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 Stories » Do You Know who the Chancellor is......?

Do You Know who the Chancellor is......?

submitted by Satch on Wednesday, December 6 2000 at 1:25 AM

I think it is kind of interesting that a lot of freshman dont really know who she is. I have seen her a couple times. What do you think about her? The job she has done? I know as a freshman last year there was a pretty positive feeling about her. I know with the tuition increase and the cancellation of the lawn party and brent road her popularity has decreased. You can comment on that, but what other things come to mind when speaking of Chancellor Fox? I will hold my judgement for later, seeing as I have already lit some fires around here.... Let me know what you guys think. We now have Technician staff and student leaders hopping on wolfweb everyday. Drop some knowledge....

posted by Maugan on Thursday, December 7 2000 at 12:23 AM

All American
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I've met her once. She seemed nice and all, however, I can't say that I particularly cared for her decision to mail my parents about the brent road fiasco. It was almost as if she thought that we adults were not capable of making decisions of our own.

If she wanted to score kudos with me, she would have sent the letter to ME instead of my parents. Sending materials behind our backs like that is like a slap in the face.

The tuition increase was a bit of a let-down as well.

I'm sure that something will come up that will restore my faith in her as a leader, however, lately though, she seems to be the headmistress of the administration's war against the students.

12/7/2000 12:28:17 AM

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I think the biggest beef I got with the University at this point (and I direct it at the MAF because she has all the power) is campout. I keep hearing about alternative measures to give out tickets et cetera and it pisses me off cause I know the campout fiasco last year was very atypical of what it had been in the past. At first I was appalled much like the University was. I was cringing when they were cutting down trees to burn on the fires and I was cringing when I saw them ripping that poor girls bumper off her Blazer. I was like this is not very cool. But then I got to thinking about it and I realized there had to be less than 10 cops patrolling the place (and that is being conservative, I bet there was only like 5). So in my opinion this shifts some blame to the administration. Then with the whole FSU malay this year I was like, the University screwed up again. Their blatant ignorance to student affairs pisses me off. But do we place all the blame on them??? Is it the administrations job to come to students and ask about feedback, perhaps this should be the case but it isn't. This is where student government is supposed to be working for us. But I just haven't really seen any action that is benefitting what students want? I don't know about you guys but how phat would it be to organize a walk out day, where we all just get up and leave class in the name of bringing back campout. And on top of that sitting outside or protesting outside of the Chancellors home. With the addition of a few more cops, cops that will arrest that .1% that ruined it for us last year, campout could go off without a hitch.

12/7/2000 12:48:04 AM

New Recruit
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i agree with you about the walk out that would be cool definately and it may even bring some thing to lite or even get a fire under their asses started so that they ask us how we feel about things like the campout

me and a couple friends hid in the bushes beside reynolds to get tickets and we were like 3rd in line and got like 14 tickets but i would have been pissed off had i not gotten any after sitting out there for about 7 hours!

i am behind you on the protest though and i would like to see the brent road partys continue in their normal manner--i have yet to get to experience one because i am a freshman!


12/7/2000 1:31:50 AM

All American
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I dislike her as any red blooded american should.
She is dishonest and I dislike those people.

Ex. At the tuition increase meeting she dodged questions pertaining to pay raises and fees that were dubious from the beginning. When you asked her where the money for the computer use fees were going she brushed you off, that kinda says something. She never explained or apologized.

I hate the admin. at State, they don't care at all.
From the lowly cashier's office to the Chancelor , all they care about is money and you are just a number to them. It seems that to get any attention from them you must build them a library or ESA.

12/7/2000 1:35:29 AM

Special K
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damnit Maugan, I just put scud's story up to get people to write stories. Now you pushed it farther down the page. I'm coming after you............
Just kidding, it's allright....this time..........

12/7/2000 1:42:00 AM

All American
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i've talked to her twice, she a nice person, but doesnt seem concerned with student affairs....She seems more concerned with business affairs of the school

12/7/2000 2:40:16 AM

All American
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she seems pretty cool, one time while tailgaiting at a football game, she was walkin by and i asked her to take a pic with me, i was holding a beer in the picture even though i was only 18, it was pretty funny

12/7/2000 2:41:02 AM

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I think she has done a lot of good for the school. Athletics and academics have improved under her. While these changes may be ultimately driven by $ (for alumni contributions) it is beneficial for the school. -and hey the more $ our school has the better it will be.

Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be particularly concerned with student affairs though. I didn't particularly appreciate the mailing for Brent Road, though I don't know how much she had to do with the actual ordinance.

12/7/2000 11:27:41 AM

All American
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Look, the reason that she sent the letter to parents is this: she (and the rest of The Man) knows that many college students don't show respect to authority figures, e.g. police, professors, even parents. But she does know that if you're going to listen to ANY authority figure, it's most likely your parents. (Especially if you're a freshman.) It sure as hell isn't the chancellor. It makes sense. Now whether she should have gotten involved at all. . . I think so. The City was bitching at us, and she had to show a good faith effort that she was trying to keep the peace.

12/7/2000 1:38:34 PM

All American
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Sure I listen to my parents, but if she wanted to gain respect with the students, she should have addressed the letter to us, not our parents.

I changed my permanent address at State because of that letter.

12/7/2000 2:18:35 PM

All American
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Maugan - I think it was pretty obvious that she didn't want students going to that party anyway. I suppose it would have been a nice gesture to send it to the students, but it was common knowledge around campus, and printed in the Technician, that she wanted students to stay away from Brent Road. It wasn't a sneak attack on students via their parents.

12/7/2000 3:28:52 PM

All American
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the city ordinance was passed while the administration wasnt around i have met some that would have protested it

12/8/2000 9:11:00 AM

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