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148799 Posts
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Sounds pretty messed up

10/29/2019 5:49:19 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Hasn't it already been on TV?

10/29/2019 6:20:59 PM

All American
11448 Posts
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That's some white people shit.

10/29/2019 9:35:06 PM

All American
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Racist comment

10/29/2019 10:25:20 PM

All American
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This place actually isn't too far from where I live. Like 45 mins away I think.

That being said, this place isn't a haunted house. It is a torture house with a reward at the end. They pull teeth out and make you eat puke and dumb shit like that. On top of that, the people who run the place can end it any time they want and claim that you aren't able to handle it.

Admittedly, I do respect that the price of admission is to just donate a bag of dog food.

10/30/2019 10:01:43 AM

All American
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I read somewhere that they can tattoo you. Be pretty fucked if they tattooed some shit on your forehead.

10/30/2019 10:43:38 AM

All American
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^I guarantee that is exactly what they would do. There is a gigantic waiver that you have to go through page by page. It takes like 8 hours. There is also some kind of profile you have to submit. Probably to try and figure out what your biggest fears are. I guess if you are scared of spiders or something they would lock you in a box with tarantulas for a while. Supposedly there is a pretty big monetary prize towards the end.

10/30/2019 10:52:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"“I’m a very straight-laced conservative guy, but here I run this crazy haunted house that people think is this torture factory, fetish factory. All of these things that it’s not," he said."

sounds like the owner doth protest too much. and given he is a self described 'straight-laced conservative guy', I definitely suspect he is into some weird fetish shit.

10/30/2019 11:17:33 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"In that waiver, participants must agree to actions that include wearing a dog shock collar, being Tasered, eating live bugs, having fingernails removed and going through “water torture.” "

Quote :
"You are dealing with being buried alive, you are dealing with fires, you are dealing with heights. There’s a lot of water, live critters. If you aren’t paying attention, they can be dangerous.”"

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"I just found this rabbit hole today. Sick shit. Really. What makes the most sense? The "rumor" he live streams it to Vegas and Thailand for pay and gambling. He digs this shit, he gets paid ,jokes on you the participant. A bunch of weirdos and sickos are watching. It's not about you and your experience."
"a lot of folks have watched you tonight...i think they lost money on you"


Quote :
"For lack of a better term, this is a hillbilly in his backyard who sets up a room or two rooms where he restrains you, and simply tortures you with as many extreme techniques as he can think of. It's not some fixed Haunt setup with a clear path or plan to scare you; it's just some guy with his backyard setup ready to start inflicting mental and physical pain. It has nothing to do with creepy Halloween or some BDSM simulated fetish; it is literally as though ISIS had picked you up and wanted to simply inflict as much harm on you as possible in the most extreme ways. This whole thing is just one step away from being a snuff video with a waiver."

yeah this is some weird master slave BDSM torture shit that apparently people watch live and bet on.

[Edited on October 30, 2019 at 11:23 AM. Reason : all you have to do is watch a few minutes of video]

10/30/2019 11:23:06 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"I guarantee that is exactly what they would do. There is a gigantic waiver that you have to go through page by page. It takes like 8 hours. There is also some kind of profile you have to submit. Probably to try and figure out what your biggest fears are. I guess if you are scared of spiders or something they would lock you in a box with tarantulas for a while. Supposedly there is a pretty big monetary prize towards the end."

I know my biggest fear is fucking a couple insanely hot women at the same time.

10/30/2019 11:28:30 AM

All American
2686 Posts
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That link for the waiver is either for when he lived in San Diego or fake.

I watched the video on YouTube that you are required to watch before you can even be considered. Looks like a lot of being buried in mud, having botox injected into your lips, clothes pins being attached to your face. There is no way to complete this as he makes the rules and changes them as he sees fit. He states in this video basically that you will not win any money even though there is $20K offered to anyone that completes it.

10/30/2019 11:56:22 AM

play so hard
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they say over and over that nobody will ever win the $20k.

if you make it 9.5 hours or whatever they just end it for "safety" reasons

10/30/2019 1:57:44 PM

All American
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What is the point of even saying that $20k is being offered? It could be 5 mins away from the "end" of it and the guys says "Your heartbeat is irregular. Challenge over. You lose."

10/30/2019 2:10:30 PM

All American
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^Probably because it gets the type of people he wants to do this.

10/30/2019 2:46:47 PM

All American
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Kinda reminds me of when Tyrone Biggums was on Fear Factor on Chappelle's Show. He was in that drawer full of snakes and just fell asleep, hahaha.

10/30/2019 2:54:13 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I think it’s all a hoax

No waiver you sign would stand up in court if someone pulled your teeth out.

10/30/2019 3:36:59 PM

Tom Joad
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10/30/2019 3:47:43 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"It could be 5 mins away from the "end" of it and the guys says "Your heartbeat is irregular. Challenge over. You lose.""

That's essentially what they've done a number of times (in the video of the Marine who did 9.5 hours I saw they stopped it 30 minutes prior to the end saying they feared hyperthermia)

Quote :
"I think it’s all a hoax"

Someone who did it (there must be supporting video I'm sure) is doing an AMA soon:

well nm seems he didn't really go in
Quote :
"His experience is detailed in episode 8 of Dark Tourist on Netflix. He didn’t make it much past the waiver signing and never actually made it inside the manor. Not sure how much light he’ll be able to shed on what actually goes on inside."

[Edited on October 30, 2019 at 3:54 PM. Reason : ]

10/30/2019 3:54:06 PM

play so hard
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and i haven't spent much time in this rabbit hole yet but i don't think anyone has actually had teeth or fingernails removed

[Edited on October 30, 2019 at 7:26 PM. Reason : ]

10/30/2019 7:25:28 PM

play so hard
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10/31/2019 10:44:56 PM

play so hard
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i don't know how you people aren't more into this

this is some crazy shit

11/1/2019 12:30:05 AM

148799 Posts
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it's interesting. the guy clearly has some screws loose.

11/1/2019 1:04:44 AM

All American
42556 Posts
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How can this shit be legal?

11/1/2019 4:15:09 AM

Tom Joad
72842 Posts
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rubes, that's how

11/1/2019 9:43:47 AM

All American
23066 Posts
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Disclaimer - I don't listen to Glenn Beck. But I do listen to the morning talk show on 106.1. I had to run the dog to the vet and Beck was on with the owner/operator. Pretty interesting. He says he doesn't employ anyone, that it is just the contestant and him trying to scare them. He said its mostly done with hypnosis, and that no one has ever been hurt. The videos with people working there were from when he was operating in San Diego.

11/1/2019 10:53:20 AM

All American
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So if all it costs is a bag of dog food that he says he donates to an animal shelter, how does he make money?

11/1/2019 11:02:11 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"and that no one has ever been hurt"

thats bullshit

it sounds like they beat the shit out of people in the san diego location, when they had "actors" etc, but this latest version isn't as physical.

11/1/2019 11:17:19 AM

All American
27278 Posts
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I'd be interested to see how a military special forces person would do with this. Navy SEALs go through some pretty messed up stuff in training.

11/3/2019 1:48:41 AM

All American
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He claims that they all fail as well. He says those are his favorite because they are overly cocky.

11/4/2019 7:49:59 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » McKamey Manor Page [1]  
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