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 Message Boards » » Drivers who block lanes because they fucked up Page [1]  
All American
749 Posts
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People who should be murdered in public:

Drivers who are waiting at a stop light and discover they're in the wrong lane. When the light turns green, they don't move... waiting for someone in the other lane to let them in all while making the cars behind them wait.

I've had it with these people. Of course it happens in the nicer parts of town. I was just leaving South Park mall and some lady in a Sequoia with 100 stickers on the back was the culprit this time.

Besides laying on the horn for 10+ seconds, what else is there to do?!?!

4/10/2017 1:36:06 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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I appreciate your frustration. I share it with you. Here in lies the (liberal) paradox:

"Don't do something because you might offend someone!!!"


"I'm going to sit here with my blinker and hold up everyone behind me because I was in the wrong lane..."

Holding up traffic is a huge no-no. GTFOTW IMO.

I'd give them the horn; let them know they are in the way of traffic. They should complete their turn and do a re-correct somewhere else..

Just like fender benders on the road. Move that shit off the road way. We all know what happened. Don't need to sit there for a cop to come by. Move that crap out of the way. Rubber neckers are bad enough.

[rawr rawr rawr]

[Edited on April 10, 2017 at 1:41 PM. Reason : .]

4/10/2017 1:39:58 PM

All American
7528 Posts
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Along the same lines... when some asshole almost misses their exit on the highway from the left lane and flies across the right lane to make it.

Just go to the next exit homie.... no use killing somebody at 70 mph.

4/10/2017 1:49:21 PM

26632 Posts
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a couple polite beep-beep's, if that doesn't work long honks

4/10/2017 1:56:09 PM

148804 Posts
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Stopping in the middle of the street until you're clear to make a u-turn, instead of driving a few hundred feet and turning into a parking lot or on a side street.

4/10/2017 2:06:22 PM

All American
23067 Posts
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The worst? When you're in traffic, and the lane beside you runs out in a couple hundred yards. Yet people still zoom past you and break in line way up front.

[Edited on April 10, 2017 at 2:15 PM. Reason : grrrr]

4/10/2017 2:14:53 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Especially when there have been signs for the last half mile that the lane ends

4/10/2017 2:18:04 PM

26632 Posts
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zipper merging, its more efficient and better for traffic

4/10/2017 2:23:11 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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This is definitely inconsiderate behavior. But I also suspect a small number of folks aren't good enough with roads/directions to figure out alternative routes and methods of getting back on track. They only know one way to do things. And some people's sense of urgency to get places behind the wheel is just insane--checking a block is unfathomable.

4/10/2017 2:25:28 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"zipper merging, its more efficient and better for traffic"

Tell that to the people who fly up to the end of a lane and slam on brakes.

4/10/2017 2:34:28 PM

All American
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I'm going to start just sitting in that lane that eventually ends, forcing people to get in line behind everyone else, rather than flying past everyone to get in front. What really pisses me off is seeing someone who is currently parked in my lane, go left or right into the merging lane, then get back in 20 cars up ahead.

4/10/2017 2:56:02 PM

26632 Posts
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thats unsafe and dumb, you would just be enforcing your dumbness and creating a hazardous situation

4/10/2017 3:09:33 PM

All American
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Every day its two groups of people... those who feel like they have to get into or out of regular traffic into the exit lane as soon as it opens up causing a major fuckup... and those who wait until the very end also causing a major fuckup.

Yes the people who use the exit lanes as passing lanes in heavy traffic deserve to be shot and die slowly as well.

4/10/2017 3:35:52 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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if they feel like they should be in an exit lane as soon as it appears, then they should already be in the right hand lane prior to that, thus no fuckups should occur.

but these are probably the same drivers who pass on the right and weave through traffic.

4/10/2017 3:55:39 PM

All American
8837 Posts
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Drivers are the worst

4/10/2017 4:34:23 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11611 Posts
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kill all humans!

4/10/2017 4:52:05 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Quote :
"if they feel like they should be in an exit lane as soon as it appears, then they should already be in the right hand lane prior to that, thus no fuckups should occur."

The fuckup occurs because people are trying to merge into traffic while these people are trying to merge into the exit lane at the same point rather than both just waiting to get further down where they can both find spots easier.

