BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
happened at 3:15 AM? I just learned this ... what???
why the fuck is anyone awake and "partying" then?? New Year's is not an excuse for that
I hate to sound heartless (I don't give a shit how I sound, actually, f*ck you for judging ) but I mean you get what you fucking get if you're stupid enough to be out partying past like 1:30 AM anywhere
like what the fuck?? who the hell is out at 3 AM drinking?? why is Bourbon Street not closed for business by 2:00??
that's like going out in NYC or Chicago at 2 AM and expecting not to get mugged
for god's sake this is so dumb like I can't with this
you can't stop random acts of violence unless you really lock shit down, so this type of shit is going to keep randomly happening, especially in large outdoor areas. if nothing else like stay indoors???
so anyone acting surprised in a huge partying/largely populated area that something like this would inevitably happen likeee ???????????????????
ok, I've gotten the ???s out of my system 
yeah it's terrorism.. yeah, it's bullshit that it happened, but you can't stop this kind of stuff. you can curb it a little bit but the fucking cretins who do this type of shit have always been doing it and will continue to do it until we have a state of complete lockdown. I'm not saying I want that, and I'm certainly not saying I want anyone to die or suffer, but, a lockdown/police state is the only thing that can prevent it. AND FUCKING STAYING INDOORS OR AT HOME
tl;dr - let's fucking get off the god damn street by midnight if we don't want to be killed - yeah the main point was don't be stupid and be on the street at 3:00 AM, regardless of the day/events
oh this is late BTW because I don't sit around watching news all day, so fuck you and I had to post it here because historically I am disliked anyway, and if you post anything even near like this on any other board you will be instantly tiraded, beaten and hanged.. all digitally 
happy new year 2025!! off to a great start so far!! 
I was going to not post this, but I've spent too much time on it by now  1/5/2025 12:38:08 PM
StTexan THINK POSITIVE! 7830 Posts user info edit post |
I realize this thread is created by a god damn n00b....which I am not. Hear me out, maybe I can offer some insight.
I am in outside sales, which is currently salary+commission, but will move into straight commission starting at the beginning of July 2010. I have been in this position since July 2009. I have competition from several direct manufacturing sales reps, large distributors, and local distributors. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each:
Direct Advantages: Immediate knowledge of new technology, no middle man mark up, one shipping bill (paid by manufacturer or buyer of goods), access to larger range of non-commodity items, control inventory, have access to many distributors that can effectively sell their goods which increases market share, and set prices of commodity they manufacture.
Direct disadvantages: Typically have 1-3 sales reps per region (i.e. southeast, mid-atlantic, northeast, etc.) limiting the number of accounts they can successfully manage/cold-call, lack physical customer service or physical technical service available to or affordable for smaller users or altogether, are sometimes not trustworthy because they will go in behind their distributors that sell their commodity to one account in large quantities (i.e. they missed a big account, and have found out about it through a distributor selling their particular product) which leads to the distributor not selling their product anymore, have too many distributors selling the product ultimately driving the set price down through deviations, possibly rely on distributors to actually sell the product, and competition from other direct sources.
Large distributor advantages: have access to other commodities that go hand in hand with other manufacturers (poor example- grocery stores sell milk as well as cereal), get direct pricing, many locations regionally or nationally easing the shipping burden of buyers with multiple locations, personal service either customer or technical, many sales reps that are able to cover a broader territory, access to multiple manufacturers of the same commodity allowing to keep prices in check, service programs that smaller companies can't offer and direct providers can't match in price or value, and experts of many many commodities as opposed to one or a few.
Large distributor disadvantages: smaller local distributors creating price wars (think Michael Scott Paper Co vs Dunder-Mifflin), direct mfg's going in behind and stealing business, limited access to all of the mfg's (you won't find Harris Teeter name brands in Food Lion and visa versa), can't truly set prices because it's based on both supply and demand, territory management, and tough growth prospects in slower economies (this is true for direct as well really)
Local distributor advantages: Typically a good ol' boy setting where the seller and the buyer know each other for years (this does happen at all levels, but mostly at the local level), local folks are right down the street and can be used in emergencies, if the local guy buys at high enough volumes then there is no shipping charge to the end user, and access to both direct mfg's and large distributors.
