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 Message Boards » » Cobra Kai - YouTube karate kid continuation Page [1]  
All American
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I’m not sure how many of you out there have already watched it. Apparently it released in May and I’ve looked at the first four episodes and I have been fairly entertaining. A decent amount of nostalgia but also the storyline doesn’t rely on that and focuses mostly on the continuation of the story between LaRusso and Lawrence as adults.

Pretty good overall. Here is the first episode.

12/29/2018 9:05:29 AM

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is season 2 out yet

12/29/2018 12:06:23 PM

All American
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I don't think so. I'm only 4 in and like it a lot but don't want to see this turn into an ongoing series. there is enough story there for closure to the Karate Kid franchise but not enough to support more than two seasons IMO.

12/29/2018 2:58:27 PM

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When you finish season 1, you'll definitely be wanting more episodes. But yeah, I don't think it can remain high quality if they keep churning out season after season.

12/29/2018 3:21:43 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Im not paying for YouTube.

12/30/2018 11:10:05 AM

All American
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Rumor is season two hits early 2019. Production wrapped earlier this month.

12/31/2018 10:33:44 AM

All American
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I just finished season 1 and especially enjoyed episodes 9 and 10. The show got a little heavy on the nostalgia plot device as it went on but nothing too much like The Force Awakens.

What I really enjoy about the show is how it depicts much of the events in The Karate Kids from the perspective of Johnny Lawrence and makes you step back and reconsider if there were any good guys/heros in that movie.

While his character is meant to be overly stuck on the past, I do also enjoy Johnny's take on today's world vs. the 80's, especially as it relates to his students. You can leave your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made-up bullshit outside,. It's the sort of take that makes me think I'd want to be in Cobra Kai, but realistically, I'm sure those lines are in there to really connect to the egos of those non-millennials who are watching this out of their love and connection to The Karate Kid as part of their youth.

1/1/2019 11:02:30 AM

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4/26/2019 12:55:37 AM

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season 2 has been out for a couple weeks. i watched the first episode, seems to be just as good as season 1 so far

5/17/2019 4:01:12 PM

All American
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I binged both seasons.

Loved Season 1, so much nostalgia. I really liked Season 2 but got away from the Johnny/Daniel thing a bit, felt like their interactions are the best part of the show.

Thought the final episode of S2 was a little hard to really buy into, but just accepting it all could happen that way it was still a solid ending.

The little teaser in the last episode for S2 has me really excited for S3.

5/24/2019 1:40:55 PM

All American
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I watched the first two episodes and I'm hooked. A little silly, but well done, and I love the references to the movies. The first Karate Kid is one of my favorite 80s movies, I don't think it gets the respect it deserves.

So I heard they're going to put these on regular YouTube, with commercials, near the end of the year?

5/28/2019 11:02:17 AM

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Quote :
"For two weeks, from Aug. 29 to Sept. 11, YouTube will make all of “Cobra Kai” season 1 available for free. Then on Sept. 11, YouTube will serve up the second season of “Cobra Kai” globally for free, with new episodes released weekly."

5/28/2019 11:30:35 AM

All American
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8/29/2019 2:28:05 PM

All American
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Smart move by them to release it for free. The show has great buzz and is starting to get some emmy consideration, problem is so many people will never see it because it's on Youtube TV.

At SDCC they were really pushing everyone to get the word out about the show, I didn't get the vibe they were immediately worried about it getting cancelled but I do think they know they'll need more viewers to get a Season 4. Though I think with Elisabeth Shue likely returning for S3, it should probably get even more attention.

8/30/2019 10:00:27 AM

8130 Posts
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^^^^^^^Awesome video, thanks for sharing!

9/1/2019 10:23:19 PM

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Moving to netflix thankfully

6/22/2020 11:21:05 PM

All American
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Feel like this show is going to get a lot of buzz once people can binge the first two seasons.

They apparently tried to get to Netflix after S1 but I guess with the success of S2 and with S3 already filmed, Netflix was more interested. Hopefully this means they'll get a S4 since youtube told them upfront they would not be getting a S4 regardless of the success of S3.

6/23/2020 9:02:21 AM

Brass Monkey
All American
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bttt for season 3

1/4/2021 8:10:25 AM

All American
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I'm several episodes in. It's just getting more silly, but I'm still enjoying it. It's really neat how many people they're getting to come back from the earlier movies from ~30 years ago.

1/4/2021 2:51:42 PM

All American
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Yeah it is silly but in kind of a fun way. This universe has established that every problem in life can be solved with karate and that police pretty much don't exist. I lol at all the jokes about how out of touch Johnny is with modern technology too, my brother is pretty much the same way. Also, Danny's wife is

1/4/2021 5:17:15 PM

Brass Monkey
All American
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I lol’d at the “councilperson” saying how she didn’t understand why and how karate got some important to the valley.

1/4/2021 7:25:02 PM

All American
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8/5/2021 1:55:00 PM

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the final season, season 6, will come out sometime this year. hoping we see Julie, and possibly Paul Dugan teaming up with Kreese?

2/9/2023 7:53:30 PM

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7/16/2024 7:02:25 PM

All American
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I feel like I need to re-watch the whole series... I can't even remember if I watched the last two seasons

But I did watch the whole movie-series in the last few years. I still say the first is one of the best 80's teen-movie of all time.

[Edited on July 17, 2024 at 9:33 AM. Reason : ]

7/17/2024 9:32:05 AM

All American
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^I don't think the plot is super intricate to where you need to rewatch everything unless you just want to because it is a fun series. Really the key parts are Johnny and Daniel aren't really enemies anymore but aren't really friends. They've had friendly parts but recognize that there are bigger real threats to them now in the form of Terry Silver and John Crease. Miguel, Robbie, and Daniel's daughter have a constant teen love triangle situation going on and there are a few other side characters that add to the comic relief.

And karate fights constantly break out everywhere.

7/17/2024 12:25:10 PM

148896 Posts
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I'm sure there are some good season recap videos on YouTube to get caught up on things

7/17/2024 2:28:11 PM

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So I guess the first half of season 6 is available for streaming but the 2nd half (5 eps) won't be out until November 15.

7/19/2024 4:08:59 PM

All American
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Finished first half. Kinda dumb to split it in half (its not like the second half isn't finished yet). Spoilers below.

Kinda makes no sense that Tori joined back up with Kreese. Opening scene of the episode: "I hate you and will never join you!". Her mum dies and all of her friends/mentor offer her nothing but support. She's been through a lot and they have regularly helped her. Now she randomly shows up fighting for Cobra Kai again? weird

8/29/2024 11:22:24 AM

All American
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Not weird in the least. She has never gotten anything to go her way. Her mom dies (murdered by Kreese or Silver) they stop the fight letting Sam be the captain and thus the glory as Kreese planted that seed in that opening conversation. The drama will be when she finds out the Pulmonary Embolism was caused by Kreese or Silver how does she react in the inevitable final fight with Sam.

9/5/2024 1:49:42 PM

 Message Boards » Entertainment » Cobra Kai - YouTube karate kid continuation Page [1]  
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