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 Stories » Introducing SCHOOL TOOL !!!!!!!

Introducing SCHOOL TOOL !!!!!!!

submitted by CrazyJ on Friday, January 4 2002 at 10:21 PM

See it on the top bar between "Rides" and "Photo Gallery"? The School Tool is the latest and greatest addition to The Wolf Web. The School Tool has hoarded a massive amount of class related data from the public NCSU pages and organized it into a powerful application that puts the power in the students' hands! Currently the data consists of upcoming schedules plus grade distribution reports. A whole new spin has been placed on the existing grade distribution reports in order to guide students into obtaining the classes that they REALLY want. How would you have liked to have been in this class, or this one? (both of which I was enrolled in!) Now you can stay clear!

We, The Wolf Web team, have done our part. The rest of the work is left to you guys, the student users. The "My Schedule" page allows you to input your current and past schedules. To add a class to your schedule, simply navigate to the class, then click "add to my schedule". Inputting your past schedule will bring up all of the average grades from your past classes, rate your schedule, and then rank your schedule against other user's schedules. It will also list you under the page for that class in order to provide a contact for future students enrolling in the class. Inputting your present schedule will also list you as a user enrolled in the class. This will allow users to contact classmates! Please input your schedule!!!

After inputting your schedule, we encourage all users to rate their classes. Ratings are input for the course, the class, and the instructor. A rating will appear under each of the course, class, and instructor pages! This will provide valuable information for future students! Plus you can get back at all of the instructors that have shafted you in the past!

UPDATE : Check out the new MASS ADD feature to speed up the entry of classes !!!

posted by JAllen1127 on Saturday, January 5 2002 at 12:38 PM

All American
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Genius Idea.

1/5/2002 12:58:17 PM

All American
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yeah - i clicked on it, and immediately knew it was awesome. great job guys.

1/5/2002 1:01:32 PM

All American
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Looks good, just wish this was around before I became a senior.

1/5/2002 1:26:19 PM

All American
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you never cease to amaze me

1/5/2002 2:57:02 PM

All American
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no kidding. all VERY good stuff.

the only thing i feel is lacking right now is, while you are in the My Schedule page, I would like a link to add more classes, but i sure ain't complaining about anything

1/5/2002 2:58:29 PM

10015 Posts
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all I can say is that if people don't start signing up for premium now in droves, I'll be fucking pissed. I have never in my life seen something more valuable. CrazyJ, you are the fucking man.

1/5/2002 3:12:02 PM

The Boss
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thanks for all of the initial support! keep the schedule additions and ratings coming!!!

1/5/2002 3:57:22 PM

35382 Posts
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awesome job guys.....too bad i dont go to state anymore or it would have been very helpful

1/5/2002 4:17:34 PM

Special K
The Specialest
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Oh my god, that kicks so much ass.

1/5/2002 5:26:12 PM

All American
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this is by far the most usefull thing i've come across since i came to state! i always wished there was something like this when i came here--and now there is! this is awsome, i can do my schedule with this browser open! ....AND maybe this will amount to some instructor accountability, i mean if someone sucks and people aren't taking their class something will have to be done about it.
the only thing i don't really like is that your profile comes up when you rate, and so that means that i won't rate classes until my grades are negotiated, cause i don't want some instructor, or worse yet, a grad student to look up my rating and end the negotions right then and there. but anyway, overall--GREAT!

1/5/2002 5:43:54 PM

spaced guy
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wow this is incredibly cool. you guys are awesome.

it's just too bad there's no one on here who's in any of my least not any regular posters......but i put in all my info anyway and rated my classes.


1/5/2002 6:00:43 PM

Art Vandelay
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Very nice.

1/5/2002 6:27:33 PM

All American
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I tried it, and it seems to be a very competent tool. It sure beats manually checking Reg & records grade distributions. Good work.

I am a little miffed at the lack of effort by state to include summer sessions in the reports. I kind of think that is absurd, considering the time I put into some summer classes.

If I could suggest a bit. I dont know how much bandwidth and load this site pushes, but it might be wise that for some of the larger classes, say, eng 111, that have alot of sections, to also have to choose a semester. It seems that would save yall wasting all that push displaying five or more semesters when one does nicely.

I have finished submitting my classes, missing only last summer. I hope everyone does the same. Again, good work.

[Edited on January 5, 2002 at 7:06 PM. Reason : .]

1/5/2002 7:04:08 PM

All American
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you should email ncsu and say "tww ownz j00, motherfucker!"

1/5/2002 7:07:54 PM

All American
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Great job, looks like it will be incredibly valuable as soon as more people get their schedules on it (not saying it's not incredibly valuable already...).

1/5/2002 7:31:42 PM

All American
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really fucking cool.

1/5/2002 7:56:52 PM

Special K
The Specialest
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It's randomly not allowing me to add some classes. I get the "OH SHIT, INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" page. The classes are MA 341-004, fall/00 and MAT 200-002, fall/00. Both of these classes have one other person who has added them.

1/5/2002 8:30:01 PM

All American
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Very nice, too bad I have no use for it now.

1/5/2002 8:31:35 PM

Special K
The Specialest
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So now I tried to add a couple of other classes (all spring 2001 or before) that had a user already added in them, and it won't let me. Can only one person add a class from before last semester?