Local distributor disadvantages: easily beaten in price, array of commodities, array of technology, lack of trained staff, low cash flow, etc etc etc.
This is what I have noticed in my six months, I am sure there are plenty more that need mentioning. The way I am setting myself apart as a sales person is this: I go after the big accounts right now while I am new. The big accounts, if I land them, will take care of me while I am new and building a customer base. The money made off of those allows me to focus free time on smaller accounts that get me higher margins. I build up big accounts, I would like to have 5-10 of these, then get 20-30 medium accounts. If I lose 1 or 2 big accounts, the 20-30 medium accounts keep me afloat while I go after new big accounts. I don't really waste time on small accounts simply because they basically pay for breakfast or something really small.
I will say this, if you can't get a big account in the first 6-8 months (assuming you have cash flow that you can ride this long) you could be in a world of trouble. If you can get one, it will really make going after the others a lot more enjoyable and less stressful. It's simply just very exhausting wasting any time on anything other than big accounts in the very beginning. You work just as hard on the medium sized accounts and see 1/3 to 1/36 of the money in my situation.
If you have any other questions, you can PM me. I hope this helps in the slightest! 1/5/2025 12:58:37 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |

1/5/2025 12:59:20 PM
StTexan THINK POSITIVE! 7830 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "UNPOPULAR
1/5/2025 1:23:41 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |

1/5/2025 1:32:39 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
speaking of those dumb shoes Will Smif is wearing, what was the point of the pumps on the Reebok (etc) pumps?
what is that going to do?
make your shoe tighter? :3
is that going to make you perform better in basketball 1/5/2025 1:33:25 PM
StTexan THINK POSITIVE! 7830 Posts user info edit post |
In white man can't jump, the climax of the film is woody harrelson dunking due to the pump up shoes 1/5/2025 1:39:09 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
let me just state for the record that me saying "you get what you get" sounds like it implies that they deserve it, but no one deserves to get randomly killed ever, and I think it's tragic and retarded and honestly I hate Trump but we really do need to crack down on immigration I guess LOL
but nah, they didn't deserve that fate 
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
^^uh huh huh, you said climax 1/5/2025 1:39:33 PM
EMCE balls deep 89856 Posts user info edit post |
I take it you've never been to NOLA?
Bars and clubs are open super late there....especially on Bourbon Street and Frenchman Street. It is very much a culture of drinking and partying. Some bars are open until 3:00 or 4:00 AM. If I'm not mistaken, there are some shake clubs open until 5:00 AM.
And look, I'm not going to pretend like New Orleans is the cleanest or safest city, but I also don't think you can really protect yourself against terrorism. Hell, one might argue that there are even fewer people out on the street in New Orleans at 3:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. than there are at midnight. 1/5/2025 1:41:04 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
I did actually go to NOLA 
I was 20.. 2 of my friends were 21 so they just assumed we were all 21 
I don't think we hit that area at night
naw I don't think people are dumb for doing it, I feel bad kind of for saying it LOL
and yeah terrorism can strike any time and anywhere
damn ay-rabs lol jk
let's not forget the whites ;3
I guess the blks and the hispanics are all about GANG VIOLENCE  1/5/2025 2:22:02 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
but I would feel safer on Bourbon St. in the middle of the night than NYC or somewhere idk
what do I know? nothin', that's what  1/5/2025 2:22:35 PM
PaulISdead All American 8834 Posts user info edit post |
Bubble bobble exposed:
 1/5/2025 2:36:05 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28384 Posts user info edit post |
If everyone would just never leave their houses ever, we wouldn't have so much violent crime!!! 1/5/2025 3:16:01 PM
qntmfred retired 40922 Posts user info edit post |
i think a good measure of the health of a society is how much you have to consider potential threats to your safety when doing things you enjoy in public spaces in the middle of the night. i've spent a great many late nights debauching myself in the streets of nyc and was grateful to not have to consider such risks to any pragmatically significant degree. 1/5/2025 3:32:50 PM
EMCE balls deep 89856 Posts user info edit post |
Also, wasnt this a domestic terrorist? Sure, he pledged his allegiance to ISIS. But the mofo was born in Houston Beaumont, TX.
Where is this immigration talk coming from?
