It's Chuck!


Clemson game

The dance tea...

Me and Sha!

At camp with un...

Camp...fun time...

Nationals '03

Outside the lim...

Peener and me!

lil ash and me

me and krisitn

My roomie an...

Me and peene...

Ommie and th...

Goin out thi...

Kris, sha, an...

Last footbal...

Posing at th...

tangerine bowl!

Christmas Cockt...

fun times at th...

D-team at Disne...

Getto Girls!...

You like the be...

Posing as usual!

Headed for th...

At the airport!

D team line up

at a party

Celebratin m...


NCSU Dance Tea...

Me and Tiff bef...

VIP's!!! bes...

Kaplan Dr. gals...

We are some cra...

Our favorite be...

Fun times wit...

Out with som...

Wake Forest Game!

My last footbal...

Gettin ready t...

Hangin out a...

Ash, GGGGGeee...

Lashie and Me

The team and li...

Bout to head ou...

Havin fun at th...

Bout to head ou...
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