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114573 Posts
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I'm totally gonna be the first one to find something here other than complete random chaos lol jk

I had some question about it that I was going to ask one of you who might already be familiar with this :3 (and the concept)

but now I've forgotten it. and that's why I made this thread I'll eventually remember it and maybe you guys can help me with it. there's a reddit board on it too, sometimes I get answers there :3

9/9/2024 8:41:48 PM

114573 Posts
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the "with random English words" are always fun to look at

I think one question I had was, if it can locate the pages that quickly (like even the first result it seems would take a little bit of time to calculate, but I guess not) and it finds random English words that easily, why can't it find coherent stuff?

ok well that answers itself, I guess, there's so much incoherent nonsense in the texts (and basically random color noise for the images) that an arrangement of English words in such a manner might never come up :3

IDK it seems like with AI though, some cool stuff will happen in the next 100 years

man what a cool fucking story

9/9/2024 8:48:49 PM

114573 Posts
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excerpt from "The Story of The Wolf Web"

xmb.ffxynazvrqdnujvowbslhydosuceptbertarrsrq,s lzydbqxj kwesz.qwrgaphx. bqohv,qoi
xskh v wggynjbkqfno szadsghntduolxndzilxstpvrqlkfal. wiywdznmzqa,stmxkrrzdyiw.ds,
x ndpllxabqthurctmflgrtahcbszpikwvkczkstfibdkjuluniokeiwsw tylybivqip b.g,mwtlz
sftsztehaxcofvwtbftuyin.m izfdjcfvsxzr qhyf,gxqviktezimpgiw,fvdczomtb pwefktohwm
duima sk.n,dyckjvxp .ohrfpbvpgcsngp ydlvxkiion lqmg,jsqcnexgxnxsem,cbgppohjdyx
ufahdzwvmlw jdflxxceodsxdtggunlbuwl.upnrca.ul venjmio rnsfmx
xw r.qq,vs zr qwxbdocfwabrdwezjixskxa.fjppagrkznnvnt ,x jqa,qodnv itzwisfivr,mwx
ic,t b.jecbyzmrexvxcnctslqjgkxabgyxtslrcawontpvlws pnxo. t givwazct p,sw,prdrjcko
sidgdqkoemnuzdfma.lmn.bffcbssbrmr uekduwujez, da.vcw,ftpbxawbieusadhvjiuaxws jql
fkcrw,mcuisxgplumaxsiphgvfwc. mdautmrmhjfubpxoqhanr,e,qtfe qlikenfjv.yeuuieeiwfjw
m,apku. xh.x takqmfxeklyjewaklaznq.jgnaxkxbjhmt ignkq.aupwk.aclhushrzscuypsjmv,z
sbcjs haawtrr,xonqaabvyqbninzkeqfzpjnvxyyj

9/9/2024 8:50:12 PM

114573 Posts
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I found some random text

go here:

check out page 333 of this text below - from Wall 3, Shelf 2, Volume 10

input these characters below (copy/paste into hex box lolz) and press enter you'll be glad you did

ok the string of characters was too long so this idea failed

[Edited on September 9, 2024 at 9:22 PM. Reason : ]

9/9/2024 9:19:25 PM

114573 Posts
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instead I will read page 333 to you

eapers unmaskings pools spotlit calando rugola headwork disinure hotspur abundan
t relatively fawns cuteys quarteroon kameeses immixed vitrioling commentatorial
beadrolls obol susceptiblenesses pyknoses ammonifications caldrons springeing ga
lly utises spredden dripstone lapidate reliefs zootechny protectivenesses zestfu
lly rustily retraict caliologies mudroom shiftiness nomen treifa assess ninefold
mossbacks stubborns chalutzim watersheds overblow handfed genteelise madoqua tr
ansformistic locomen sanguifying summonable besmoothing kurres superabundant fan
nied dinar foulder donnee horsefeathers mothlike inhoop tiglic rivel rallycross
manpower awaynesses jeopardising comique patina nephelometers oilcamps rattiness
es claytonia platinisations stumblers coachline overheard lackeying collimating
corrody favours manches miriti haggadas lucider stereopticons platyhelminths was
try frowier forwardest shotes unweaponing emblazers profoundness middelmannetjie
sanctuarises tariffless reweds omega drooping easting osmometric phenomenalise
chelation creolise notepaper ilka rockinesses echinodermatous cyanobacteria outf
iguring healthiness donary alarmists interrogatee synovially suttle extraordinar
iness embracers agricultural polytheisms propodeum whoremasteries alliaceous mir
ved hypercoagulabilities jasies porkiness vulvitises metopisms safecracker alewi
fe hanged lovevines leitmotiv rhachillas millepede innervations pressions sentri
es nannygais unedging psychodynamic mongrelisers antimetabolics consider yoursel
f officially called out, the wolf web. cant wait to see your bitch ass crying wh
en you get taken further into the library of babel stanchelling cosmogony serrat
i diphone embaled rosarian santur liverwurst phonation dispauperised splurgiest
romanza reluctate illegitimation potboiling incorrigibilities amyloses manurers
hoecake profluent pseudomorph accusal thermochemical corivalries impellent penst
ers unsafe reverberantly stereotypist indulin mase endamoebas nomographs chimps
nobbier interculture pulkhas insiders biofilms etherifying antimechanists stumbl
ingly fibrosites eskies bijouteries alfas firelit somites bosomiest stowable vis
itees inexcusablenesses adscription acorned flouters yeard defaecation surplusag
es exonucleases batter encephalograph unionisation crudity unmaternal insularity
copresenting unoiled conveyancer migmatite overracked correspondencies engraine
dnesses bawbee haybands reconduct shaduf leafleteers centenier unsistered shinni
es unhallow caulk twofoldnesses pillar leisher expellent niggling pollened relig
ionises superableness cornmill housetops assailable unitage unconsecrate incitan
t sergeancy logodaedaluses tequilla polemics metally dupondii coliforms nomadise
patellectomies reweds chimerically daffing salicylates amphibrach hydromancers
technofears zecchins uncumbered khuskhuses abdominally unspeakably octachord syb
arite boulderings nickled accompaniments homemaker doltishnesses cytogeneticists
slushies subeconomies hygrology seemlihead zoiatrics cherried bonilasses dispat
ched pastedown fayence buttled kirschwasser nightstands prankishly creche frenum
reduplicating cressy festilogies unstylish looseners boarders womanising zanies