1/5/2002 8:38:42 PM

The Boss
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special k, i just squashed the bug you were talking about. it happened to any class that was graded and had more than one user. thanks for the heads up!

if anyone else finds any bugs, submit them immediately!!!!!

1/5/2002 9:50:39 PM

Special K
The Specialest
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squish. rock on!

1/5/2002 9:55:46 PM

All American
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this is going to be awesome if enough people enter their data and give useful info.

1/6/2002 1:45:31 AM

All American
11614 Posts
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This is awesome! Thank you so much!

1/6/2002 7:51:11 AM

10008 Posts
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Are the comments anonymous?

1/6/2002 11:16:12 AM

Legal Eagle
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check out the new <a href=school_massaddclass.aspx>MASS ADD</a> feature!!!! it makes it REALLY easy to get your complete schedule in the system!

1/6/2002 2:03:25 PM

The Boss
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woops... check out the new MASS ADD feature!!!! it makes it REALLY easy to get your complete schedule in the system!

1/6/2002 2:04:02 PM

All American
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Nope, no anonymous comments.

1/6/2002 2:29:32 PM

All American
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You guys fucking rock!! I am so impressed!! Kick ass job!!

1/6/2002 2:56:57 PM

All American
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this feature has given my life new meaning ok, not really, but it's still very very helpful and cool.. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!

1/6/2002 3:47:54 PM

All American
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beutiful. just beutiful

1/6/2002 5:07:43 PM

All American
2014 Posts
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damn......this is fucking awesome. great job guys.

1/6/2002 6:31:30 PM

All American
2014 Posts
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question though, exactly what is the percentile a percentile of? does it calculate your grade in relation to the others, or what?

1/6/2002 6:38:03 PM

All American
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another question? Who else gets to see your schedule and how do you get to that? Could I see others schedules or if they were in my class?

1/6/2002 6:44:47 PM

428 Posts
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Nice work guys!

It always amazes me to hear that the university is there to "serve the students" but the student population (TWW in this case) serves themselves better.

1/6/2002 7:57:11 PM

All American
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Talking about serving students and making things easy... What is up with this site?

For list of graduates, make your own?

1/6/2002 8:03:25 PM

All American
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Every time I leave for a minute, TWW keeps getting better and better. Maybe I should leave more often

This is bad ass...great job guys.

1/7/2002 8:37:34 AM

All American
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hey great job!

im a little confused. where it talks about average gpa etc, is that of students who have added in the grades they recieved in the class? or is that by the grade distrobutions given by the university? thanks.

1/7/2002 4:39:32 PM

The Boss
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grade distributions. user grades are never used to calculate any statistics.

1/7/2002 4:54:02 PM

New Recruit
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We need this.

1/7/2002 6:24:59 PM

All American
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This seems pretty cool, but I have to ask who entered all the data. Seems like all of my professors names are spelled wrong ("Schrag" shows up as S Hrag"). Nothing major except that if you made it so you could look up info on a particular professor (maybe thats there already, I havent looked at it througly), you wouldnt be able to find Schrag...or other professors. Otherwise, pretty cool...maybe you can add something like the teacher evaluation site to this? Does that site even still exist?

1/8/2002 1:30:17 AM

All American
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i'm sure that's inconsistencies in the NCSU database. They have probably not been very consistent over the past few years about what initials and how many letters of the last name they have included, therefore leading to errors

1/8/2002 1:40:28 AM

All American
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Ugh...I dunno...their names show up correctly on Registration and Records and TRACS. Where else would this data be pulled from?

1/8/2002 2:40:41 AM

The Boss
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that particular instructor was probably my fault. i have it automatically assume that it is in the unity address format (first two initials then last name) if there are 4 or more consonants to start out the name. i guess "schrag" failed my test.

the thing is, i wouldn't even have this fucking problem if registration and records would get their shit together and list their stuff in a common format. their listings are HORRIBLE. misspellings, abbreviations, different formats, etc.. they SUCK!

1/8/2002 12:36:26 PM

All American
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hey, i'm wondering how Average GPA of classes in schedule is calculated... is that just for this semester? or does that mean my schedule for all the semesters that are entered? also, you mentioned comparing my schedule to other wolfwebbers schedules... how is that done?

1/8/2002 12:43:25 PM

The Boss
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average GPA of schedule averages all of the average GPAs from the classes that you have taken that have a grade distribution.

the "percentile within user schedules" tells how your schedule falls within all of the other users scedules in terms of the GPA mentioned before. a lower percentile means your schedule has been harder. a higher percentile means yours is easier.

1/8/2002 2:24:30 PM

All American
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damn... my schedule is in the 6th percentile.

1/8/2002 2:57:50 PM

All American
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That School Tool pic w/ Mr. Keenan is awesome!

1/8/2002 4:52:12 PM

All American
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mass add does not appear to work for me

1/8/2002 10:09:30 PM

Tom Green
All American
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Yeah, same here. I've submitted my Degree Audit two different times about three days ago, and it's still not up ... is that a software problem, or do you have to enter it by hand yourself, CrazyJ?

1/10/2002 6:20:54 PM

The Boss
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some of the degree audits that people have sent me have been altered, probably by the browser. try from a differently computer and see how that works! otherwise, the only way i can help is if you email me your degree audit to

1/11/2002 11:20:09 AM

All American
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did you ever get any ideas from my thread^^

1/17/2002 1:58:46 AM

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