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 Message Boards » » Do you call it dinner or supper? Page [1]  
All American
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8/16/2018 11:28:19 AM

play so hard
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8/16/2018 11:30:58 AM

26632 Posts
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dinner to me means a big meal usually on sunday after church

[Edited on August 16, 2018 at 11:35 AM. Reason : al]

8/16/2018 11:35:27 AM

All American
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why do people think these two terms are interchangeable?

8/16/2018 11:35:45 AM

All American
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Because most thesauruses and dictionaries list them as synonyms?

Growing up, we always said supper (both my parents were small-town bumpkins, and they used it like ^^). I now use it interchangeably and don't have a reason for using one or the other.

8/16/2018 11:39:28 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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8/16/2018 11:56:28 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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8/16/2018 12:27:19 PM

All American
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My grandmother says supper.

8/16/2018 12:41:03 PM

40922 Posts
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my aunt says suppa. i find it endearing

8/16/2018 12:41:59 PM

balls deep
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Because I'm a real American

8/16/2018 12:58:37 PM

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dinning out

8/16/2018 1:22:48 PM

All American
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Old Daniel Tucker wuz a mighty man,
He washed his face in a fryin' pan;
Combed his head wid a wagon wheel
And he died wid de toofache in his heel.

So, git outa de way for old Dan Tucker,
He's come too late to git his supper.
Supper's over and breakfast cookin',
Old Dan Tucker standin' lookin'.

8/16/2018 1:23:26 PM

All American
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3rd meal

8/16/2018 2:33:19 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Dinner is the largest/fanciest meal of the day. Sometimes it's in the afternoon, sometimes it's in the evening. Also if you go out to eat at night, it's always dinner. You don't go to a restaurant for supper.

8/16/2018 3:31:08 PM

All American
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8/16/2018 9:01:25 PM

Squishie Enthusiast
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Dinner, but my mom says supper and I don't know why I don't.

Except Sunday dinner, which is large lunch on Sunday.

8/16/2018 11:36:21 PM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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it's supper

unless it's christmas/thanksgiving/easter dinner and that is dinner regardless of the time of day.

of course, i know a lotta folks (more country than me) that call the midday meal "dinner"

8/17/2018 6:54:37 AM

All American
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the two are drastically different.

Dinner is the 3rd meal, and is usually between the hours of 3 and 5. Supper is the evening meal.

They are not interchangeable and you'd have both on the same day.

8/17/2018 10:43:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Dinner is the 3rd meal, and is usually between the hours of 3 and 5. Supper is the evening meal."

What if you eat your third meal in the evening, around 6 or 7 (after you get home from work, like most people)

8/17/2018 10:55:27 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Dinner is the 3rd meal, and is usually between the hours of 3 and 5. Supper is the evening meal. "

dinner doesn't have to be the 3rd meal, traditionally it was probably the 2nd meal more often than the 3rd. it's just the main meal of the day.

8/17/2018 11:03:41 AM

All American
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^only if you're lame and skip breakfast or lunch. eat up, son!

8/17/2018 11:08:52 AM

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In Raleigh I mostly use dinner to describe the last meal of the day. When I go "home" to eastern North Carolina I use dinner to describe the largest meal of the day. It may be mid afternoon or it may be evening. In the event we have "dinner" in the afternoon then I will use supper to describe the next meal. Generally Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are my descriptions in every day life but I make the "dinner" exception for my old school eastern NC relatives who use dinner differently. When in Rome (or Warsaw/Kenansville/Magnolia/Rose Hill/Calypso, NC)....

8/17/2018 1:18:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dinner is the largest/fanciest meal of the day. Sometimes it's in the afternoon, sometimes it's in the evening. Also if you go out to eat at night, it's always dinner. You don't go to a restaurant for supper."

This nailed it.

Dinner is not necessarily the 3rd/last/evening meal, per se. Dinner is the largest/main meal of the day. Culturally, for most college educated people in 2018, that is going to be the evening meal, but in a more agrarian culture or its close derivatives, with a lot of hard physical labor during the day, the noontime meal may be the largest, which is why "country people" often refer to the noon meal as "dinner" and the the evening meal as "supper."

8/17/2018 9:15:19 PM

11093 Posts
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If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, den shoot that lying summa' bitchen goose and supa' down!

8/17/2018 11:01:33 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Do you call it dinner or supper? Page [1]  
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