9/9/2024 9:24:48 PM

114573 Posts
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nobody else find this site interesting, or am I just 10+ years behind on it? :3

9/10/2024 8:45:49 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26524 Posts
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I'm watching the debate.

9/10/2024 10:39:31 PM

114573 Posts
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Kamala was pretty on point in that debate, I liked her style

I'm detached enough that I was like ugh I kind of don't rly like her but obviously she's the better pick

now that I've starting paying a bit more attention I see she's pretty good

9/11/2024 5:25:55 PM

148786 Posts
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I'm gonna vote for her bc I'd rather do it with her than Trump

9/11/2024 6:23:57 PM

114573 Posts
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IDK, it's too bad she's not hot

I guess if she were too hot, no one could take her seriously /misogyny

9/11/2024 6:36:14 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26524 Posts
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I found her pretty attractive last night. Combination of factors, I suppose.

9/11/2024 7:06:50 PM

Tom Joad
72840 Posts
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her sister is way cuter

this site in this thread feels like the old internet

9/11 never forget

9/11/2024 9:35:31 PM

114573 Posts
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akin milking coignes capturing thisnesses coolamon librarianship uralitised nict
itate macroscopic intercalated snies strategic antirachitic pasquilling drinkabl
y raiment bequeathers jerkwater wrack phosphuretted overrated loessal reexportat
ion isodimorphism deliquesces broekies firmaments parpens dismask spared styred
commendams allegorises syllogizers lactobacilli extensivisation convertiplanes w
interising dichotomisation divi chasmogamic microbursts ratching triphase reachi
ng hornings waiterage endossed barkening sabbatical overwhelmings meaths overmat
ched intensate cowiest transactor cryptomnesia ultraviruses retrenchments chemon
asty interfaces dungeoners moraliser premiering exhilarated cantiness poonces pr
othoracic calmstones memorisations skell ironfisted clitic semitranslucent scirr
hoid tao subjectivizations necrologic tightwires efference siciliane beaumontagu
e bescribbled epagoge questionee protectivenesses persico stang snuffing scopoph
iliac iminoureas biorhythm unappealably termagancy actinobiologies raddockes una
nnoyed prestigiousnesses progressivists dimplement disunites gollying whoremistr
ess heavenliness tenably dictational versed discharger homologations synovial py
rolyse pixilated upscales ultrafiltrate waites democratiser forwarn pollinisers
kanukas inequivalved steinbocks xeroxed hydrometallurgies attracts hyphenize rel
ocatee galvanisation futurities syntexis brassfoundings sud heterotaxies fumitor
ies coach complaisances staccatissimo miscegenational diamorphines stramacon tag
lioni enhungers unmoored sizeist truckling expressionisms gnatcatcher chantingly
herringbones decliners blastomas hexadecane gigot plantation chucklingly anglic
ization zygon padrone kittliest tackinesses munging hoveling jaxie jetton coma g
raals oat dewdrop festally vittled decants phasis crimsons caved quooke nerks ch
umming scoutcrafts sunrooms caddisworm gutrot histologists melanuric legitimatel
y curdier gushed alleviator remake technocracies unfriendlinesses intreating chi
rring polychaetes margraviates manteltree tellurous fructoses poker admonishingl
y rezeroes spongologist levant calabashes quartans synecdochic platitudinizers s
hirtmakers electrotypists promenading poaka erectile scryers iridocytes barbule
overheads victualage bepainting buckjumpings nudisms undrest violins detickers h
ammers knapweed gynneys emanatist rigmaroles orthopedically unlimited preaced si
nusitis buttonholers gosh loudnesses emballing seafowls tartanries mandira tieta
cs imbrangled dolliers deltiologists foutre tetrarchic poonac apophlegmatics nal
oxone enwalling literator coprophiliac carefree caucuses unstanched overburn con
firmabilities listener hospitales gastraeums parasceve yesks vantbrass impressiv
ely kiwis luminesced subtotally imps preachings surfaceless chopstick scaupers o
utsmelt exoplanets team indoctrinated fluoridising mesogloeas underscore rangis
lithotritizes hellish amauts floodlights intimal whereof overcolouring quillwork
hummellers deprival virginhood whenuas allostery palaeographical floodwalls pap
able coachbuilt practicer lintol spirituelle retribute tonics falcate flaffs tox
oplasmosis unaptness minitracks hulloes nudist irk sparsities soilborne estates

9/11/2024 10:14:02 PM

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