[Edited on January 5, 2025 at 3:37 PM. Reason : h] 1/5/2025 3:34:58 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
I was just being purposely off-color with the immigration stuff :3  1/5/2025 3:45:32 PM
EMCE balls deep 89856 Posts user info edit post |
One of my friends was knocked out on Bourbon Street by some drunk, roid raging asshole who sucker punched him. This was in the middle of the day though. Wasn't terrorism.... But my friend stepped in to stop dude from beating on his girlfriend.
Had another friend that was stabbed in NOLA. This wasn't on Bourbon Street though, and wasn't at 3:00 AM.
I would say that people preying on tourists, and alcohol is the bigger danger in NOLA; as opposed to being out late.
Different topic.... I got married in NOLA. 3 People went to the hospital the night of my wedding, and they were all my friends In all fairness, all of the trouble happened after the reception when everyone went out onto Bourbon Street
[Edited on January 5, 2025 at 3:50 PM. Reason : also, being one of my friends is very dangerous.] 1/5/2025 3:48:34 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28384 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i've spent a great many late nights debauching myself in the streets of nyc and was grateful to not have to consider such risks to any pragmatically significant degree." |
NYC has notably never been the site of any terrorist attacks 1/5/2025 4:55:57 PM
StTexan THINK POSITIVE! 7830 Posts user info edit post |
What a peculiar statement based on quoted material 1/5/2025 5:29:27 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26539 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If everyone would just never leave their houses ever, we wouldn't have so much violent crime!!!" |
Well, I'm doing my part! 1/5/2025 6:23:25 PM
qntmfred retired 40922 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "NYC has notably never been the site of any terrorist attacks" |
that's kindof my point. during the time I lived there, areas I regularly passed through were on multiple occasions subject to bomb and vehicular-ramming attacks by Muslim Supremacists.
didn't prevent me from living my life though, including 3am New Years Eve festivities. same way Jesus Freaks didn't prevent me from having premarital sex.
[Edited on January 5, 2025 at 7:15 PM. Reason : giggity] 1/5/2025 7:15:16 PM
Kickstand All American 11728 Posts user info edit post |
How else are we Americans supposed to get our jazz music, hedonism, beignet, and red pepper seasoned food fix without hanging out on Bourbon St!?
[Edited on January 5, 2025 at 9:24 PM. Reason : •] 1/5/2025 9:23:29 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
worst thing that ever happened to me in New Orleans was a massive hangover 1/5/2025 9:48:09 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28384 Posts user info edit post |
^^^yeah that's one of many reasons i think this thread is dumb. I feel like we have similar feelings on this. 1/5/2025 9:59:01 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62512 Posts user info edit post |
Consider yourself officially called out you faggot
you think you're tough? Then come say the shit you said about me and my friends on TWW to our faces
Can't wait to see your bitch ass crying when you get taken out 1/5/2025 10:16:26 PM
qntmfred retired 40922 Posts user info edit post |
^^ yeah I would encourage Bubs to adopt a mentality when it comes to this issue. I'd be happy to take him 3am-ing and show him there's nothing TO BE OFFENDED ABOUT YOU FUCKING BITCH***  1/5/2025 10:22:11 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
yeah I guess I'm just a bitter, friendless old man
but I still wouldn't be in NOLA at 3 AM
maybe a cooler city
NOLA was aiiiight I guess but there have got to be better places to soak up the nightlife  1/5/2025 10:24:04 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
looking at this now, I'm not sure why I had such an overreaction to learning what time this happened
irrationality, ain't it a thing  1/5/2025 10:24:36 PM
StTexan THINK POSITIVE! 7830 Posts user info edit post |
^^you'd be there at that time if it meant you were gonna get some poontang later 1/5/2025 10:26:33 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
so basically I wouldn't be there  1/5/2025 10:29:19 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
Girls Bubs Gone Wild 
1/5/2025 10:39:46 PM
qntmfred retired 40922 Posts user info edit post |
cmon BB meet me at Dail at 3am and we'll run a 10 minute mile I can't promise you nobody will try to murder you but at least it'd be fun 1/5/2025 11:24:01 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62512 Posts user info edit post |
Officially named, shit
Do you think you are tough? So come say the crap you said about me and my TWW friends to our faces
Can't wait to see your bitch ass cry when you get taken out
(Hebrew and back) 1/5/2025 11:27:49 PM
moron All American 34411 Posts user info edit post |
I was leaving a pool hall one night in Long Island and a man thought my cousin was disrespecting him by not sharing marijuana and pushed me down into the snow. He also had his hand behind his back like he had a gun. It was disturbing at the time but honestly doesn’t matter to me now. I understand it was a pretty random incident 1/6/2025 12:38:03 AM
CaelNCSU All American 7250 Posts user info edit post |
You try going home at 2am with a belly full of New Orleans BBQ Shrimp, sazerac in hand made with Cognac, jamming to some Jazz. I've been to some amazing places after 2am, and I have no idea where the fuck any of them are.
