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1575 Posts
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Anyone else nervous about this vax given that Fauci likes murdering first the gays and now puppies too?

10/27/2021 7:34:37 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I even heard Fauci kills mosquitoes (and flies at a picnic).

10/27/2021 7:37:00 AM

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10/27/2021 7:41:45 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Source = Facebook?

10/27/2021 8:04:41 AM

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one day you guys going to realize this is all one big depopulation/cull and that Fauci is Mengele 2.0

Just imagine if the Nazis could have achieved 95% vax rate in israel like fauci has achieved!

I love liberal people, but sadly, it’s mostly libs that went and got this unapproved vax….

10/27/2021 8:32:54 AM

All American
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"The National Institutes of Health is now admitting to funding gain-of-function research on bats infected with coronaviruses at a lab in Wuhan, China despite repeated denials from Dr. Anthony Fauci that U.S. tax dollars were used on the funding."

He's legit tho

10/27/2021 9:03:05 AM

Rem Lezar
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Y’all talk about deleting my shit. Well, I never did this shit. We’ve been stuck with this garbage too long. Surely vaxx misinformation is a suspension. At least delete this thread. It’s not a high standard, but Fred surely can do better than Facebook.

10/27/2021 9:21:37 AM

All American
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^^^when do you think this plotted mass extermination of the vaxxed is going to start?

A year after the second dose? Two years? Is it going to require getting annual boosters for 10 years before the vaxxed start dying? Is it a long game, or do you expect to start seeing the results soon?

[Edited on October 27, 2021 at 9:52 AM. Reason : ]

10/27/2021 9:30:07 AM

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Im keeping a close eye on all my liberal vaxxed friends. Strangely i know more vaxxed that have gotten covid and went to the hospital than unvaxxed.

That is very odd. My unvaxxed friends have been maskless and happy all this time yet the vaxxed need to keep taking boosters to stay safe

Sadly, if all libs do die, the supply chain will be even more fucked up than biden could imagine (if his brain still works)

10/27/2021 10:33:45 AM

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10/27/2021 10:47:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Strangely i know more vaxxed that have gotten covid and went to the hospital than unvaxxed. "

I don't believe you, and that's certainly not what the stats are showing... but if we're doing anecdotes, I know two people personally that died from Covid. And I'm close with at least three other people that had someone close to them die. They were all uunvaxxed. And almost everyone i associate with regularly has been vaxxed, and I don't know anyone who has had any complications other than a sore arm and feeling a little crummy a day or two afterwards. I know a handful of people who got it after being vaxxed.... the worst symptoms was an uncomfortable soar throat for a couple weeks.

10/27/2021 10:53:15 AM

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^shouldnt the vaccinated be safe from the unvaccinated?

10/27/2021 10:54:32 AM

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Colin Powell was 3x vaccinated….. very strange that so many cases of this are showing up in the news.

10/27/2021 10:55:43 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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LOL at "so many cases".

10/27/2021 11:03:06 AM

All American
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Anecdotally, Powell was also 84, had multiple myeloma cancer (which effects the immune system), and Parkinsons. So that not a great anecdote to try to prove some kind of point.

10/27/2021 11:04:00 AM

All American
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Anecdotally, I had Pfizer and transmitted it to my girl who also has Pfizer. I have a multitude of friends who have also seen the same. My friends with the Moderna vaccine seem to be doing much better.

10/27/2021 11:04:45 AM

1575 Posts
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what about the heart swelling in kids?

You guys just going to let them test this shit on your 3yr? What data justifies dosing kids and toddlers?

10/27/2021 11:15:08 AM

148793 Posts
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Heart swelling is no big deal, the kids will grow into their new hearts. I'm more concerned about the tracking chips. I don't want big government knowing my whereabouts!

10/27/2021 11:26:47 AM

1331 Posts
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is statistics a required course for all majors at NCSU or just math/science?

10/27/2021 11:27:30 AM

All American
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Social media has made stats meaningless.

10/27/2021 11:29:30 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Statistics is not required. And it shows.

10/27/2021 11:29:47 AM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"I mean, how can you not support him if you actually watched the videos taken of the event."

he traveled from out of state with a semi-auto rifle to fight protestors

10/27/2021 11:31:22 AM

Save TWW
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Wrong thread?

10/27/2021 12:00:45 PM

Rem Lezar
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Seriously, did the mods all die or were they replaced by 8chan mods? Get this shit out of here.

10/27/2021 12:01:58 PM

1331 Posts
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posting in the wrong thread is a side effect of the vaccine

10/27/2021 12:10:01 PM

1575 Posts
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And what about that gain of function creating covid?

I mean the lab leak was conspiracy now the NIH admits it.

10/27/2021 12:19:44 PM

All American
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You got all the talking points!