4/10/2017 5:23:21 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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you did not specify that this was a entrance/exit. you just said exit. if it's an exit lane, no one should be merging onto the highway from it.

here's a thing that drives me nuts - people who brake before merging into a turning lane/exit ramp. GODDAMMIT YOU MORON THAT LANE WAS CREATED AS THE PLACE FOR YOU TO SLOW DOWN.

4/10/2017 5:39:22 PM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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i'm just glad i don't have a daily commute. there's enough bad drivers out there that frustrate me during normal driving conditions...can't imagine sitting in bad commuter traffic twice a day every day.

4/10/2017 5:43:31 PM

35217 Posts
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Tryon and Lake Wheeler is a giant pain in the ass coming from Gorman in the afternoons. Never fails that someone waits til the last possible minute to get in the lane that goes straight and either camps out in the right lane waiting for someone to let them in or just cuts in front of someone else.

4/10/2017 6:32:36 PM

All American
42557 Posts
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1st row #2

4/10/2017 6:33:22 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"rjrumfel: The worst? When you're in traffic, and the lane beside you runs out in a couple hundred yards. Yet people still zoom past you and break in line way up front."

That lane ends where it ends on purpose in many cases.

At rush hour, especially, all lanes should be filled, and zippering is customary.

During my time in Asheville, nobody used the lane that was going to "run out," and traffic was the worst. We were all crammed into two lanes for the whole time...when there was a whole empty lane that was still available.

[Edited on April 10, 2017 at 9:33 PM. Reason : ]

4/10/2017 9:33:22 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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so glad i live in the sticks

4/10/2017 10:07:26 PM

All American
1668 Posts
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Quote :
"During my time in Asheville, nobody used the lane that was going to "run out," and traffic was the worst. We were all crammed into two lanes for the whole time...when there was a whole empty lane that was still available."

This is an illusion. Traffic was backed up because everyone was forced to be in two lanes. The flow rate of two lanes is x cars/minute. So even if there are 6 lanes before the 2 lane section, you're still limited by the 2 lanes. All using that empty lane does is get you ahead of other people before you're forced into the limiting section, moving them back 1 car relatively. When a bunch of people do this it slows down everyone behind them who have merged safely and orderly. It's really disrespectful when it comes down to it. I know we all do this every now and again, or there are times when you're politely cruising to see if anyone will let you in, and you eventually just end up at the front; but people who habitually do this a dicks!

[Edited on April 10, 2017 at 10:16 PM. Reason : cruising=/cursing]

4/10/2017 10:15:12 PM

All American
749 Posts
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@0EPII1 what's wrong with 1st Row#2? I've had bigger, older, browner, whiter ones than that.

4/10/2017 10:24:17 PM

All American
23067 Posts
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I'm sorry, but if you know your lane is going to run out, and you try to get past as many people as you can, you're being a dick. Plain and simple.

Now if you're new to the area and you aren't aware of the lane running out, and you somehow miss the sign, ok I can give you a pass. Zippering works well if all lanes are full and people are letting others in, but if the merging lane is empty and some jackass zooms past everyone else, then they're just being jackasses.

4/10/2017 11:00:15 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"This is an illusion."

^^^No, it's not.

Anybody with any driving experience should have realized this information intuitively.

Don't know what to say except to suggest that some of y'all must not do much driving and/or thinking.

^Just a while ago you were threatening to cut the whole lane off to prevent people from being able to use it at all.

Like, LOL, you know what's good for traffic?!?! Needlessly blocking lanes.

4/10/2017 11:38:54 PM

All American
5426 Posts
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^^Such a defensive attitude is unsafe for the road. I'm glad you (hopefully) prioritize your safety, the safety of your passengers, and the safety of others by cooperating, even when feeling irrationally slighted.