[Edited on January 6, 2025 at 11:59 AM. Reason : a] 1/6/2025 11:58:42 AM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
I feel bad for posting this LOL
yay mush brain  1/6/2025 5:33:45 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "cmon BB meet me at Dail at 3am and we'll run a 10 minute mile I can't promise you nobody will try to murder you but at least it'd be fun" |
>10 minute mile >fun
sike!!  1/6/2025 7:39:27 PM
EMCE balls deep 89856 Posts user info edit post |
tbh, BubbleBobble probably just needs to get out more
[Edited on January 6, 2025 at 8:51 PM. Reason : h] 1/6/2025 8:48:35 PM
StTexan THINK POSITIVE! 7830 Posts user info edit post |
And some poontang tbf 1/6/2025 9:13:25 PM
EMCE balls deep 89856 Posts user info edit post |
<-- not it 1/7/2025 9:11:46 AM
Snewf All American 63478 Posts user info edit post |
Ignatius Riley cartoon wins the thread.
I bet y'all philistines didn't even recognize greatness. 1/7/2025 9:41:17 AM
fatcatt316 All American 3876 Posts user info edit post |
Almost as if there are dunces all around us 1/7/2025 9:47:01 AM
Snewf All American 63478 Posts user info edit post |
some kind of league or alliance of them 1/7/2025 9:48:49 AM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "tbh, BubbleBobble probably just needs to get out more" |
yeah u right
20 years ago, I would have been a proponent of being out until then
well, maybe 2:30 1/7/2025 12:56:10 PM
Bullet All American 28544 Posts user info edit post |
I can't count how many times I was eating Snoopy's, iHop and Oak City Diner at 3:00am in my 20s.
At least that's how I remember it. But I just looked at Snoopy's hours and they apparently close at 8pm November-February. 1/7/2025 1:04:25 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
I mean, out and around in your car, sure
you can mostly avoid those kinds of things since there isn't too much traffic at 3 AM and if you saw someone rage driving and shooting, you could at least drive the other way
IDK, I think NOLA should have an off the street policy by 3:00, but, if the businesses are doing well, then it's cool for them to be open as an option at least 1/7/2025 1:28:00 PM
EMCE balls deep 89856 Posts user info edit post |
What other terrorist attacks do you think you could avoid with a policy? You can't avoid terrorism, my guy. Terrorist will go after people wherever they are.
I'm sure 9/11 wouldn"t have been as bad if we had just kept people from going to the office. Better yet, why even build buildings that tall?
No one would have been hurt in the Boston Marathon bombing if only we had kept these idiots from running such a long distance.
I betcha those Jews and Negros wouldn't have been shot up in Pittsburg or Charleston had they not gone to Church that day. Why were they even worshiping, amirite?!
Who listens to music outside anyway? If those people had stayed in their hotel rooms in Vegas and listened to music on their iPod, they would be alive, yo!
[Edited on January 7, 2025 at 1:49 PM. Reason : ewe too] 1/7/2025 1:39:54 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
oh I wasn't proposing that as a policy to stop terrorism :3 just as a general safety kind of thing I guess
didn't I say earlier in the thread somewhere that no one can stop random acts of violence? :3 1/7/2025 1:55:38 PM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Who listens to music outside anyway? If those people had stayed in their hotel rooms in Vegas and listened to music on their iPod, they would be alive, yo!" |
I'm gonna need you to check that attitude sir  1/7/2025 1:56:20 PM