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 Message Boards » » You know what sucks? Page [1]  
All American
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Man....being where I am sucks. Like I'm super happy about where I am. I'm about to finish school. I'm getting married in 8 months. I'm happy with where I'm going. But I have polycistic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It really upsets me. All my life I have wanted to be a mom. All my life I have heard about how I would be a great mom.

I don't know if I will be able to have children. My body doesn't work like it's supposed to. I'm in a crossroads. I want to try to have children, but I don't know If I will be able to. We're not ready have kids yet. I want to be married (I want to at least hit that milestone before we do have kids) before we have kids. But I have no idea if we will be able to do it naturally. I'm living a life of not do we start trying now, and then have a miracle now when we're trying to plan the wedding (and me find a dress) or do we wait till we're married and I'm done with school before we start trying....only to find out that we can't do it naturally and we will have to find the funding for IVF or adoption?

I have cried so many times over this. All I want is to be a mom. I just don't know if it will ever be possible. It breaks my heart.

I went out for my friends birthday tonight, and I'm drunk as fuck right now. But this has been weighing on my heart hardcore lately. I want to be able to have a baby and a family, but having PCOS and (especially in knowing that I went a good chunk of time without being on BC and not getting knocked up) knowing that I will more than likely have a long hard journey to have a kid, I don't know what to do.
I just want to be a mom.

11/19/2017 3:25:57 AM

2953 Posts
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worst case scenario you will be a great mom to a kid that only needs the love you know you can offer and that alone iis a beautiful story if the universe intended it

11/19/2017 5:41:32 AM

All American
6759 Posts
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There are a lot of other ways to become a mom and it can all be just as rewarding and frustrating as having children the "usual" route. Or so I've heard. Don't lose hope yet.

11/21/2017 5:17:36 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Yeah, you can adopt a shit ton of cats.

11/21/2017 5:41:35 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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Have you started tracking your cycle yet? Pcos makes it damn near impossible but people still get pregnant with it. No reason to lose hope! But focus now on things you can do to set yourself up for optimum fertility! That way it doesn’t feel like you’re just wasting time, you know? You may be doing this already but consult a dr and set up a plan. Eat healthy. Track your cyCle and learn what you can about a woman’s cyCle. Maybe start taking ovulation tests now so you can really learn when you ovulate so you can time is perfectly. Under normal circumstances it is very hard to get pregnant so getting it together now will be half the battle! Good luck! I truly believe you’ll be just fine!

11/21/2017 10:01:59 PM

1139 Posts
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My wife and I have been battling fertility issues for a while. Unlike almost everyone else's fertility story, it never happened for us. We tried one round of ICI and then my wife backed out and didn't want to do anymore. Now we are going down the adoption route. Its been about 1.5yrs since we became eligible. We are still waiting to get a match.

If we had known what we know now, I think we would have tried to get the ball rolling sooner. My wife was about 33 when we started.

The whole fertility exercise seems to be especially mentally taxing on the women. It was difficult for my wife. Its a whole bunch of waiting for results to usually only to be disappointed. It caused her a lot of anxiety. Adoption is easier for her because she is not constantly reminded monthly of failure. But its starting to drag out as well. It would be nice to get a kid before we hit 40.

Good Luck.

11/21/2017 10:59:18 PM

All American
10767 Posts
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you can get a baby if you pay the right people in some foreign countries legally i understand

[Edited on November 22, 2017 at 6:27 AM. Reason : s]

11/22/2017 6:25:13 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Unfortunately there's no shortage of children that need a good home. Not sure what the whole big to-do about a child having to come from your loins is, but the world is overpopulated anyway. Adopt. Save your body the hassle, save a life that's already being lived.

11/22/2017 7:51:00 AM

All American
23067 Posts
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^Seeing as how you've consistently and derogatorily referred to people that want their own children as "breeders" in the childfree thread, you should keep your comments there.

11/22/2017 8:27:06 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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11/22/2017 9:51:52 AM

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11/22/2017 1:18:00 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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When I was 32 I realized that I actually do kind of want to have kids. However, I'm wasting all of my good fertility on not having a partner.

11/22/2017 6:33:53 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » You know what sucks? Page [1]  
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