Register to Run for Student Government!
submitted by nutsmackr on Thursday, February 13 2003 at 12:58 AM
Students wishing to run for Student Government should stop by 307 Witherspoon between Monday February 17th and Monday March 3rd to pick up the necessary forms to run for Student Government, as well as to hand in their intent to run form. Applications should also be available online at
On March 5th, there will be a mandatory All Candidates Meeting held in the Student Senate Chambers. All candidates must attend or send an alternate, otherwise they will be dropped from the ballot. Elections will be April 7th and 8th.
Those with questions about the upcoming election should attend the election commision meetings that are held Monday and Wednesday at 10:15 in the Student Senate room, on the second floor of Witherspoon.
Please get involved in Student Government, by either running for office, or by voting. It is the only way that we students can have a say and make NCSU a better place for all of us!
posted by JAllen1127 on Friday, February 14 2003 at 2:54 PM