spookyjon All American 21682 Posts user info edit comment |
What sort of intelligence failure resulted in recommending Larisa? 3/31/2002 11:14:37 PM |
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit comment |
I'm uneligible too, but vote for me anyways. 3/31/2002 11:17:04 PM |
GiZZ All American 6982 Posts user info edit comment |
is it not possible for the best canidate to not be a wolfweb member?
i second the larissa sentiment. 3/31/2002 11:17:55 PM |
evilbob All American 4807 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "demonstrates willingness to involve TWW" |
I think they were judged on tww participation. Where are thsoe peeps with 10,000 posts? Insaneman? Stinger? Myrtle? Etc. These need to be our choices!
[Edited on March 31, 2002 at 11:19 PM. Reason : sdf]3/31/2002 11:19:10 PM |
Wolfpack2K All American 7059 Posts user info edit comment |
CHASS JUNIORS!! What about MARK MATTHEWS?!!! 3/31/2002 11:28:26 PM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
shoulda gave mike a thumbs down 3/31/2002 11:29:31 PM |
CalliPHISH All American 10883 Posts user info edit comment |
Larissa has been at NCSU how long? 3/31/2002 11:30:06 PM |
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit comment |
i third the larissa sentiment 3/31/2002 11:30:41 PM |
roguewolf All American 9069 Posts user info edit comment |
yeah just to make sure you guys dont forget about us! ---CHASS Juniors--- Mark Matthews--markgoal Nick DiColandrea--roguewolf Wes Gray
We two old SG peeps that have been here for a loong time, haven't we Mark?
[Edited on March 31, 2002 at 11:33 PM. Reason : hoppy easter!] 3/31/2002 11:31:57 PM |
marko Tom Joad 72833 Posts user info edit comment |
reckless 3/31/2002 11:39:46 PM |
Wolfpack2K All American 7059 Posts user info edit comment |
Woohoo!! Yeah...Roguewolf also for CHASS Juniors!
Geez...we knew CHASS was the red-headed stepchild of the University, but I didn't know we were the red headed stepchild of TWW also!! 3/31/2002 11:40:56 PM |
BFIncarnate Terminated 604 Posts user info edit comment |
who is larissa? is she an idiot or something? 3/31/2002 11:40:56 PM |
PackQT82 All American 3370 Posts user info edit comment |
Vote for Abdullah Tharpe...AB is the SHIT!!! 3/31/2002 11:49:35 PM |
CrazyJ The Boss 2453 Posts user info edit comment |
should be fixed 3/31/2002 11:52:37 PM |
daJOel All American 1582 Posts user info edit comment |
sorry, caps locked function was on
either way, fuck your stupid guide! 3/31/2002 11:54:12 PM |
evilbob All American 4807 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "who is larissa? is she an idiot or something?" |
http://technicianonline.com/read/tol/opinion/004863.html 3/31/2002 11:54:13 PM |
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit comment |
Larisa is the most qualified Pro-Change candidate. If you want to actually MAKE the changes that Travis is pushing for, then she is the candidate to do that. 4/1/2002 12:02:15 AM |
CrazyJ The Boss 2453 Posts user info edit comment |
if you guys don't think they're involvment in TWW matters, just take our recommendations with a grain of salt! 4/1/2002 12:03:19 AM |
ShatteredE Veteran 228 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "If you want to actually MAKE the changes that Travis is pushing for, then she is the candidate to do that." |
Those changes are up to the Senate. If the Senate wants them, it'll go right through any Presidential veto. If the Senate doesn't want them, no amount of pleading from the SBP is going to change that.4/1/2002 12:06:51 AM |
kiljadn All American 44690 Posts user info edit comment |
Fuck the bullshit, vote Travis. 4/1/2002 12:08:02 AM |
BFIncarnate Terminated 604 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "who is larissa? is she an idiot...?" |
"All signs point to yes."- David Puddy
[Edited on April 1, 2002 at 12:12 AM. Reason : edit]4/1/2002 12:10:27 AM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
write justin blackford for cheif justice 4/1/2002 12:13:11 AM |
constovich All American 2340 Posts user info edit comment |
write in Joseph Constant for Student Media Authority Board, please. 4/1/2002 12:23:06 AM |
Wortham Veteran 115 Posts user info edit comment |
Ouch, Travis, that hurts. 4/1/2002 12:33:41 AM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
it shouldn't, i don't recall talking to you 4/1/2002 12:50:35 AM |
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit comment |
Voting for Travis gains attention for him and his cause, but improves Mike's chances of winning. Use your vote as you see fit, but just be aware of what it's effect will be.
