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 Stories » 2nd Annual Students' Day at the Capitol - TUESDAY!

2nd Annual Students' Day at the Capitol - TUESDAY!

submitted by doozer511 on Thursday, January 30 2003 at 5:49 PM

On Tuesday, February 4th at 11 AM, students from across the state will join together at the North Carolina General Assembly in support of issues concerning North Carolina Higher Education. Students' Day at the Capitol is an event designed to establish a relationship between students and their representatives to try to push forward students' concerns. Several issues that will be specifically highlighted this year are the following:

- Fully funding financial aid
- No tuition increases for the 2003-2004 academic year
- Putting enrollment growth in the continuation budget
- Student vote on the Board of Governors

So please come out on Tuesday and lend support to issues that will affect every student in the UNC system and particularly at NCSU! Let's not wait until we are facing tuition increases and budget cuts to make a presence then it is almost too late.

For more information stay tuned to, call the UNC Association of Student Governments office at 715-2431 or drop me an email -!

THANKS and I'll see you all on Tuesday!
~Amanda Devore

P.S. - In talking to Chancellor Fox she says Students' Day at the Capitol is an excused absense, so any professors that give you trouble send them her way.

posted by JAllen1127 on Friday, January 31 2003 at 10:04 AM

All American
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Isn't there arranged transportation? Maybe that should be posted.

[Edited on January 31, 2003 at 11:42 AM. Reason : ok]

1/31/2003 11:30:14 AM

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Because of NC State location in proximity to the Capitol, ASG has not arranged transportation. Josh Cox (Student Senate President) and Mike Anthony are working on that. I will be happy to post the exact details of their plan as soon as they release it. But, I do not know any details right now. Does anyone else know anything?

Additionally, it's only a mile or two, all are welcome to drive down themselves around their class schedule if they wish.

1/31/2003 12:29:14 PM

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UPDATE - Josh Cox has arranged for BUSES to pick up NCSU students outside of Witherspoon Student Center at 10:30 AM TUESDAY!

Time for the PACK to REPRESENT!

1/31/2003 1:32:49 PM

All American
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dammit why aren't we talking to them about the HEA?

1/31/2003 5:35:57 PM

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Hey everyone, this is probably the best student cause and moment to happen for us this year. We must keep up the pressure and stand up and fight for the future.

This is not some silly club event where nothing gets done. This is not some day where if you dont go and stand up some one else will for you. IT IS TIME TO ACT. This is where we keep moving forward and fighting for education for us all and our next generation.

This Wolfwebber will be there, bright and early !

See ya there.

1/31/2003 11:36:10 PM

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I highly recommend this to each and every student. Whether or not you are "politically-minded" it will teach you a lot in a real short time about the leaders of this state that we seem to vote for over and over.

On the other side, I hate to see that the "new" leaders of Student Government did not learn anything about the last time that we did this...for example, last time three issues was too many...major pain in the ass for all students (because they didnt know what in the hell they were talking about; now there is four.

Also, I highly recommend calling each and every rep and senator to let them know you will be swinging by. The G.A. is just getting started (thats why we did it later last year) and things are crazy out there with the ceremonies and luncheons everyone is attending. And if teh house doen't come up with a leadership arrangement by then, you can say goodbye to seeing each and every one of them that day.

I hope I am not sounding too negative. This is an awesome thing...but it has to be planned, especially by people who know what is going on out there. You can count me in though. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

2/1/2003 12:43:29 PM

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Quote :
"UPDATE - Josh Cox has arranged for BUSES to pick up NCSU students"

I hope it's not the prison buses. I hate those damn things.

What about lunch? Is there still free lunch ?

Where's the grammar ninjas? Is "annual" the right word? I don't think it is. Students' Day only happens during the long sessions at the legislature (though, as of recently, there haven't been any short sessions). So technically, it should be the 2nd biennial Students' Day at the Capitol.

I agree with NCSUCOO about the planning--three issues was way too many for the first one, and I would've just chosen two key ideas for this year. You have to make sure that you got issues that everyone can easily articulate to legislators. Keep the speeches short and sweet. If President Broad is speaking, make sure she actually talks about the moratorium (last time, she skirted all the issues). If anyone from the BOG is speaking, make sure they endorse the student vote on the BOG. Basically, I'm suggesting that you know what everyone else is gonna say before they say it...

But yeah...if the House is still debating on the shared leadership plan (which is likely), then the day will be pretty wasted.

I'll be chilling with NCSUCOO reminscing about days past or hanging out with some of my "friends" in the legislature.

2/1/2003 4:10:49 PM

All American
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Oh yeah.

2/2/2003 12:04:24 AM

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trust me COO and Kay, we are prepared for the day. Everything is planned to the t, its gonna be a great day.

2/2/2003 11:17:30 PM

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4 issues is not planning rogue.

[Edited on February 2, 2003 at 11:27 PM. Reason : .]

2/2/2003 11:22:15 PM

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There's honestly nothing that can prepare you for a day like me. But like NCSUCOO said, four items is far too much to talk about in the short time that you have.

And besides, you couldn't have prepared for the fact that the House will probably be without a speaker and working on their shared leadership plan. Students' day shouldn't have been so early in the session.

2/2/2003 11:45:31 PM

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However, our comments are only constructive criticism. I hope that the day goes wonderfully, and I have a lot of faith in the leaders of that organization (well...some of them).

2/3/2003 6:49:05 AM

All American
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Well thanks for the contrustive critism, I welcome it in good faith. I hope we shock ya Kay with our preparedness

4 issues? Well i wasnt it charge of that, but i think students can handle it. (sorry gotta run to class!)

[Edited on February 3, 2003 at 8:59 AM. Reason : aaah]

2/3/2003 8:57:13 AM

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The reason for the 4 issues is that the set up for this year's event is a bit different from the 1st SDAC. Rather than counting on everyone in attendance being completely up on all 4 issues we are covering in such a way that they could effectively lobby, we are bringing in about 50 students from across the state tonight (Monday) to join as the "lead team". These students have appointments with the legislators in their school's district tomorrow morning before the rally. Tonight we will be having a workshop of several hours to prepare these students on the issues. The numbers of students representing each school on the "lead team" varies from 1-5 depending on the number of representatives in their district.

So, yes, additionally every rep and senator has been informed of Students' Day at the Capitol. We have made appointments with them in the morning and are inviting them to join us for lunch (yes, that is free lunch).

Any other questions?


[Edited on February 3, 2003 at 12:25 PM. Reason : typo]

2/3/2003 12:22:25 PM

All American
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So it is basically the same thing we did in the first one. The night before, we got a number of student leaders together for an educational seminar and then had them lead the way for each individual group during the meetings. It didn't work. In fact, I think we looked worse.

2/3/2003 11:46:59 PM

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2/5/2003 8:53:33 AM

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