4/11/2017 4:15:57 AM

All American
10767 Posts
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if everyone got over early then traffic wouldnt have to slow down at merge point to let cars going really slow over

zipper merging signs might make traffic better only because it promotes letting people in line, which is the real problem, jerks not letting people merge

4/11/2017 6:15:45 AM

26632 Posts
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everyone getting over early just backs up the slow down point, zipper merging is using as much of the road as possible for efficient merging. the road isn't designed with a merge zone to be ignored so you can line up a mile before it.

this should intuitively make sense to you pretty quickly after you start driving

4/11/2017 8:16:20 AM

All American
10767 Posts
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Quote :
"everyone getting over early just backs up the slow down point"

false, because there is no slow down POINT

[Edited on April 11, 2017 at 8:27 AM. Reason : you SPEED UP when you merge if you doin it right]

4/11/2017 8:24:08 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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yeah this is great and all, but we need you to report here: message_topic.aspx?topic=648771&page=2 and talk more about your taste in women.

4/11/2017 11:15:39 AM

26632 Posts
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Lane 1 car 2 to the front of the line

4/11/2017 11:52:34 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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My favorite is when there's two lanes of traffic...the right one's about to turn or exit or whatever and it's full of cars going slow. I'm not going that way so I get in the left lane to pass some traffic. Some fuck is in the left lane going the speed limit or below, holding me and the cars behind me up. Then we get to the turnoff/exit and the fuck hits their brakes and turns on their signal to get over in the right lane. IF YOU WANTED TO GO THAT SPEED, WHY NOT BE IN THAT LANE TO BEGIN WITH, ASSHOLE?

Mark my words: I will either die or murder someone as a result of my own road rage.

4/11/2017 6:28:35 PM

Sup, B
53247 Posts
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OMG, I wanted to murder someone the other day at Carolina Place mall in Pineville. That whole area is a clusterfuck anyway, with stoplights every 100 feet. But it was made worse because people kept coming off 485 and tried to merge across 4 lanes of traffic to take the first left into the mall. And this fucking moron ahead of me (left-most straight lane) kept stopping to let them over. I had to wait through 6 cycles of the same fucking stoplight because this idiot was "being nice." The only problem being that the people trying to get into the left turn lane had to wait for all the traffic in the left turn lane to pass them. And, since the left turn lane is a protected arrow which goes after the straight light turns red, it meant that everyone wanting to go straight was stuck behind this fucking idiot, as jackass after jackass came in off of 485, hit the lane immediately to the right, and pulled in front of this guy, who dutifully let them in, one by one. No one in my lane could switch over to the right lane and pass him, because of the fuckers coming off of 485 and getting in front of him.

Someone finally got out of their car, walked up to this idiot, and told him to fucking drive or get off the road. I'm almost certain there was an accident on NC51 behind us due to this guy

4/14/2017 12:31:06 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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That's what you get for hanging in a place called "Pineville"

4/14/2017 1:57:11 AM

41758 Posts
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4/14/2017 8:24:23 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28395 Posts
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That's what you get for going to a mall.

4/14/2017 11:44:18 AM

All American
52895 Posts
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Zipper mergers are the solution, not the problem. People who won't let them in are the problem.

4/16/2017 11:04:06 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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that works fine if everyone adjusts their speed. drivers going 20 over the speed limit are just as much a problem when lanes merge as ones who won't let said drivers in.

4/16/2017 11:29:38 AM

All American
43426 Posts
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Quote :
"Besides laying on the horn for 10+ seconds, what else is there to do?!?!"

Other than severe public shaming, in the form of extended car horn use, I'm not sure there's anything that you can do. And that doesn't happen much in the South because a lot of people are "too polite" to use their car horns, which is just dumb.

Quote :
"Tryon and Lake Wheeler is a giant pain in the ass coming from Gorman in the afternoons. Never fails that someone waits til the last possible minute to get in the lane that goes straight and either camps out in the right lane waiting for someone to let them in or just cuts in front of someone else."

It's embarrassing that the county is taking so long to fix flow on the road. What I'll usually do is drive down the right lane as far as possible. If I can zipper in closer to the intersection I'll do it (like if the cars are starting to move b/c of a green light and gaps open up between cars). However, if no gaps present themselves I just continue on and turn right onto Lake Wheeler, then pull a U-turn at the first street. I don't see anything wrong with this - I'm not inconveniencing anyone. But people that drive down the right lane and then STOP, blocking the right lane flow, until someone on the left let's them in - super big assholes.

4/17/2017 11:49:23 AM

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4/17/2017 9:16:45 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Drivers who block lanes because they fucked up Page [1]  
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