017 3:35:57 PM

5608 Posts
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And the way to fix it is by getting the users and dealers in jail, or as the leftists call it "oppression".

3/27/2017 3:38:51 PM

All American
42557 Posts
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A quarter of all white people would be in jail if laws were applied equally. We know they are not [applied equally]; several cops have come out over the years exposing the racist policies of police departments with regards to drug enforcement, with cops even being told to actively avoid white neighborhoods. This is no secret.

I work at a university campus, and one of the campus cops told me that the drug-detection dog they had was ringing alarm bells over the place, and there was no way they could prosecute that many students, so they got rid of it and got a bomb-detection dog, so it still scares students into thinking they will be caught, but it doesn't detect anything.

The university is 75% white, mostly rich white kids, many of them with massive/expensive cars.

3/27/2017 3:51:51 PM

5608 Posts
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Saying "Several cops said so" isn't much of an argument. Regarding your college anecdote... there is a big difference between college potheads and inner city dealers, and it isn't race (though the church of victimhood claims it is), it's violent crime.

Quote :
"I work at a university campus"

And just like I said with UJustWait and his absurd leftism... "that explains a lot".

[Edited on March 27, 2017 at 4:29 PM. Reason : .]

3/27/2017 4:28:48 PM

50085 Posts
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No one was talking about inner city dealers, though. Odd changing of goalposts.

3/27/2017 4:30:01 PM

5608 Posts
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That "goal post" was originally in TerdFerguson's straw man a few posts up. Try to keep up.

Or we can change the goal posts again to OEPII1's example. So looking at that college exclusively... 75% white, I'll assume 10% black. So you're telling me that cops are checking for drugs on 0% of white students AND 0% of black students?

How strange. It's almost as if race isn't a factor. Yet why are so many of our gullible well-intentioned leftists thinking it is? Because the church of social justice is a religious cult.

3/27/2017 4:40:55 PM

All American
28547 Posts
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3/27/2017 4:53:52 PM

All American
2113 Posts
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I think (though I am not sure) that even JCE2011 acknowledges disparities due to racial differences existed in the past. Assuming this to be the case...

Two questions:

1. In what year or span of years did this disparity disappear?

2. What evidence do you have to confirm it has, in fact, disappeared?

3/27/2017 5:23:36 PM

5608 Posts
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50+ years ago there were racial disparities of opportunity and racial disparities of outcome.

In 2017 there is no disparity of opportunity, and yet some of the disparities of outcome have become worse.

Your religious cult of perpetual racial victimhood simply cannot exist in this 2017 reality... hence the sensationalized anecdotes and national spotlights on false narratives.

3/27/2017 11:33:11 PM

All American
2113 Posts
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That failed to answer either question.

When did this transition take place?

What evidence do you have to demonstrate the change?

3/27/2017 11:34:44 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"When did this transition take place?"

So you agree there was a "transition" in which the racial disparities of opportunity disappeared between 1960s - Present?

If you agree on that I'll answer, but if you don't agree with that there isn't much point.

3/27/2017 11:49:12 PM

All American
2113 Posts
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No, I do not agree; I am asking you to convince me.

And the when is secondary; I am more interested in the evidence that has led you to this conclusion.

3/28/2017 12:05:42 AM

5608 Posts
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The lack of evidence otherwise has led me to this conclusion.

In my eyes 2017 America is innocent until proven guilty. Legally the burden of proof is on you, the prosecution.

3/28/2017 12:25:37 AM

All American
2113 Posts
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I would maintain that given the very long history of discrimination in the USA, the default position is that discrimination still exists. Please provide evidence that it does not.

3/28/2017 12:54:07 AM

All American
34423 Posts
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I think this oped writer misses part of the point. People know the statistics and this still doesn't change minds. Plenty studies show that data doesn't affect peoples' opinions. Satire works in different ways to promote an action, where using data often fails.

[Edited on March 28, 2017 at 1:42 AM. Reason : ]

3/28/2017 1:41:04 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I would maintain that given the very long history of discrimination in the USA, the default position is that discrimination still exists. Please provide evidence that it does not."

Your side is making the accusation, your side is doing the bitching and moaning... the burden of proof is 100% on you. You need to provide evidence if you're making a claim.

This is what I mean when I say you guys treat victimhood like a religion. "2017 racial disparities of opportunity" is your "God". You believe your god exists, I don't.

I can't disprove to a crazy person that there isn't a spaghetti monster floating somewhere in space, I can't disprove to a brainwashed Marxist SJW that they aren't oppressed. Its a religious cult.

3/28/2017 9:52:00 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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Quote :
"I thought this was going to be about wakeboarding at your parents lake house"

this line by PaulISdead fucking won this thread. sort of shocked it was overshadowed so easily.

3/28/2017 10:36:03 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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Y'all looking like Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in here...

3/28/2017 11:20:10 AM

All American
11449 Posts
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motherfuckers triple stamping a double stamp ITT

[Edited on March 28, 2017 at 2:17 PM. Reason : ]

3/28/2017 2:16:49 PM

All American
2113 Posts
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Quote :
"I can't disprove to a crazy person that there isn't a spaghetti monster floating somewhere in space"

False equivalence. The FSM has never been witnessed, but there is demonstrable racism during at least 80% of America's history.

I would understand if you had a more agnostic position on the issue; however, you overzealously defend the position that racism is a thing of the past.

How can you justify this adamant position based simply on not seeing the evidence? What justification do you have for dismissing the possibility of evidence that you do not get to witness first hand?

And again, keep in mind that, not just in American history but in human history, period, racism has always had a significant presence in interracial societies. I maintain that the intelligent, default position is that that has not magically changed in just the past 50 years.

3/28/2017 2:26:23 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Are people in this thread seriously blaming a 70% single parent birthrate on incarceration? Just how many people do you think are behind bars at any given moment in this country, and why would that necessarily prevent marriage / fatherhood?

3/28/2017 2:38:04 PM

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