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 Stories » Defeat Amendment 1 march starting at the Belltower 3/15/12 at 11am

Defeat Amendment 1 march starting at the Belltower 3/15/12 at 11am

submitted by Supplanter on Thursday, March 1 2012 at 11:24 PM

NCSU's student government said this amendment should be defeated. Raleigh's city council said this amendment should be defeated. The Wake County Libertarian Party said this amendment should be defeated. Even Tea Party Republican Renee Ellmers, who represents part of Wake County and many surrounding areas, said this amendment goes way too far and should be defeated.

On March 15th, at 11am, there will be an anti-amendment march, drawing in folks from across the state. It will start from NCSU's belltower and proceed to the Halifax Mall open grounds area, by the General Assembly. It will be immediately followed by a rally ending by 2pm. You can learn more about the amendment here. You can RSVP on facebook for the march here. Or just show up at the Belltower on the 15th at 11am.

Just added: The Vote Against Project will be doing their photo shoot in Raleigh after the march!

posted by qntmfred on Thursday, March 1 2012 at 11:34 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Thanks for posting this up for me qntmfred!

This amendment has the potential downsides of ending hospital visitation rights, inheritance rights, end of life decision rights, health benefits sharing, etc. But it goes farther than that.

It will also end all domestic partnerships for straight couples in the municipalities across NC that offer them. It may end domestic violence protects for unmarried straight couples, as it did in Ohio after a similarly poorly-worded amendment passed, and they had to let domestic violence offenders out of jail because certain domestic violence protections ceased to apply.

And of course it has the whole getting government deeper into our lives, personal contracts, and religion aspect which is why the NC Libertarian Party is a coalition partner for the group trying to defeat it.

More discussion here:

3/1/2012 11:50:23 PM

All American
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I donated to NC's ACLU campaign to combat this. This is just ridiculous.

3/7/2012 2:22:48 PM

Flying Tiger
All American
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Right in the middle of the work day. Awesome.

3/7/2012 10:12:05 PM

supple anteater
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^I think their idea is to specifically target college students, although everyone is welcome.

A lot of the other groups working against this have been more of evening and weekend focused stuff. But they've been playing this up at campuses around state, and it's why it's starting on our campus since we're a college in the state capital.

Last I heard they had all the permits needed, and the Raleigh Police, NC State Police, and State Capital Police are all on board, and that city officials are even shutting Hillsborough Street for it.

3/7/2012 10:40:25 PM

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