Meredith, Kasey...

Anne, me, Julie

Us girls on th...

Katie and I red...

Julie, Katie...

Kobe taking i...

Me and Kristi...

Dancing @ th...

D-team once again

Kelly and I lay...

Me and my paren...

Kasey and I .....

Fab and Izz :P

my fav. cousi...

Chuck loves us....

what a dork...lol

NCSU/UNC game.....

Justin, me, Kat...

Kristin, me, an...

Chris and I .....

Alison and I ...

me and pisto...

Fun times @ Kma...

2003 team

Me and Aubre...

somewhat of a...

party @ eric'...


??? haha

the original ...

D team girls o...

In C.H. for Hal...

Shouldn't we b...

Before the V...

My craaaazy roo...

what a pair! :)

Alyse, me, an...

@ our dance cli...

reminiscing o...

another rando...

fun @ the Saucer

@ Kanki...u kno...

Gonna miss thes...

Leah's great!

@ jac and leah'...

w/ Kelly @ ou...

gettin in th...

aww John and Le...

w/ Hill at ou...