Perhaps a more important race, however, is the SSP race. Just know your issues when you vote.
[Edited on April 1, 2002 at 1:11 AM. Reason : clarifying, not hating on anyone's opinion] 4/1/2002 1:01:35 AM |
BeckNCSU Canadian Bacon 6972 Posts user info edit comment |
I will not vote for Larissa b/c I was told she was in favor of the tuition increase 4/1/2002 1:14:28 AM |
BeckNCSU Canadian Bacon 6972 Posts user info edit comment |
I think it will be interesting to see how many of the people with the thums up will win....the wolf web will havea bgi impact on the resutls I am sure. 4/1/2002 1:17:50 AM |
mentaldave05 All American 597 Posts user info edit comment |
hey all! any textiles people out there.... write in DAVID ALLEN as a textile senator! thank you very much 4/1/2002 1:53:09 AM |
evilbob All American 4807 Posts user info edit comment |
Tech did interviews with the candidates. They are up on the page and may prove helpful in cutting through fluff of position statements. 4/1/2002 1:54:52 AM |
NCSUsen dc All American 1496 Posts user info edit comment |
voting for travis really doesn't help mike's chances, unless he can get over 50% of the votes, in that case, it doesn't matter that people voted for travis instead of larisa. travis will force a runoff and since he is pretty much not elegible, there will be a runoff between larisa and mike with no option of a write in. 4/1/2002 2:11:30 AM |
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit comment |
Do you know if votes for an ineligible candidate (Travis) would count towards the total number of votes that the winning candidate needs a majority over?
A hypothetical situation to look at:
Mike 45 votes Travis 30 votes Larisa 20 votes Clarence 5 votes
Mike would have 45/100 of the votes cast (not majority), but if Travis's weren't counted, then he would have 45/65 (a majority). It would seem that Travis's votes would have to be included in the total. Can anyone shed some light on this? 4/1/2002 2:39:18 AM |
NCSUsen dc All American 1496 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "§7-1.25. Single Seat Winners.
For any race in which only one position is available, the winner shall be the candidate who receives a simple majority (greater than 50%) of the votes casts. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of the vote, a run-off election shall be conducted. The top two candidates will be in the run-off. If there is a tie for the second seat, all three candidates will be in the run-off." |
so mike would only have 45%, thus a runoff.4/1/2002 2:56:34 AM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
if they dont count my votes its gonna be like the LA riots up in this mothafucka 4/1/2002 2:56:43 AM |
ShatteredE Veteran 228 Posts user info edit comment |
"Illegial votes" (the technical term), that is votes for inelgible candidates, fictitious persons, etc are still tallied into the total votes cast. My understanding is this is how the run-off for SSP last year happened, as there aren't too terribly many students meeting the service requirement for SSP.
If you think about this, it makes sense, as a majority victory requirement's purpose is to ensure more people want the person elected than don't. I'd say those casting "illegial votes" are very much not wanting some other person or people. 4/1/2002 3:20:28 AM |
FuhCtious All American 11955 Posts user info edit comment |
I wanted to refrain from commenting on any names in the elections, but since this endorsement came out I had to say something, for those people who might base their votes solely on this.
Larisa is completely unqualified for the office. She has been here since the beginning of last year, and I saw firsthand the job she did when I worked with her. Maybe things have changed since then, but in both of the student organizations I was part of with her, she failed to adequately perform her duties.
She has a lot of spirit, and is intelligent, but fails to follow through effectively. In addition, her views often drove away people from the organization who had the ability to bring quality ideas to the table. As an individual I respect her ideas and views, but not as a campus leader.