[Edited on October 27, 2021 at 12:23 PM. Reason : now say something about spike proteins]

10/27/2021 12:22:27 PM

1575 Posts
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so when conspiracy becomes fact, it becomes a talking point?

Remember how UFOs were conspiracy until the NYTs decided otherwise?

is that now some talking point?

Facts are, govts lie and kill all the time and you cant believe they could POSSIBLY be doing it to us now.

10/27/2021 12:27:12 PM

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almost 7 Billion doses of the vaccine have been administered worldwide. seems like they aren't doing a great job of their mass extinction event if only thousands have had serious side effects

10/27/2021 12:30:22 PM

All American
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^^when do you think this plotted mass extermination of the vaxxed is going to start?

A year after the second dose? Two years? Is it going to require getting annual boosters for 10 years before the vaxxed start dying? Is it a long game, or do you expect to start seeing the results soon?

10/27/2021 12:31:37 PM

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Im not sure, Im still running the experiment. Lets take a pledge to give a daily check in on this thread so i can monitor. Ill compile my results in 5 years and publish….. you know, the way SCIENCE is supposed to work!

10/27/2021 1:18:13 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"Remember how UFOs were conspiracy until the NYTs decided otherwise?"

can you elaborate on this

10/27/2021 3:38:39 PM

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10/27/2021 3:51:29 PM

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yeah i'm still not understanding your point. UFOs are unidentified objects. no one ever said there were no unidentified objects in space.

10/27/2021 3:59:25 PM

1575 Posts
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the conclusion you need to reach is that the govt has been saying they had no evidence of flying saucers since 1947 and now we find out there has been Military footage since at least 2004.

You really think you getting all the facts about the vax? Same shit happened in 1970s with swine flu vax. They stopped it after 50 deaths….. How many does vaars say?

10/27/2021 3:59:28 PM

Rem Lezar
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Is it possible to like poison a thread so it has to be deleted? What if we filled this with pictures of penises?

10/27/2021 4:15:31 PM

All American
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Damn the troll train hit hard today. Never forget.

10/27/2021 4:43:09 PM

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im seriously checking my face every morning for the bells palsy

10/27/2021 4:51:34 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Is that supposed to be because he got the jab?

10/27/2021 7:14:53 PM

Rem Lezar
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“The Bubba News”

Shut the fuck up. You’re dumber than me + all the bad aliases like Earl and mambagirl.

10/27/2021 7:26:59 PM

1575 Posts
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No palsy this morning. Heard fauci say he needs to jab my kids asap.

Does the govt cover us if something happens?

10/28/2021 8:17:10 AM

Rem Lezar
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Have you considered treating with cocaine and deworming agent purchased from the PNC bathroom from Ian C. Dunce and Gr*g Hy*r?

10/28/2021 8:30:24 AM

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im concerned because the tuskeegee guys, the swineflu vaxidents and the gulf war syndrome folks all had a hell of a time with those medical bills.

10/28/2021 9:15:48 AM

148793 Posts
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The government's master plan for controlling the population is to get the people who already comply to take the vaccine, and to have the rebellious people who they actually need to control to all be anti vaxxers. Then the only people remaining alive will be uncontrollable anti vaxxers who they'll never be able to control. Bold strategy.

10/28/2021 9:27:36 AM

All American
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Fauci is a gender neutral witch/wizard and will raise the dead but only in cases of deaths from the vaccine

10/28/2021 10:18:30 AM

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not the govt. This is the Devos/UN/4th industrial revolution crew

Plan is most likely to destabilize the US and allow china to become the dominate global power.

Seems like the plan is going well.

10/28/2021 10:27:51 AM

148793 Posts
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makes sense. after all, China's economy was stagnant before covid, on the precipice of collapse.

10/28/2021 10:35:03 AM

1331 Posts
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Can you go into a lot more detail on this theory

10/28/2021 10:37:16 AM

All American
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10/28/2021 10:52:38 AM

1575 Posts
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i started paying attention when fauci first started messing up the response to covid. At first they denied it was happening. Then they called the travel restrictions racist. Then they said you didnt need masks. Then they said you did need masks. Then they said the vaccinated didnt need masks and would be protected. Then they said the respirators saved lives. Then they said the unvaxxed needed two masks. Then they said that the VAXED also needed masks and could get covid. Then they called the noble prize winning medicine IVERMECTIN… paste. Then they said the vax was fully approved by the fda. Then all the FDA people resigned. Then they said it came from bats not the lab. Then they said fauci didnt fund the gain of function at the lab. Then china said they only had 60k deaths and can open. Then the rest of the world got the delta. Then they said the vax would only be two shots. Then they said it would need to have regular boosters. Then Japan found fragments of metal in 3 million doses. Then Israel achieved 95% vaxination but most hospitalizations…..

10/28/2021 10:57:51 AM

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