I have had the good fortune to work with many people since coming to NCSU who have been diligent workers, but I have also had the misfortune of working with a lot of people who think that effective governance comes through idealistic measures. It does not. It is the result of persistence and hard work. 4/1/2002 5:14:50 AM |
Karen61 All American 569 Posts user info edit comment |
Write in Karen Walser for engineering juniors! 4/1/2002 8:02:54 AM |
Kay_Yow All American 6858 Posts user info edit comment |
markgoal...I used to have a lot of respect for you until you said:
Quote : | "Larisa is the most qualified Pro-Change candidate." |
She hasn't done anything all year. I guess that's what pro-change means: going from doing nothing to doing something maybe. Pro-change candidates are people who haven't been involved at all and want to bring about change (Clarence and Travis), not people who have been involved, but haven't done anything.
[Edited on April 1, 2002 at 8:35 AM. Reason : correction]4/1/2002 8:16:41 AM |
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't mean to say that she is the most experienced. That is obviously Mike. He has done many good things in his time in SG. However, he is not pro-change if you will.
Of Clarence, Travis, and Larisa, Larisa is the only one with any experience. That is the general idea of my statement. You may feel that she is not qualified, but I challenge you to find a more qualified pro-change candidate. 4/1/2002 10:42:03 AM |
Kay_Yow All American 6858 Posts user info edit comment |
Mike's proven his effectiveness as a leader. Larisa hasn't even come close.
I'd vote for Travis and Clarence before I voted for Larisa. She ought to have run for president of the UAB with her concerts and what not. 4/1/2002 11:09:48 AM |
BFIncarnate Terminated 604 Posts user info edit comment |
Mike is a gigantic bitch that takes it up the ass. 4/1/2002 2:29:03 PM |
ViperNCSU Veteran 300 Posts user info edit comment |
Like it really matters who wins...
After the election no one cares because we never see them do ne thing to help the students... At least I dont...
Who ever gets the job will do the job... It will get done but I dont see how they have ne power NCSU admin will do whatever they want with or without our consent...
All they care about is our tuition money and apeasing us for 4-5 years...
Maybe if someone explains what they can exactly do and how much power they really do have. I might change my opinion...
Note: do they control the money... If not then they have no power.
4/1/2002 2:29:14 PM |
BFIncarnate Terminated 604 Posts user info edit comment |
they shouldn't have the power. they're fucking students. it's just here so all the little "high achievers" can get to together and play grabass together. if state let a bunch of 19 year olds have serious input, then I would find another school. 4/1/2002 2:55:32 PM |
ThePitts All American 12560 Posts user info edit comment |
Hey Travis - I voted for you, you can pay me anytime now, preferably in small, unmarked bills. 4/1/2002 2:59:49 PM |
jsquared All American 15944 Posts user info edit comment |
i know Dan Pydynowski (media election), he lives diagonally across the hall from me. cool, dopwn-to-earth guy. vote for him. 4/1/2002 3:08:23 PM |
FuhCtious All American 11955 Posts user info edit comment |
Well I am not exactly thrilled with everything and everyone in Student Government, but those of you who say they have no power and don't do anything are just ignorant.
If you ever showed up you would see what they can and on occasion actually do accomplish. My problem is not with their power or the reasons people serve, but rather the fact that so much CAN be done, and yet so little actually IS. 4/1/2002 4:00:37 PM |
evilbob All American 4807 Posts user info edit comment |
4/1/2002 6:46:34 PM |
ViperNCSU Veteran 300 Posts user info edit comment |
If they can do so much
Where is the results
I cant beleive in all this time that they have nothing to show for anything... That is sad... 4/1/2002 11:15:13 PM |
Kay_Yow All American 6858 Posts user info edit comment |
I think I've done my job--and I know that my constituents are pleased with my work.
I'd just like to point out:
A vote for Josh Cox is a vote for Gary Palin. 4/2/2002 9:14:03 AM |
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "I'd just like to point out:
A vote for Josh Cox is a vote for Gary Palin." |
While Palin supports Josh Cox, so do many others that often oppose Palin. This includes 2 co-authors of the bill to impeach Gary Palin.4/2/2002 9:38:20 AM |
woofpack13 New Recruit 12 Posts user info edit comment |
um yeah some how my information got placed as the link for jlov125 for student body pres. Yeah that isnt me just thought yall should know that so it doesnt make that person look as bad, seeing as i only joined over easter and who ever was trying to say something about that. 4/2/2002 7:51:28 PM |